Why is there such a problem with homosexuality in modern neo-nazi and white supremacist groups?
I've tended to notice that they always seem to have loads of members who engage in homosexual activities or other sexually abnormal behavior like furry, pedophilia, etc.. What's to explain for this?
It's good to have gay around so people can't accuse you of being homophobic. If people criticize them, you can shut them right up by calling them homophobic instead. And just like Adolf Hitler used Ernst Rohm, they too will be discarded when the time comes.
Don't worry, the homofags and furries and other degenerates will be the first in the gas chambers.
Elijah Johnson
Didn't ernest orhm also plan somekind of coup?
Adam Ortiz
Himmler falsified documents saying he was being payed by France to take down Hitler. Genius move. Good excuse to get rid of the degeneracy, and let people know what will happen if you do try a coup. Rohm didn't know what hit him.
Eli Garcia
is it neonazis being homos or is it just Sup Forums is full of fags
Luis Smith
Is it useful to assfuck them every now and then too?
Jayden Thomas
A lot of people on the far-right hate God. Lots of fedorafags and Vargcucks. So it naturally follows that they would be sodomites
Camden Wood
Ethan Williams
if you find a dose of aids useful? or want to die screaming from syphilis?