Google Fires James Damore, Author of Anti-Diversity Memo

That's it, I'm done with Google for good. No more Chrome, no more Gmail, no more Google Maps. This shit is unacceptable.

All this guy did was voice his opinion about his company's hiring practices and put forth a reasonable argument about the gender gap in the technology sector. Whether you agree with his conclusions is unimportant. Google fired an employee because he voiced his opinion. They fired him because somebody's feelings got hurt. I hope his lawsuit holds up in court and he's able to retire off of whatever he can take from those greedy sons of bitches.

>In the memo, which is the personal opinion of a male Google employee and is titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” the author argues that women are underrepresented in tech not because they face bias and discrimination in the workplace, but because of inherent psychological differences between men and women. “We need to stop assuming that gender gaps imply sexism,” he writes, going on to argue that Google’s educational programs for young women may be misguided.

>The controversial memo broke the firm’s code of conduct, Google’s chief executive Sundar Pichai said on Monday in an email to employees.
>"It is contrary to our basic values and our Code of Conduct, which expects 'each Googler to do their utmost to create a workplace culture that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias and unlawful discrimination’."

>Read more about the memo:
>Why he was fired:
>Damore plans to file a lawsuit:

fuck dolan drmpf and fugg wyat pipo

>anti diversity memo
Swallowing the media's bluepill? His beef wasn't diversity per se, it was how Google doesn't allow differing points of view.

I phrased that poorly. I know this memo wasn't a statement against diversity in the workplace, but I didn't know what else to call it.

They called it "anti-diversity" when it was more like alt-diversity.

Stating the obvious really, anybody that's actually ever interacted with both men & women could tell you on average women are more interested in shoes than computer programming, just a fact of life.

Yes, but the average person doesn't appear to understand the difference between a general statement about a group and a statement on an individual based on generalizations. Sup Forums is no different.

>Anti-Diversity Memo

It was explicitly Pro-Diversity on reasonable grounds, such as diversity of opinion.

We should really meme and shill it being a Pro-Diversty Memo henceforth, for this reason.

google won't be getting (m)any more top tier talents. the shift of company culture started a while ago and is at a point of now being unbearable. it's why i declined to interview when approached by a recruiter. i was in the minority (i browse Sup Forums). but now, everyone i know who was thinking of going there or who does work there has flipped. google is huge and will take a while to die, but much like apple, who can't make a decent piece of software, look for them to start dropping the ball everywhere. all of a sudden it's a good time to be a start-up again.

Brave browser is pretty good, both for phone and desktop. Been using it for a few months with no hiccups.

Bing maps is good, but still Microsoft which is Google's good goy cousin. Yandex has a map app that I'm testing out. Any other good map app for someone who really has a need for good, accurate maps?

>we should base our diversity on the skillset of individuals rather than what gender tribe they belong too

reeeeeeeeeeee you're fired

Guys-- the way to win hearts and minds in Google isn't to appeal to the SJW's in non-technical roles or the white brogrammers. We've got to win the 35% of asians in technical jobs who, until now, have been mostly apolitical.

1st and 2nd generation asian immigrants are willing to swallow the redpill hard, if we help them along with a little meme magic

Is there a way to replace android nougat with linux?


bimodal google

>but still Microsoft which is Google's good goy cousin
Microsoft might be a bunch of shills and incompetent poos who do anything they can do bend over for US government agencies and steal all your information, but Google does all that and more, and what they plan to do eventually with all their data is downright diabolical.

If Google's search engine code was leaked the company would basically be nothing but another fish in a sea of cheap and equally effective commodified competitors.

Just sayin'.

You can already use Google's search anonymously through a service like startpage. It's stuff like wolfram, maps, and all the other info they provide that keeps them on top there.

Fucking Kek!

>Google's search engine code
worthless. the code is not hard to replicate.

their search is actually really shitty these days.

the internet in general is pretty much garbage so there is nothing good to search for.

Of course. The jew media amplifies these leftist views, making companies like Google to bend over for the kike dick

I think these days the biggest fish that google is frying is just big chunks of data for statistics and marketing stuff. The search engine is not impressive, and people really don't need much more than Bing or Duck Duck Go can offer.

I think anybody wanting to compete with google has to start looking into super computers and big data, everything is going to start becoming digital and companies will need a lot of storage. I think Amazon is going to go that way with their AWS

You used Google. You should try

Not at all surprised they fired him.

The (((news))) has been reporting the CEO's left leaning statements for quite some time. Tempts me to stop using their shit every time he opens his mouth. This faggot makes political statements like he doesnt have something better to do.

>create a workplace culture that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias and unlawful discrimination’
>fires someone for not having the same political opinions as they do.

Do progressives just not grasp the concept of hypocrisy? Or are they so accustomed to doublethink that it just doesn't register anymore.

Huh? Go ahead and use Google services and block all their ads. You incur traffic without them making profit. What's not to like?

>I didn't know what else to call it.

It was titled "Viewpoint Diversity Memo."
Stop doing the kike's work for free by spreading their SJW propaganda.

You can't defeat Google, it's everywhere. Google is in your phone, Google is in your email, Google is where you go to watch videos because nobody gives a damn about something like dailymotion.

The only way to even start beating google back is to yeah, leak the code to chinese glorified shovelware developers like Baidu, whose practices and hold on the market are mostly the same as Google's. Google will not be beaten back by small-time businesses on american soil, those will just be bought or even named and shamed for the sin of going against diversity by opposing daddy Google.


What does this do that ublock and ghostery don't already do for free

$25 bucks? Hello DM Shill

You can sue them, though ...

>the internet in general is pretty much garbage so there is nothing good to search for.
True. We need a new internet.

>Author of Anti-Diversity Memo
I agree with fuck google, but it wasn't an anti-diversity memo. The dude is a lefty who just got a rude awakening.
He states he is pro-diversity, but the method being used is contributing to a hostile work environment and he had a number of suggestions on how they could better approach diversity.

Coalition for a Normie-Free Internet

>meme magic
you have to go back

ebin meme black man

Dude, Google is not Google just by virtue of its code. Do you realize how many servers they have? To replicate Google's infrastructure, you'd need billions of dollars to acquire the hardware necessary to provide the same services.

And you think Apple is any different?

Damn, user. You're really going to make them pay by refusing to use their free services.