
Female here, I agree with SO MUCH of what you guys write! Follow me on my Instagram and twitch.tv channel, also here's a link to my Patreon.

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Tits or Gtfo

Swede pretending to be a girl 'coz he can't get a rapefugee of his own. Sad. Many such cases!

is that a jungle asian or an injun?

I am against refugees. They are bad. #MAGA

Btw... I am a girl...

It's too late. I like girls with feminine penises now

We Asian women are second to Whites. Not really people of color. Are you White? Are you fertile? I want a half White baby. But I am not racist, I am Asian and female. So I cannot be racist.

yep ecelebs in a nutshell good one sven

Ha! You are pathetic. Trans women are mentally ill and lack a divine femininity.


Never even mind tits, gimme tree fiddy