>The Ben Shapiro Show is now the #2 podcast on iTunes
Will he get ahead of Oprah? Who even cares about Oprah these days? I see Ben Shapiro all over Facebook.
>The Ben Shapiro Show is now the #2 podcast on iTunes
Will he get ahead of Oprah? Who even cares about Oprah these days? I see Ben Shapiro all over Facebook.
wtf Iove Jews now
>Will he get ahead of Oprah?
he'll crash again once he falls for some girl and gets cucked
(((Ben Shapiro)))
I see him being promoted more on YouTube in my feed as well. I have to say I enjoy his content. His reasoning is very solid and he has good logic for almost all of his arguments. I have a theory though, all these platforms are now being policed and censored by the left. Smaller channels aren't being promoted but larger more "mainstream" voices are being placed their instead. It's an attempt to control the trajectory of the rightward push.
It's not exactly a secret that he's Jewish.
He needs his own show on Fox, replacing The Five or even Hannity
Ben is married
That's ascribing too much competence to the left.
Primary-era meme.
hes married with children