Alright pol, what are your thoughts on DJ Khaled?

Alright pol, what are your thoughts on DJ Khaled?

Why is he given soul credit for songs he "writes", "produces" and says one or two lines in while industry giants like Rihanna, JB and Chance do the majority of the leg work with their talent and fame merely getting a "feat."

I can't work out whether or not he is a plant by (((whoever))) controls the music industry to acclimatise the west to Muslims by giving him majority of the credit to these songs that feature some of the wests biggest musicial talents.

OR is he actually just a talented DJ/producer with good connections in the music industry and made his way up?

He's a normal muslim, has a wife, and all that other stuff. He only acts ghetto to trick niggers into worshiping him

>Every time U.K. Is attacked

>When the 2nd plane hits

But is he a plant?

I think if he's a plant its to get Muslims away from extreme interpretations of Islam. I'd rather have the sandniggers walking around shouting their own names trying to be rappers instead of Allahu Akbar

pretty based when he crashed that statistics department graduation ceremony

You're missing a major key, OP.


looks like paul blart