Where are all the wealthy, high IQ White Men?

Where are all the wealthy, high IQ White Men?

Why is it literally up to a bunch of neets to save Western Civilization?

they all converted to judiasm

High IQ white men are off following their own convictions in STEM fields or making money.

They distinguish themselves with what they do, not rhetoric on a Chinese fingerpainting forum.

>NEETs saving western civilization

Good luck on that.

To bring change is always up to the group that has nothing to loose.

I think this old bitch is kind of sexy. I want to hate-fuck her.

The NEETs are what happened when the Cultural Marxist alliance came to power and decided to disadvantage high IQ white men in favor of minorities.

Rural and suburban retards voted drumpf. Super high iq city white men voted Hillary.

okay. yeah, thanks for pointing this out.
I'm over here neeting the fuck out.
Apparently It's up to me to get with a white girl with a mixed race baby to take care of.

the rest of the high IQ wealthy white men are either old fucks who sold us out in the first place
or they're youngcucks who use jew money for their businesses
real, smart, wealthy white men see what's going on in this earth and are doing what they can to earn big money and buy gated houses in the hills away from niggers and browns.

You've been conditioned over the years to find her attractive from all the Jewish actresses in Hollywood movies.

Yeah, apparently the wisdom of the wise is not worth much, then. In fact it is pretty interesting that this is historically how it works in a dying civilization.

God loves children, drunks, and fools. The first will be last, and the last will be first.

They are making profit on every 'crises'.
The smart ones get very wealthy while the educated ones are literally foot-soldiers and the normal ones are hopelessly fighting this chaos

High IQ, white male here.
I joined the Jewish society my first year of med school 'cause I figured it'd be good for networking and they had sweet falafels for members. Since then I've been on a Jewish scholarship for the last 3 years, spend most Fridays eating with one family or another and will be going on a Birthright Israel trip over summer.
All the perks of being Chosen without losing my foreskin.

Larping. I'd believe it if you had a US flag

I wish some bro over there would burn that witch into a steak

M8, you have no idea what the demographics are like in Aussie medical schools. You wouldn't doubt it if you saw my cohort.

Where are all the racist, impotent cucks? Sup Forums and reddit, obviously.


Elon Musk knows Earth is doomed, that's why he's doing everything he can to gtfo from this planet.

In YOUR OPINION that's "racist".

You're just saying that because Sup Forums is White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Less affected by normie conditioning, aka brainwashing. The outsider perspective lets us see the game more clearly, but is not without its own pitfalls. (((They))) also see normie society from an outside perspective, because they live in their own elite societies. The current moves more slowly around the edge of the vortex

Sold their souls. We're the last action heroes.

>Where are all the wealthy, high IQ White Men?
Mostly jewish lapdogs. The ones that aren't keep their mouth shut but occasionally a decent one crawls through the cracks and opens his mouth like the CEO of Red Bull.

The wealthy are too busy trying to become super wealthy, and they are comfortable with how things are and the cheap labour.
The super wealthy are complicit, either they are now kikes or they're satanists or both.
Money is the root of all evil.

>real, smart, wealthy white men
will run away and hide. literally the opposite of what OP is talking about. when the day of the rope comes you will not be spared.