>be me
>be above average looking white male
>be 6,0
>drop out of highschool, find new girlfriend who gets me hooked on weed
>break up with her because she cheated, learn to hate women
>I stop taking bullshit from women, start to see how crazy they are
>psycho white banshee throws a bottle of cranberry juice at my head one night outside of a pub
>go to hospital almost have concussion
>friend moves to Japan to go to school, I follow to get masters in physical therapy
>average japanese girl looks like pic related, soft pleasing voices, cute petite frame, pretty faces, most can cook
>fuck 13 Japanese girls in the course of 1 year and a half
>end up back in states, ready to commit suicide, devil harpy white girls and gorillas induce depression
White preservation is a lie
Other urls found in this thread:
as a weab I would really like it if that were true, but don't lie man, you know jap girls are generally hideous.
kill yourself
Wow Japan is an oil painting?
yellow fever weebs like you are the reason the west is falling
Depends where you go. The smaller islands are less culturally savvy in some parts and tend to look like leathery samurai
This week in things that are fake and gay.
You should breed with an Asian. They are winning the race war.
Japanese people for a big part have paler skin than many """white""" people (just look at Russell Brand e.g. and compare it with your OP image)
they're basically white with different eyes
Are you serious dude, it's not like there's a significant number and it's not like it's the cause of anything. It's a symptom.