Should only STEM majors be allowed to vote?
Should only STEM majors be allowed to vote?
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No, only legal citizens with children (showing they have an actual interest in the future) should vote. If you cut the liberal 'I am so powerful I will never have kids!' and their pets out from voting the world can return to a normal place.
Also, if you are going to say "but I would vote correctly and I don't have kids" no, you won't. You are just as bad, not contributing to the future past your own desires.
Stem majors who graduated from jew colleges? Oy vey!
> mfw chemistry major
I vote for communism.
Only people who serve their country and pass a voter test (which determines if they are smart informed enough to vote) should be able to vote.
Why can't they just pick some programming courses?
>Should only studenst that have done nothing in the realworld and are basically school children most of them well into their adulthood before they ever exist the safety bubble that schools provide.
... lol uh probably not
Only property owners and military members/veterans should be able to vote
>implying half of the autists here have or ever will have kids
Only people paying income tax should be able to vote.