
What is it like actually living in a major city like San Francisco, Seattle, or New York. I'm having a really tough time believing that there are zero Alpha males there and filled completely with minorities, hipster cucks, and jewish elites. As somebody who was raised and has lived in a comfy upper midwest town his entire life I have no idea what it would actually be like to reside there

live in San Jose, its cancer but the wages are high. I'm saving up and getting out of here in a decade.

I'm from nyc but I joined the military to get out of city and I'm gald I did.

That's more of a West Coast thing, user.

I studied abroad in Canada's capital, Ottawa. Litterally the easiest girls on the planet. According to Ashley Madison data leaked by Anonymous, 2/5 people in that city are members. Some nights I actually fucked girls in the bathroom before getting another random for a cab back to residence. And (((they))) are firmly in control of the populace.

At least post the original

Did you attend public schools? How bad were they? (If you're white) were you harassed or beaten for it?

>According to Ashley Madison data leaked by Anonymous, 2/5 people in that city are members.

Check your privilege

The schools I went to were 50% black, I was occasionally bullied and made fun of by them, but white kid mainly hung out with white kids and black kids mainly hung out with black kids.