1- Cuba - Under sanction, travel ban, they are easy game so it is probably pushed later in the agenda 2- Iran - Got sanctioned, played by west's rules, still is getting threatened by the peaceful, the benevolent, the middle-east pacifist Trump 3- Syria - Spectacular fuck up, stumped firstly by the outrage of American citizenry against invasion, *if there is anyone reading that was a part of it as a semi-Middle-EasternI salute you and love you*; stumped secondly by Putin and noble Russian people; stumped thirdly by the international communities' wokeness against Sarin gas false flags. But not for a second do i believe that that story is over 4- *** NORTH KOREA - WAR IMMINENT ***
Are we ready to die or get caught up in a radioactive fallout for a kike oligarch family who'll be comfy as fuck in an island that isn't in any public map?
Bump. Kebab is right the rothshilds need to be our Biggest Target. If We Want to Save The West they Must be Destroyed.
Hunter Jenkins
i thought rothschilds were nothing anymore? what's up with the rothschilds own all banks meme? proofs?
i know it was like that back in the day, but i can't find information that suggest the same for now.
Adam Morgan
>Let's take a look I've looked at them and they are shitholes, as though God himself struck them down low for being the dogs that they are.
Joshua Moore
>Oy vey!
Parker Wilson
James Clark
t. Mammon-worshipping kike
Justin Martinez
1) Sucks 'coz Communism. Communism is fail. 2) Suck 'coz Iranian Islamic Revolution - Pedo sex & bestiality still legal since then 3) Based Assad is veing fucked up by foriegn, ISLAMIC fighters 4) Whoop-de-doo. Nation of clones, no other viewpoint for 3 generations, branwashed to fuck
Jaxson Martinez
Matthew Ramirez
i know, i was looking for these 'proofs' for a while. from what i've gathered it's virtually impossible to prove rothschild ownership of central banks. they had outright ownership in the 19th century, but human farming has evolved alot since then. nowadays you can't really tell who is the owner of a given country's central bank.... this leads me to believe that those lists of rothschild-owned banks are not factual, in the sense that nobody seems to be able to show evidence, papertrail etc. that being said, if you read rothschild history (even fergusons two-volume tome on the rothschilds, which is kind of a whitewash, for example he gives accounts for a lot of private correspondance in yiddish/hebrew that was translated by an (((appropriate translator)))), you'll see that central banking is their game. i have no doubt that they're still at it, and i'm inclined to believe that they are more or less in control of global monetary supply/policy.