Why are Latin meds so dirty?
Why are Latin meds so dirty?
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They're all lying. I've never seen a European use soap.
>netherlands 50%
kek might be true dutch don't really care about hygiene
There are two kind of men. Those who wash their hands before they pee, and those who wash them after.
I wash them before.
Why? would you say?
Because my dick is sacred, it has to be worshiped, it is the center of the world's universe, the hose of happiness.
There are so many germs in the world not to wash your hands before you touch your dick. I really hate those fags that run to wash theirs after their pee, as if they were disgusted by it.
This. What are you rubbing your dick against all day that makes it so dirty you have to wash after touching it? Hell, it's probably one of the cleanest parts of your body, just because you aren't rubbing it on dirty shit all day, and if you're like me, you clean the motherfucker like it's God himself, every day.
>what is smegma
If you're not memeing...
And the north eastern countries probably have reduced hygiene due to the fact that they live in undeveloped shit holes and use the forest as a bathroom most of the time.
Tbh if I piss I just use water
Smegma is a meme. I have a normal dick and I've never had it
I'm an American, so I'm unfortunately snipped. No smegma, and also like I said, I wash that motherfucker more than I wash my fucking body. The only thing that gets cleaned more is my hands. I wash that motherfucker more than my face, even.
Literal news story, Croatia:
>woman who rents apartments
>rents it out to Dutch tourists
>they nasty as hell
>left everything in disorder
>didn't even flush the toilet at all
It is definitely not a meme retard. Stop jacking off every other day, only use your dick to piss and after a week to a month you will have it.
You can't wash it often either, eat regular unhealthy food and you should see it.