Abortion in North American

>in USA you can have abortion until first trimester ends
>in Canada you can have abortion until baby has fully exited the vagina
Which of these makes more sense?

I figured that if the reason for abortion being allowed is that the mother has the right to do what she wants with her body, then it doesn't make sense to put any time limit on abortion.

But being able to abort a baby which is 1/2 way out of the vagina seems particularly off-putting

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I really don't know where to stand on abortion. I love killing babies, but I hate giving more rights to women...

Can you commies seriously kill babies until they have fully exited the vagina? Holy shit leafs are fucked...

what are you talking about? in america you can abort in most states up to second trimester and some states allow for abortion all the way up until right before birth

>Can you commies seriously kill babies until they have fully exited the vagina?


>Abortion in Canada is legal at all stages of pregnancy[1] and is governed by the Canada Health Act.[2] While some non-legal obstacles exist, Canada is one of only a few nations with no legal restrictions on abortion.[3][4]

you can in america as well


Seven states and Washington, D.C., allow abortion until birth for any reason (Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont).

Archived it

Why are we allowed to be so brazenly evil? Fucking your dog while you step on your newborns head? I hate us so fucking much.

but for very different reasons than in canada
those states have that because they are strongly libertarian