Why muslims in movies/tv series are depicted as peaceful human beings?

Why muslims in movies/tv series are depicted as peaceful human beings?

not in tyrant i recall

I guess in those universes the other 99% of Muslims had explosive vests that worked

Because film school students come from upscale white neighborhoods and have never encountered a muslim in their entire life.

You obviously didn't actually watch Oz.

Because its propaganda, just like how the norks show US soldiers still wearing 50s uniforms

It was kill or be killed situation for Kareem, but mostly in the series muslims were quiet peaceful.

(((They))) know you don't just fuck a butt, you have to stretch, finger, and lube it up first

because tv now is more about subverting the truth

by the end of the series he has a long rant where he realizes it's all a fraud and how islam enslaved "our brothers" ten times more, and worse, than whitey ever did, then gets (((killed))) in the same episode