How do you defend gun ownership to someone that brings up school shootings?

How do you defend gun ownership to someone that brings up school shootings?
Protip:you cant





Ask them if we should ban cars because of incidents of vehicular manslaughter.

When they inevitably say that cars are necessary and guns aren't, say just one thing; Seventeen Seventy-Six. Shall not be infringed you cunt.

That can't be a real tweet


I still don't understand what weapon sweeps are. Do they go into peoples houses? Because the shit they find in these pictures always looks like old rusted shit they found in a bush

If the teachers were armed, the shooter would be stopped in his tracks.


Why is the School a gun free zone making it easy for the shooter?

btw. LMAO at the butter knife as a weapon.

By saying that criminals are criminals because they DO NOT follow the laws.
Making heroin and meth and crack illegal didnt stop its production and distribution did it?

oh my sweet summer newfaag

With a rifle. With a pistol, if he is too close.

I just don't wanna believe that a police force would be this retarded. I looked up the tweet and had a good laugh at the replies. the replies the cops made are pure comedy gold.

Gang members hide loads of weapons in their local estates so they're easily accessible when other gangs 'ride out' into their territory to stab them up.

Because police stop and search them this is their way to not get caught holding one on their person.

Occasionally sweeps of estates get done to find all the hidden weapons, and because of pressure from leadership to get results they end up posting embarrassing shit like this on unsuccessful sweeps so they can pretend they've got a result.

By reminding them gun rights didn't cause the school shooting. Simple!

Are estates fancy English speak for community housing for niggers?

No. It'sthea word for station wagon.

Slide garnished with sage.

Funny enough, schools are often chosen because they're soft targets. The shooters at Columbine, for example, explicitly sought out the largest "soft" target they could find.

Think what you call the projects.

Searches are all in the open/communal areas, none in the private addresses.

Meant for

>restricting the teachers, and the school staff, from carrying a gun
there's your problem

>How do you defend gun ownership to someone that brings up school shootings?
>Protip:you cant


I tell them Eric Harris did nothing wrong

Something I've always wondered. What happens if they are able to take all the knives in Hackney. Every single one. Is it on to axes? Shovels? Pipes? Bricks? Rocks? Do they then start to take anything that could possibly be used as a weapon? What about people's own two hands? Going to start up the mandatory amputation system? What's the end game here?

Our police are like cavemen. We don't have this cutting edge technology, like the Brits.

Eric and Dylan made a video where they basically mocked the rule that they couldn't have guns in school property

I'm going to remember this next time I talk to a filthy Commie in real life.

that thing couldn't even cut my dinner properly and now it's a deadly weapon? holy shit UK

It's weird how that while story got twisted by the media. Between the trench coat mafia lie to the way the bombs were memory holed by everyone, it really showed me that the media controls history.

How do you defend car ownership to someone that brings up massive pile-ups?
Protip:you sage

You should also bring up the disparities in gun violence rates between races, or the fact that Switzerland has a higher rate of gun ownership yet a lower rate of gun deaths.

Just the racial disparity issue will have them in a bind. Suggest that the best way to lower gun deaths is to limit gun ownership among negros.

Whack part is that Eric said in his writings that he knew the media would twist the whole thing

Somebody needs to leak or go heist the goddamn basement tapes before magnetic deterioration fully gets them

Tell them that Chinese and Albertans should be banned from driving

Same way if you ban niggers from owning guns the US would have lower firearm deaths than Belgium

Britain Yes!!!

God forbid society actual talk about the elephant in the room. Here's a band-aid for that gaping wound, Don't you dare talk about what caused it !!!!!

Western police/law & order have become a threat the very societies they are suppose to maintain.

TL;DR: kill cops, then society can actual self-correct and solve it's problems.

>How do you defend gun ownership
with a gun
