Why Is Reddit So Liberal?


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It honestly is only 60/40 in favor of liberal. They just ban all the conservative subs and posters

Previous user is correct. The thing is is that most con. reddits are not alt-right and are pretty blue-pilled.

the_donald, imgoingtohellforthis, tumblrinaction, cringe_anarchy, basically all the anti-SJW subs, and some of the religious subs have a slight right-wing slant.

Anything that's remotely alt-right gets banned though, yeah.

>muh alt right
have they figured out what it is supposed to mean yet? i haven't


It used to be Digg was more right and Reddit was left.

Mods are fags, mods cater to fags. And everyone circlejerks thanks to that.
Take a look at r/politics or r/the_donald. It's all full of everyone repeating the same opinion, while shitposts and dissenting opinions are hidden and/or banned

Too bad digg got buried.

It has to do with usernames and searchable post histories.

fuck this is actually pretty spoopy

Because of censorship and the upboat system

Libs have a self righteous arrogance so they like getting internet points for showing how vitreous/intelligent they are

Which is pretty much the opposite of Sup Forums

they keep those subs around to give the illusion of an open platform. they're like pets to the rest of reddit

The karma system rewards popular, rather than true statements.

What do boats have to do with reddit

Liberalism is the product of a normal healthy brain. The question isn't why most people are liberal, but why anyone is conservative?

Pinochet used flying boats (airships) to fly communists from a place to another.

ding ding ding

Definitely the upboat system
Conformity gets you points and too much dissent (negative karma) gets your account shadowbanned or banned from the subreddit. You could literally be banned for having too many unpopular opinions and accruing too much negative karma

coz they ban cunts that tell it like it is

t. banned so many times I cant remember

Because unlike Sup Forums or Youtube, you can write fairly lengthy posts full of citations and references and people will read them.

This means that you actually have to think, which puts right-wingers at a disadvantage. It's much easier to post a meme on an image board or upload some 20-30 minute YouTube where you scream a lot and occasionally sound informed than it is to make well-researched, thorough arguments.

Upboats and downsvote cause echochambers and disallow dissent. Liberal ideology breeds rapidly under those conditions.


Upvotes and SJW mods. Make a stupid pun and get 6 gorillion upvotes and a million replies that fill up the top of the thread. All those same people downvote the shit out of any dissenting opinion and/or the mods ban them outright.
If you're just looking for gun deals or checking some sports shit, its tolerable, but 99% of the site is full blown faggotry where dissenting opinions, debates, and discussions are not tolerated.

>lengthy posts full of references can't be made on Sup Forums
>fact filled lectures can't be posted on youtube
>implying reddit's format doesn't encourage conformity in opinion where lengthy posts full of citations and references get buried and never read due to wrongthink

upvotes and heavy moderation

Because the truth is [removed] so they can attract advertisers and bullshit propaganda and feelgood shit is upvoted because in the absence of any dissenting opinion it has become an echo chamber.

Brilliant, that must be it
>tfw too dum for redit