Tell me about western female sex tourists

Tell me about western female sex tourists

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Fake map

Those sources seem legit. Sorry I'm not believing this map at all, the only country I would believe on here would be Brazil and maybe Turkey. Even retarded girls know not to go to Zimbabwe.

If this were real Pajeet wouldn't be on jewbook spamming white women with essay long messages telling him he wants to sniff her hair.

>Going to Indonesia (Bali) or Thailand
Yep, seems about right.


I have slept with girls from these countries before but they were archaeologists
However I won't discredit this map since I don't live in a tourist area but I fail to see why anyone would wanna go to india and fucking zimbabwe of all places to get laid

Betcha $10 it includes rapes or something like that

Only time I've heard of female sex tourism it was to former 'slave countries', mostly on the African gold coast, from Senegal to Gabon, to live out their mandingo-rape fantasies. Can't imagine they'd get that from dicklets in India, the Middle East, or Latin America.