Romanian Girls

So i have been dating girls of various races and colours lately. Going by the rule that you can date up a couple of points by dating non white girls.

Got a date with a super cute Romanian girl, what can i expect her to be like politically? She already said she doesn't like niggers, which makes me worry about inviting her to dinner parties and other social outings.

What are Romanian women likely to be like?

>She already said she doesn't like niggers, which makes me worry about inviting her to dinner parties and other social outings.
I took the b8 and lol'd

all women are the same. women always follow the way of a man

Fuck off, Chad.

>Got a date with a super cute Romanian girl
Romanians aren't nice people, especially cute girls. They seem nice at first, but they are not. They are throat people.

Now move along, Chad, you are not welcome here. This is a politics board.

>What are Romanian women likely to be like?

Very good at stealing your wallet.

Ask her what she stole recently

Fuck Romanianiggers

Wow, i tak that you find me to be a chad a compliment, i am like two steps from being a neckbeard desu.

I just set my stall out in a non negative way and seem to be able to get dates with girls fairly regularly.

You will wake up with your wallet stolen if you sleep with that woman

>T. Hungarian who knows about Gypsies

Beware, the only magic these gypsies know is to make your stuff disappear

most romanians hate niggers, homosexuals, trannys, and think Americans are complete pussies.

But we live in cali it's a blue state and cucked as fuck.

>She already said she doesn't like niggers, which makes me worry about inviting her to dinner parties and other social outings.

Maybe you should stop hanging around niggers?

Kinda comes with the territory of my job/

I actually didn't mention this to her though, she mentioned it on her own, unprompted. Hence my worries about her decorum in social settings.

Chad, I do not care what you say. "Super-cute Romanian girls" do not go out with neckbeards, unless you pay them.

Now go and play Playstation or something or swipe some more on your Tinder.

Are you a prison guard?

What worries? What's the issue?

They only steal your heart.

The irony here is Hungary has more gypos than Romania. Nice try Chang

Where i live, you can totally date cute eastern european girls quite easily. Other than that, it is 19-22 yr olds, which gets a bit boring after a while.

It's just about getting out of your comfort zone, i pulled a posh hot english girl in a gay club a couple of months ago, she was a little bit disappointed when she realised i was kinda fat, but i still fucked her.

Dated a cute, nerdy Lithuanian animator last month.

haha nah, i work in a more social field

romanians, like most eastern-block country residents are the most "racist" you find in europe.
they live right next to subhuman tier countries like serbia and such so the realism gives in.

>Romanians aren't nice people, especially cute girls. They seem nice at first, but they are not. They are throat people.
Romanians are quite nice desu. have you even visited the country or just speaking on your own experience of seeing a tourist once?

>look at escorts
>all romanians

Use a condom user.

>Super-cute Romanian girls" do not go out with neckbeards, unless you pay them.
eastern european girls are easy as hell to get as someone from a richer part of the world.
ahmeds like you don't interest them though.

>i pulled a posh hot english girl in a gay club a couple of months ago
Look Chad, you might be that super hero who can "pull an English girl in a gay club", whatever that means, but we people on Sup Forums aren't. We are hard workers, yes, we WORK for a living. We pay our taxes, we say "yes sir", or "Yes mam" to our superiors and we go home to shitpost on Sup Forums.

Now go away with your Lithuanians and Romanians and 19yr old whatever girls.

>have you even visited the country or just speaking on your own experience of seeing a tourist once?
I know Romanians. I have been in Romania many years ago. I am not talking about the Romanians there, I am talking about the Romanians here, especially the "cute girls". Materialistic as hell. I drive a used Audi A4, it is a decent car. A "cute" Romanian wouldn't even look at me with that car - you need to have a Porsche.

haha, get out there man, i am fucking hideous and still do okay.

>eastern european girls are easy as hell to get as someone from a richer part of the world.
Wrong. They have a checklist. Car, apartment, job. You need to have all three lined up in a Chad way, or she is gone after you paid for her drink and heard her say "you are failure, I look now for real man, bye".

They're taking only Chad european men, not autistic poorfags like you.
>driving an Audi
Press S to spit, I know mediocre asshole executors driving better cars than you and changing them every 6 months.

>I am talking about the Romanians here
gee i wonder why golddigger whores give you a negative view on them

gyppos are fucking annoying and retarded

>Press S to spit, I know mediocre asshole executors driving better cars than you and changing them every 6 months.

I am being honest. I wonder who else is honest on this board. Apparently, everyone is super rich, driving sports cars and owning yachts... sure thing.

My cousin married a nice Romanian girl after 3 years of dating. She played a highly effective long game and left him right after she got citizenship.

they and their way of living is similar to western worlds' in the 90s so expect similar views

pretty good

pff... nothin personnel I guess

My car, by the way. I see nothing wrong with it.

>She played a highly effective long game and left him right after she got citizenship.
See, this is what I mean. They do whatever it takes to get ahead. They won't stay with non-chads.

You have to hit them from time to time or they bored and look for adventures.

>You have to hit them from time to time or they bored and look for adventures.
They are waiting for the hitting nowadays. Next day the police knocks to take you to the police station. 15 days later, you got 4 years in prison and she the house, the car, the gold fish and even your baseball cards.

You do that and you get raped by the police, in court, by her family, her friends, her lover, her ex(es) and she will shit on your reputation in every way possible.

Only romanian chads can hit their women, western cucks will just get a "go to jail" card.

Well i guess you're right, this won't work in a country where you're not even allowed to publicly hate niggers.
Women like dogs can be your best friend they just need some discipline.

Why do so all the Romanians I've met speak fluent Spanish? Is it an official language or what?

Spanish and italian words sound like a faggier version of the romanian ones so it's easy to learn.

So assuming I can speak Spanish could I pick Romanian up fairly easy?

Well apparently they find it impossible to understand but that may be just bants/hatred.

They have stolen their language

>dating girls occupies an important part of my time

wew lad

You got that mixed up buddy boy.

Not manipulative
Don't even know or care what feminism is
Will fuck well
No hair on arms or anywhere else except head and brows (they wax)
Can get attached easily
Easy to fool
Inferiority complex towards UK, Germany and Scandinavia

I can go on if you want.

Foreign people have told me Romanian girls are the prettiest but I'm not sure about how real that is

Where is the best place to find a non-degenerate woman in Romania (low-partner count, housewife material)? I'm going to be vacationing in the country for 4 weeks in January.

I'm not a richfag but /fit/ and have good prospects (law student)

Cluj-Napoca look it up

Bucharest is full of fit girls but they are materialistic as fuck

search it.

It's easy as fuck to pull chicks if u're a chad. Also they are really fit.

I went to Noa club and pulled 4 girls. Did not bring any home, but fucked one of them the next day.

When I was growing up the only blonde in town was a gypsy girl.

To this day I find that blonde girls don't have as much personality as she did.

Best Romanian girls!

i need details for an accurate profile?

>skin color
>occupation / what is she doing in the UK