We memed him into the Office.
Can we use memes to bring the US to nuke North Korea?
We memed him into the Office
Other urls found in this thread:
Kek wills it.
You posted it first, OP
People of DPRK are miserable anyways
Flaggots can't meme shit boyo
>Nuking best Korea
>kek flag
>massive cock sucking faggot
>US to nuke North Korea
NK should NUKE the US instead
> can we use memes
> flag
> le meme this into reality meme
Holy fucking god, go back to r/the_donald you insufferable cocksucker. Like, jesus christ, how fucking empty is your life, how fucking autistically maladjusted are you that you think there's some fucking magic power on Sup Forums that you can just channel at will to make things happen? "Meme Magic" as you faggots call it is a natural process when enough people get excited about something and start enthusiastically cooperating to make it happen. It cannot be forced, it cannot be controlled, and it sure as fuck cannot be triggered on request. r/the_donald is such a fucking cock-suck I can't fucking believe it. Every other fucking post is a link to Sup Forums or a screencap from Sup Forums or a link to Pol News Forever on Twitter, just a bunch of larping, autistic, virgin neckbeards jerking themselves off to an imaginary magical power located on Sup Forums, and you look like the inbred, mouth-breathing, limp-dicked virgin idiots you are every fucking time. I bet you're going to reply to this post calling me ShareBlue or Correct The Record or just a shill, whatever the fuck the latest term going around Reddit is. I'm fucking sick of you fucking autists coming to Sup Forums and polluting the discussion talking about meming shit into reality or still jacking off to your zionist neocon god emperor.
Get the fuck out of my board and stay gone, you illiterate dipshit.
Fuck off.