What is the most based Denomination and why is it Mormonism?

>deviant souls not willing to fight for god
>baby makers and home keepers
>King of all nations and peoples, god on earth
>ok in moderation. Beer is best.
>Trash. Divine Monarchy is the government of god

So tell me Sup Forums, whyd you rather be a cucktholic, or slack jaw protestant?

Other urls found in this thread:


Satanic Cult?
> lies about everything, including the origins of the church

Seriously, friends don't let friends become Mormon

Some readings for OP, the lost soul.


was a mormon for many years. Alcohol is strictly prohibited...

Yeah no you clearly don't know Mormonism. The nigger stuff is no longer taught, alcohol is banned in the Words of Wisdom, and Mormons are full supporters of democracy, even believing they'll one day save America and the Constitution.

By the church, great. Joeseph Smith never demanded no alcohol be consumed. The Word of Wisdom states explicitly but not literally that beer is best for regular consumption. This opposition to alcohol became a dick measuring contest once Smith died. Our faith as christians is not a fucking contest. Sorry you were too fucked to see that.

>alcohol is banned in the Words of Wisdom
It literally fucking isn't, read the fucking book before you talk about it.

None of those things are true anymore. Mormons are very cucked now.

You mean like here? It's listed under "harmful substances" alongside tea and coffee. Drinking alcohol is enough to revoke a temple recommend for a Mormon.


Joseph Smith was based as fuck though. Brilliant man. Banged teens with impunity. Had a literal army. Shaped Modern America in many ways.


>Mormons are very cucked now.
They're all extreme SJWs on anything except gays.
(((protestants))) are not trustworthy.

Judaism is just as if not more absurd as Mormonism. Wonder why South Park never shows the Maccabees murdering modern Jews for writing down the oral tradition? Easy story line. You will never see that happen.

Joseph Smith as a person was really smart and charismatic. He was also capable of picking good advisers for the situation like Brigham Young and Sidney Rigdon. That said without Brigham Young the religion would probably be a very tiny, irrelevant religion at best and dead at worst. Joseph wasn't able to keep it all together if he lived much longer. Brigham was the iron fist.

>Follows the book of Mormon
Ah heretics you mean?

Joseph Smith was a Chad?

So here we have a "Rule" based on some
>moderate adivice
>Didnt take hold until after smith died
>smith was known to smoke tobacco, drink coffee, and beer
also while
>Christ couldnt have possibly drunk anything besides alcohol, except for a rare clean well
Sorry if that sounds more like a foramlity rather than an autistic dick measuring contest between people spoiled by being born in a faith , having never had the hardship of living without christ.

Matt and Trey has a bit of a childhood fascination with Mormons due to growing up near a bunch in Colorado. They did say you could've took the idea of the Book of Mormon play, swap the words to fit any other religion, and it'd make just as much sense.

Pretty much

And if you tell your bishop you drink alcohol you'd lose your temple recommend faster than you could say Kolob. You go ask anyone in power in the church if drinking booze is okay and they'll all say no. Mormonism runs off the rule of "what the current prophet says is more important than what the one before it said" and Monson and pals say no booze.

Mormonism is not genuine Christianity. Jesus is not just god of the earth, all of creation is His. All creation was made through Him and for Him.

Yet they do things like make Jesus have anal sex with Satan and the only times they bring up Jews is to mock antisemitism or make Jews seem culturally funny.

Yeah, he was good looking, charismatic, and athletic.

By your everyday actions, others can also know that Mormons do not smoke and do not drink alcohol, coffee, or tea.



Great example. What happens next? You are proving my point.

Presbyters. God is in the mind and scripture softens the ego.


I agree they throw Jews softballs but that clip is obviously making fun of the fact that Jews see everything as anti-semitic and they often do live up to their own stereotypes.

I've grown around mormons my entire life and dated a few and learned my fucking lesson. If you aren't a Mormon, they'll treat you just like a Muslim would, minus the killing. They lie to your face and pretend to be your friend. They talk shit behind your back and despise you. Only good thing about Mormonism is they've repressed their youth so much that when the girls are teenagers they are complete sluts and freaks in bed.
I fucking hate Jews, but on a personal level I'd trust a Jew over a Mormon any day. Even the jack mormons are horrible people.