卐 Founded 09/22/2016 by Garrett (Not FBI)卐
Population as the creation of this thread: 3507 Users
Link can be found in the OP picture
Alternative link here: flyt.it
The pol Discord was formed after the scare when the US handed over control of the internet to the United Nations. Concerning that Sup Forums was about to be kill, the original users made a discord and advertised the discord on the thread. Month after month hundreds and thousands of users flocked to the discord for a more structured and organized place for politically incorrect discussion. There were raids against many foes and friendships were founded with other discords. Many famous autists and kameraden from the board passed through the doors of the server. There was drama, too much fucking drama holy shit.Over that time the community grew and grew. New channels were introduced to represent the growing community and the mod group was expanded. Happenings happened, memes were memed, and there was autism on a scale that had never been seen before. A lot of fun times are had in this discord, and every night when you hop on you; will see channels full of people talking in text. You hop on voice chat in the general channels and you hear Sup Forums, in all its grandeur. This is the Sup Forums discord.
Sup Forums BANTZ - Enter the Australian Shitposter (Discord)
Sup Forums watches the 2016 US Election (Discord) [4k]
Sup Forums watches the First 2016 Presidential Debate (Discord)