Sweden hate thread

Is there a country as cucked as sweden?

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Dont worry, OP. We're pretty close by



U.K. is borderline more cucked than Sweden imo.


How? Atleast your goverment want to stop rapeufegs, and leave the EU

Fins are faggots too. They're basically the same shit.

>allahu ackbork

For real though Germany,France,UK are literally in the same boat

Finbros are biased, they dont almost take any refugees, and suprise suprise they dont have anyway sexuell assults at their music festival


I mean well c'mon now, UK is pretty cucked

can confirm

Germany maybe, how easy is it to get away by saying your ''underage'' in Germany?

Hurr di durr muslims destroying my country
Kek, we are still one of the safest and best to live in

England has fucking acid attacks happening multiple times
France had had around 5 terrorist attacks
Slavs are still fucking communistic sub-humans doing crime and being drunken idiots
We have a muslim raping a coal burner

Don't take the Sup Forums memes to hard, Sweden isn't as bad as it seems

I get why other Scandis are here, just for the banter same goes with finland
But when a sub-human monkey from Portugal or some slav shit country is in this thread I don't know why
Sweden is better in every aspect than your countries

people aren't saying that sweden isn't safe

safe doesn't mean not cucked


You cant go out in some areas due to somali gangs at every corner, and holy shit the amount of sexuell assults and abuse young girls take is insane, as well the racism from migrants towards etnic swedes is insane, and no one gives a fuck about it. By any standard sweden is cucked. And the only ones talking about this is are yugoslaviens.

A challenger appears!

Maybe, because our government doesn't know how to assimilate them
If you take all of them and place them in one area they won't change

We also need to stop taking lone comming beardkids
An actual child family that is fleeing from a wartorn country can stay until their country is better

USA are worse 50% non-white.

Don't hate your country and your fellow countrymen, they're mind-controlled, we were lucky to not be affected


Or at least the government is trying its hardest to cuck us over.

How can you not feel contept for the cattle being fooled so easily?

Because they're not gone forever, there's already a bunch more support for national-socialism and nordic youth and SD has gotten more votes than ever

There's still hope.


Never understood how delusional you swedes are anyway.
One the one side super lgbt supportive, literally feminizing boys with Genderless Schools (gender neutral pronoun "hen" is commonly used by most swedes).

While on the other hand importing million of (mostly muslims) foreigners with backward views who literally despise homos and so on.

Like how can you be that delusional?

Not for long.

It's because of marxist socialist brainwashing.

Good luck

NatSocs arent to nice either


and also cuckstria, belgium, netherlands ans shitaly

Can we please make this a Magda hate thread?

I didn't ask for these feels


USA is definitely the most cucked nation in the world.


all nice and cool but i dont appreciate the fact of being gassed just because of the fact that i do it with other boys in my own bedroom.

It's okay. Jimmie will liberate you soon.

That's fucking retarded logic. Why the fuck would you trade away safety and security and then motivate it with "oh our society is still better than "?
Even if your country is better than others, shit is shit.

>just because of the fact that i do it with other boys in my own bedroom.

Everyone look at this filthy faggot.
This is why Sweden is gone to hell.
She actually really believes somaliniggers can assimilate and that arabs are a good thing as long as they have a job.

Fucking sweden everyone

Fun fact: Pre-2014, about half of all imigrants had a job after 10 years. So I guess post-2014 maybe 20-30% will get jobs ever?

make me austria.
if you get to close i will give you a kiss!

Do Swede cucks know that most of the media is owned by jews?

No, nor are they anti-semitic, they just don't want immigrants


Some do.
