
What is Sup Forums's opinion on abortion? I'd like to hear both sides.

Abortions are legal up until 24 weeks, with many libshits trying to push that age higher. A lot of the mouth breathing purple haired dykes like to go "HURRR TIS A CLUMP O' CELLS", but in reality a 24 month premmie has about an 80% survival rate.
There is no doubt that in most cases the fetus is formed enough to resemble a baby, but is abortion really murder if the baby has not yet become sentient? Does removing the opportunity for the child to become sentient in the near future still warrant a classification of murder? The abortion debate seems more philisophical than black and white.

In my opinion pro lifers have the moral high ground. They want to preserve a babys life whereas pro choicers are fighting to just kill semi formed children for convenience.

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>What is Sup Forums's opinion on abortion?

Your mom should've finished it, when she had opportunity.


24 week abortion is disgusting, just plain murder at that stage who in there right mind would want to extend that limit!?

I'd be fine with post-birth abortion up to a few weeks after being born if they're minority children

breaks my heart that white kids are being killed though

it's ending the primitive form of a human life, but there's nothing inherently wrong with ending human life

sometimes you need to kill motherfuckers, that's the uncomfortable truth

unironically pic related

Don't like it but you should be free to do whatever you want

I think that people should be free to do whatever they want when it directly concerns themselves, not others.

Well it do conserns them
If they don't abort they have a kid that needs food, clothes, love, a family etc.
Which can be hard if you are a young girl without a job

Libshit here.

We only ever advocate for first trimester abortion, most done by the 2 week mark via a pill that forces a miscarriage. Anything later must be for threat of mother or child. The state should pay for abortion by incest or rape, but we won't even offer good healthcare to vets let alone exploited women.

The notion that we're a-okay with baby murder is fiction, we prefer $2 rubbers to traumatic abortions and social outcasts or life changing births. This notion was likely fabricated to get you to sympathize with Conservative positions pretending to have morals.

Only human trash looks at abortion as contraception.

What does it matter if its sentient or not? If nature takes its due course sentience is virtually guaranteed. Preventing a life from existing murder.

Should be legal up to 264 months.

Abortion should be mandatory for race mixers and muds.

Its a jewish ritual human sacrifice of firstborn children. The females do it willingly which produces an extra potent degenerate ritual.


So you for some reason feel bad about killing your kid. Who would've thought?


There are a couple of players in the game.

Responsibility avoiding liberals
Big picture avoiding republicans
Moloch worshipping planned parenthood

Why not support the babykillers?

The clump of cells argument is retarded. Even one cell is biological life.
Then they act as if the baby is part of their own body, ignoring the fact that the baby's cells have different genes than them. Really makes you think.
However most abortions are done by black people, keeping their population down so I am okay with it.

Does it really matter?
The sort of people we want to reproduce keep their babies.
The sort to abort are usually degenerates.
I see voluntary eugenics in action.
Let the scum wallow and fuck in the dirt and give them the ability to eradicate their own future.


>Which can be hard if you are a young girl without a job
Quit letting losers cum in you. Problem solved.

Yea i think up until a certain point, 3 months i believe, its absolutely fine but after that its practically child-slaughter :)

>muh human trash
>muh subhuman argument
Hello hitler

It's responsible for most of the degeneracy we see today. Without that easy out people would think twice before getting their dick wet, especially with protection.
My body my choice is also a deeply flawed position. If a pregnant woman is murdered, the fetus is treated as a full person. But when the woman wants to abort her fetus, it's all fine and dandy because it's "her body" and not the fetus's. The only time abortion should be offered as an option is when the mother's life is in danger if the pregnancy continues.

>What is Sup Forums's opinion on abortion? I'd like to hear both sides.

Tards, defects, SSA, rape, and health risks to the mother should be aborted.

Those of lower intelligence, drug addicts, ect... should have easy access to abortion.

If there were that many niggers whites would have much more reason to ship them back to apefreeka

abortion should be illegal apart from rape babies, niggers, or cases where the whore's life is at stake
abortions should be approved by a court and a jury and not be funded by the state but by the individual

West :
>We found a piece of cell on Mars ! THERE IS LIFE ON MARS !

Also West :
>Sorry, this little human with legs, arms, and a mouth are NOT a kid, it's my body, my rules, just tear it appart through my vagina.

Abortion is murder, but sometimes murder can be justified.

Women need to pay for their own abortions. I shouldn't have to be the one who pays money because she decided to open her legs to Jamal.

I also like the idea of them having to appeal a judge if they decide they want an abortion. She shows up at court and has proof that she was raped? ok. She has medical documentation stating that it her life is at stake? ok. There needs to be some kind of system in place to keep this practice from being abused as it is now. Its not a free form of birth control.

abortion is not murder, it is justified self defense because that fetus is violating your NAP by using your resources without permission

Our women are soulless user.

life isn't determined by sentience. if it was, it would be legal to kill you too OP.

Go back to redit roastie.

Abortion is a vacuum cleaner for society's dirt

Any form of contraception after fertilization is murder.

Murder or morality in general is a made up social construct in the first place.
What you should be wondering instead is does abortion benefit or detract from society as a whole.

IMO, it benefits. Thus, I don't care.

i can tolerate aborting kids with genetic deficiencies and diseases or such too
but the state should NOT pay for your "mistakes"

So is this the one subject we feel the need to virtue signal about?

Aborting shitskins and niggers is good.

Reminder abortions original purpose was to get rid of niggers.


I believe they are, my amerifriend.

Human development starts at conception.

If those cells are the very beginning of human development than that makes them human.

Killing another human out of convenience is not a noble, justified act. It is wrong and vile.

Personally i would rather just find away to get niggers to voluntarily sterilize themselves permanently than continue paying for their abortions.

From my personal experience the only way I feel like I can really justify abortion is for the discovery of a tubal pregnancy. It is such an early stage and the baby already has no chance of living through this on top of it potentially killing the mother. Most women I know who have had abortions because of a tubal pregnancy were very shaken up by it. They didn't want to do it but they knew they really didn't have much of a choice. Huge difference between that and the attitude of some of my bitch co-workers who openly talk about their abortions and tell the nice pregnant white girl about how they kill their kids.

Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.

Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.

These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.

In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.

So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.

get out

>what is satire

ITT: Sexual failures

Abortions are the best thing ever. What man wants to pay for some tit feeding parasite?

I don't give a shit about baby lives. Abortion should be illegal just so degenerate whores are required to have some personal responsibility.

stop killing babies you fucking absolute niggers

No matter how you put it, no matter how much mental gymnastics one's doing with "her body an shiet" and I don't know what. Abortion was, is and will always be murder.
First of all, atheists argue that living beings inherit DNA. "MUH CLUMP OF CELLS" already inherits unique DNA, making it a living being even by their standards.
Furthermore, God willed every single one.
>Jer 1:5 :: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

And even if you put all theologic arguments aside: A fetus even as small as 1 cm is already an entity in and of itself and it is immoral to kill it. Especially when the reason is
>muh body
>muh rights
>muh choice
>muh degenerate lifestyle

Note that noone - and I mean NO ONE on this planet - has a right to ANYTHING. Everything is given to us and we all should be thankful for that. That also means that a kiddo is a gift and life is a gift to it and if you take that gift from it, beacuse you're a mundane piece of s, you're violating the law of nature.

Why virtue signal ? It's wrong, it's immoral and it's the most disturbing form of organized murder existing currently. It's not virtue signalling if I want it to end for the sake of the most helpless amongst us: the unborn.

Only if the mothers life is at risk or the child is mentally or physically unfit.
We waste too much money on things that don't qualify as people.

No one but God is to decide what "qualifies as people", quite frankly

>be USSR
>ban abortions to boost birthrates
>number of illegal abortions skyrocket
>infanticide become a thing again
>birthrate increase is negligible
From evolutionary standpoint, life and well-being of a mother is more important than life of an infant. Therefore, women are tend to get rid of unwanted children. It's basic biology. You ban abortions - they will make them anyway or will kill/abandon newborn.

I'd be perfectly fin with them dying from trying to attempt it

This. The offspring of a mother that would want to kill her future child is bound to be shit tier.

Abortion should be illegal period. Mudskins and blacks should be dumped back in Africa.

Problem solved

You will, but society won't.

Abortion should be mandatory unless the parents have a combined IQ of equal to or greater than 240

Homicides are illegal and people do it anyways.What's your point?

The only reason I am against abortion is that leftist shrew women and dykes are so hysterical about demanding it. The fact that it makes them angry if they aren't allowed to wipe out the consequences of their whoredom means that I think it should be outlawed forever. I couldn't care less about the actual babies, in fact, someone can drop-kick them into a volcano for all I care

>I couldn't care less about the actual babies, in fact, someone can drop-kick them into a volcano for all I care

Abortions performed by professionals in clinic are safer, that's the point. We can't eliminate the problem, but we can mitigate the damage.

It doesn't matter if it's sentient or not. It is a question of the mothers moral fiber and love for her child, not the soul of a unborn fetus.

whites should be banned by all others should be forced.

meant but

The limit should really be ~20-24 weeks. Any higher, and they'd probably risk risks relating to health, etc.
And yes, abortion should be legal, especially if the baby is disabled (i.e. Down syndrome, disabled with missing limbs, etc., etc. you get the idea). It should also be legal if the babies upbringing will be complete and utter shit, due to family and/or economic issues.

why would anyone want to facilitate a homicide? women who abort should die on the procedure, and if not, they should be persecuted for infanticide.

And this won't solve the problem (same as harsher punishments only make criminals more cunning and cruel).

Chopping up niglets is highly effective crime prevention.

You really got me, Samuel Walter Nigger SiIva De Jesus

I like it.

have fun with your 95% asian population

The ugly truth is that people are shitheads. By today's standards the most common crime committed in europe at the end of the 19th century was infanticide. Babies require a lot from their parents. Unfortunately there are plenty of idiots who don't understand that, and if they want to kill their babies so they don't raise another shithead I say more power to them.

I'm against it morally, but still I support it because if it's illegal the nigger population will skyrocket

It is a way to clean population, but I think it is a plain murder. I am not against it