Dogs and wolves can interbreed and produce fertile offspring yet are considered as different subspecies

>dogs and wolves can interbreed and produce fertile offspring yet are considered as different subspecies
>all people are equal

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nigga you're lucky you don't have a job or you'd be fired

but I do

sure you do sweetie

It's nigger, not nigga, you moorish rape baby.

shut the fuck up nigger.

>i never implied it was good or high income

whatever you say mexico

>pretending you have a job a home and a computer when you're actually homeless and phoneposting with free socialized wifi
shit man dunno if i will make it this winter

>nearing mid 20's
>live with parents
>boss almost illiterate
>demands of me to translate his worklog into Eng
>"as a favor bro"
>no other choice
>minimum wage