If you were Trump, what would you do next?
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Lie to the nation, yell at the tv, shit my pants?
The post headline clearly says Trump, not Hillary.
Nuke Mecca
Shill clearly trying to spin the facts. Go back to plebitt fake news. REEEEEEEEMAILS
Destroy the North Korean government and hand the country over to the Queen.
1. Tweet angrily
2. Claim that North Korea never said those things
3. Claim that I never responded
4. Eat too much to comfort myself
5. Spend all night tweeting about the lying Democrats' plan to start a war with North Korea
6. The next day, claim Kim Jong Un called to congratulate me on protecting the USA's southern border with a wall the same way North Korea protects its own
I'd probably use the 3 iron
complete first strike against NK followed by blitzkrieg.
I'll do your mom.
Just wait, they have missile defense systems, drones and star wars project.. as soon as he launches one you have permission to obliterate him.
Trump is set up to win at least 2 nobel peace prices.
Nothing this is a trap. If they can get him to act, he is done. once the war starts, and Americans are dead they can blackmail him by threatening to reveal the truth they withheld from him.
I believe Trump should ask China to orchestrate a coup in NK and take over the country/make it part of china to stabilize the region
I don't expect that to happen, but I am not enthusiastic still about Trump starting a war of any kind.
launch 10 000 bags of cool ranch doritos at North Korea
Make a statement "This is a gift for you kim you fat fuck"
Nuke Israel.
Carpet bomb Seoul and ruin Kim's plan to shell it, blame him for it anyway, then nuke him.
Decapitation strike followed by other measures if they still don't get it. Blame Obama and Hillary for the aftermath
What can you do ? DPRK has a significantly more advanced nuclear and ICBM program than previously expected. If you read the "experts" pieces on the subject 6 months ago, you'll see they were all claiming that NK would not have ICBM able to strike continental US before 2030-2035. 2020-2025 for the most pessimistic.
Trump is relying on military intel to make his decisions. Either infos were shit or they willingly underestimated the threat for whatever reasons.
Trump did not create this mess, the three previous administrations did. Now, he'll have to sit down and review strategic options. He will have to really bolster defense in Asia, probably installing nukes in SK.
"That's it mate, Ive had a gutful. You. Me. Carpark. Now"
bomb the SHIT outta them
The Guam threat was made before Trump's comment.
Give Planned Parenthood a shitload of funding. It kills off niggers and spics more effectively than the wall ever will.
And legalize weed and all other drugs. Heroin overdoses weed out the weak.
Send a bunch of outdated bombers on a non-stop trip across the planet to drop a few bombs Pyongyang airport.
the ultimate "dixie democrat" pill?
deport all non whites
Do nothing because Kim is just blowing smoke like he does every week.
make the call and apologize before it's too late
i'd break my 9 iron in half and maybe fire the cart driver
Then give the land to China
play more golf
destroy the entirety of North Korea and confirm a dead Kim-Jung-Un
Send in Dennis Rodman to ass fuck Kimmy again.
To be 100% honest its a lose/lose for Trump so id prob do a false flag and fire rockets a Guam or Hawaii and make it look like korea did it and then i could just bomb them into oblivion and look like the good defender.
>fire the cart driver
Nothing. Just wait until the 9th and call out his bluff. Let the sanctions take their toll.
I'm going to sleep now. What will the headline say tomorrow morning?
a) Guam in ruin, Trump vows revenge
b) Korea threat looms over trump
Good goyim, hand the DPRK over to (((them)))
I live in nyc. am i safe?
Tell them to surrender.
I do not believe the nuke will start flying before 2020, but it's your life and they expect one of us in the wreckage.
this map is shit.
I'd fuck ur mum
Bomb the shit out of nigeria.
These people are making submarine/helicopter hybrids that will soon be able to carry a nuke to the US.
colored in the lines
this is what (You) got
Stop anime posting faggot
We should tell korea that if their "leader" kim ching chong un tries any shit, we will blow the fuck out of mecca. Then all them muslims would have no where to pray to. That will teach 'um.
>Lie to the nation, yell at the tv, shit my pants?
>Keep pushing Fatboy
>Fatboy spergs out and bombs NYC, LA, and DC
>President Trump has already planned for this via 56D chess and Baron's Magical Time Machine so him and his allies are hiding out in Florida
>MFW millions of niggers are nuked
>MFW millions of SJWs are nuked
>MFW all the liberals have been nuked
>President Trump is finally able to enter the last play of his 235D chess manuever and literally becomes Hitler like we've been waiting for.
>With no more liberals to REEEEEE, President Trump gasses all the niggers and Jews and finally builds the wall.
>Turns out Trump and Kim were bros all along.
>We all live in a White paradise
1488D chess.