Adam ruins everything

>be Adam
>kissless sexless beta cuck
>get tv show and speak liberal drivel
>try to delude self into thinking betas and alphas aren't real
>attempt to delude others that it isn't real so you can get pussy

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe focus on his argument rather than the goal's you think he has.

Just to suggest that there is no such thing as alphas and betas is ludicrous, there's always been alphas and betas

>Adam ruins everything
But he can't ruin pickle rick!

Sometimes what seems ludicrous turns out to be true.

How is there not alphas and betas?

So leaders are just myths

Very simple. The captain of the football team is a beta in a dungeons and dragons setting

uhhh no

Not true. One of my best friends was a pure Basketball Alpha (He was a white Norwegian). Hottest chicks, awesome car, all the typical chad traits. Dude still hung out with the nerds and played D & D with us. Was always the leader. The takeaway is that a chad is a chad, no matter the setting. Also that not all chads are assholes.

His argument is that leaders are relative to whatever role they are playing. Like when he shows the guys playing D&D and the alpha from before is portrayed as a "beta" in that role. The argument is flawed, because the term alpha usually is applied to one role, social dominance. Therefore, Adam's "theory" on relative alpha-ness proves nothing. The alpha that could dominate in social situations is an alpha in the true sense of the word. The alpha that can dominate in D&D, you would call him an alpha OF D&D, not an alpha WHO PLAYS D&D.

No, he'd be acting overly ballsy and fucking around with everyone, as opposed to respecting the group and acknowledging his lack of knowledge.

Sure, everyone wants to be the Virgin and not Chad

Alpha males exist, but they're extremely rare. Most alpha males are doing time in prison because they're too alpha for society to handle.
The biggest alpha male I ever met was 5'2", chubby as fuck, covered head to toe in tattoos. He was the guy running the unit I was in. Surrounded himself by tall, muscular white guys who could have totally kicked his manlet ass, but this short guy was so alpha that he was able to make all these other guys respect and follow him.

See his video. I personally think being an Alpha is a vague term that varies from person to person and it needs a proper definition before I would consider the hypothesis further.
Was Gandhi an Alpha? Is Bernie an Alpha?

>muh alpha male
we've already got a term for guys who go in and kill all the males who can't defend themselves



Fuck off, Adam. Only other cucks fall for your bullshit. Gorillas and Chimps live in troops and it's been proven that there is always a troop leader, or a group of 'alphas' who hunt and get to eat first, etc.

Even in the workforce, those with alpha qualities like leadership skills and intelligence tend to get put in charge. Not that a liberal cuck like you would know anything about having an honest job.

also a manlet

The tv show is filled with flaws the episode on why trump couldn't build a wall was
>hurr durr you can't build a wall because there is mountains

>the term alpha usually is applied to one role, social dominance.


Nobody cares about how alpha you can play a videogame or how alpha you are at eating cheerios. The only metric that matters is whether or not you can impregnate a good female.

Gandhi was an alpha Bernie was not

Well for one thing the social sciences are mostly bullshit. Another thing, Adam didn't even debunk Alphas and Betas, he merely stated that the Alpha and Beta system in wolves are a myth, and bonobos live in a matriarchal society. How the fuck does that apply to humans again? While bonobos are our closest living genetic relative we have nukes, they have sticks. Different fucking worlds.

He doesn't debunk in most of the episodes

Well, he completely disregarded the fact that in the context with wolves; while they are made up of a family unit, the father still has to be alpha enough for the mother to want to mate with him: the Alpha-Male and the Alpha-Female. This is also forgoes the fact that when confronted with another pack, it is always the Alpha-Male that squares off with the Alpha-Male of the other pack

The entire episode was a "LOOOOOOOK! Everything we know is wrong!" yet completely omitting the entire breadth of research and context

Whether or not you can impregnate a good female depends on what the prevailing culture values, the female biological imperative is to follow trends. If D&D was a trillion dollar industry with top roleplayers getting huge contracts you could establish high social status through playing D&D. Newton established his dominance in a social hierarchy that highly valued advancement of knowledge.

Freud and Frodo the chimps are great examples of different types of approaches to dominating the social hierarchy.

Is Bernie not a leader? Call him a cuck all you want, you have to admit he struck a chord with people.

He failed to lead the country




is episode about glasses and supplements was good.

Normies always say pseudoscience or "there's no evidence to support your claim." This is colloquial terminology, not science. No one ever made a claim that they were doing le science. Easy way to spot a weak intellect there, they will say one or both of those things

There are alphas and betas but those who sleep around generally aren't alphas. The alpha is simply the leader, and all great leaders are devoted to their wives and children. Men who sleep around or cheat on their wives don't have the respect of their children so they aren't alphas, the same is true of women who sleep around. So the dichotomy exists but not in the way most people use the terms.

All these butthurt Sup Forumscucks itt

Didnt ever think of it in that way. Good points!

> Fotball is a alpha setting
> D&D is a beta setting
> B-but if it was grills and shiet involved. Highly unlikely if so he would just get her number and bounce after the autistic games

Sounds like a cool guy desu

>Was Gandhi an Alpha?
Yes. He used his position to score with plenty of chicks, especially young girls. He was basically a glorified pedophile.
>Is Bernie an Alpha?
No, he is a textbook Beta. Even with all the selling out he did, he never got quality pussy in his life.

>Is Bernie not a leader?
Yes, he isn't. How can you not see it, cuckold from Reddit?

He is. He got with this annoying SJW chick and I don't think she likes his old friends from high school.

also dyke sister.
parents are batting 1.000 on this one. does he have any other f-d up siblings? or do the normal ones just not make it on his shit show?



Alphas exist in gorilla and chimps

Monkeys, hominids, apes, etc operate on this alpha / beta dynamic

So do lions

Hyenas and bonobos operate on an alpha female basis and the female hyenas actually rape the males regularly with "psuedo penises"

There's all sorts of crazy shit in nature

Also bonobos have a sort of Alpha male, basically the son of the alpha female gets to mate with 80% of the fertile females without expending any effort

Hopefully he doesn't marry her and take the long path to the inevitable redpilling

>try to delude self into thinking betas and alphas aren't real

Alpha and Beta aren't real though. The scientist who actually coined the phrase alpha and beta back in the 70's while he studies wolf society tried to correct his mistake for years. But it was too late. The liberals and feminist latched on to it to denigrate the majority of males.


Because humans are wolves

No need for race WHEN YOU'RE A PICKLE

It's nigger rick! He turned himself into a nigger!

Wolves aren't the only mammal species, genius

Gorillas, Lions, etc

There are plenty of examples

White nationalists are the most masculine, alpha "people" in the world, fuck those cucks amirite bros?!


>Adam ruins everything
Family portraits come to mind

Dude, liberal drivel gets you like a million five from Soros overnight.

Just ask Snopes.

>David Mech introduced the idea of the alpha to describe behavior observed in captive animals. Alphas, he wrote in his 1970 book "The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species," win control of their packs in violent fights with other males.

>But, as he outlined in a 1999 paper, he's since rejected that idea in light of research into the behavior of wolves in the wild.

>In nature, Mech writes, wolves split off from their packs when they mature, and seek out opposite-sex companions with whom to form new packs. The male and female co-dominate the new pack for a much simpler, more peaceful reason: They're the parents of all the pups.

>Mech writes on his website (with the lovely title Wolf News and Info) that his original book is "currently still in print, despite my numerous pleas to the publisher to stop publishing it."

He basically mistook Alpha/Beta with good parenting.

alpha and beta have an accidental corelation to brainwaves nomenclature.
alpha is a relaxed state while beta is the thinking sphere...


You sound like such a bitch, jesus. Why would you parade that fact in an online setting?

Like I stated who are the majority of researchers? Liberals. They've latched on to the alpha beta nomenclature with a fervo. So everything to them is alpha and beta.

When he said actual alpha wolves didn't exist, I knew he must have been smoking some wicked good stuff. If you watch any wolfpack it's obvious the biggest and strongest is not the alpha just because he's the father.

That entire video was disturbing. Obvious agenda pushing for cucked betas is obvious


Because I don't give a shit about what people think about me. Your feminine social shaming tactics have no power here. Which is it? Roastie or gay faggot?

Isn't this just a "Relativity" argument? Basically saying like "how do I know how you are real?" "It's all retaliative bro". Though I think his point was to see what was really was the top level of human social societies. In any case he really just 'mix-matches' the claim that alpha's/beta's don't exist in juxtaposition to different societal levels of existence.

tl;dr The concept of 'alpha' can he seen under other parts of the 'earth' ecosystem, but Adam tries to show us that the term 'alpha' is nullified to begin with. When all he has done is nullify one pointer to the idea of 'alphaism', it exists under different principals and names regardless.

Would you in fact like an online bitch parade, jesus. Why that such a sound setting?

>t. anonymous

I cringed.

But when people say a man is "alpha" or "beta", they are using the term as it pertains to humans, where an alpha man is strong and confident, while a beta man is awkward and weak.

When people say something fragments, they're not always talking about hard drives. Technical terms can have colloquial meanings, and there's nothing wrong with that.

>rick and morty + dab + kekistan
Dead board

Humans have known about dominance hierarchies since before written history, it's the only way to domestic animals.

>In the 2003 book "Sexual Selections: What We Can and Can't Learn about Sex from Animals," the biologist Marlene Zuk points out that social groups of hens do have "pecking orders." That is, hierarchies among the females with dominance asserted through pecking.

>But roosters are not part of those social groups, Zuk writes, and the idea that the top hen is somehow an "alpha male" bizarrely misgenders the dominant bird.

>All of which is to say: Humans who enjoy the idea of "alpha males" might want to keep in mind that there isn't really any such thing. And to the extent the term has any meaning at all, it describes the behavior of captive, lonely creatures.

>it describes the behavior of captive, lonely creatures.

>>kissless sexless beta cuck
The projection is so strong. He's dating the lady that makes Bojack Horseman

not to mention the beta/alpha thing isn't a perfect way to describe humans, it's a slang concept that arose from a need for a "good enough" way of referring to the simple observable fact that there are a small number of men who slay pussy like it's unreal and tend to have assertive, dominant characteristics and that this is a natural extension of being part of a sexually dimorphic species.

I'm swUUUUUUUUUURPastika RIIICK!!! What do ya think about that, Morty??

Khris Kluew here.

What did you say about me you little bitch? You're KoS to my WoW guild now.

So a female boss is alpha? That's retarded.

Found the faggot

I swear summerfags have niggertier IQs

>Alexander the Great


There is no such thing as alpha females you retard. Alpha is a strictly male thing.

I'm beta, but I am working on to be alpha, probably more alpha that this fag. When I become alpha and have enough height and strength, I'll call for either beta genocide or indoctrination. I downloaded a couple videos.


In this edition, Adam Ruins Adam.
I had some respect for that dude until he made this video.

>Betas are alphas by obssesive grooming
So that's how you get out of the friendzone!
You lick the woman's ass while she bangs the other dude until she finally decides to give a pitiful look at your poor, wasted self.
>But user he is talking about man vs man, not man vs woman.
Oh, I'm sorry for being autistic then, you're right, ass-lickers always are CEOs and leaders.
I'm absolutely confident that the warlords won their battles by sucking their enemies dicks


fp most ignored due to common sense.

>There is no such thing as alpha females
>How does the Hyena hierarchy break down again?

"Alphas" and "betas" exist, sure, but only as a construction of a particular discourse. Human social behavior is incredibly complex, ironically enough constructing neat little reductionist forms to shape your reality with is part of that.