MNGA Norwegian election edition

Reminder to Norwegians to vote for FrP in the upcoming election.


I have to believe anyone who proposes "Demokratene" is just false flagging. They will never reach even 1% no matter what, so any votes for them is wasted. Better to just answer Demokratene in surveys and polls, and then vote if they should ever hit 5%, and vote for FrP until then.


When is the election and how is it looking for ourguys?

>not voting alliansen
>not being a member of den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen

Frepper-hanreier altså

11th September funnily enough.

I'm pretty optimistic about it, our guys grew a lot last election, and I have no reason to think it has stagnated.

They won't get enough votes to sit in parliament.

It's complicated, bad but not awful. Norway is majority cucked and the biggest party will be the Muslim-infested Labour party with 30% of votes, but they will have to rely on a national-socialist party, and might have to rely on several parties. Immigration policy is still tighter than pre-Breivik, and they would probably lose if they went more liberal or pro-Islam.

They're just not established enough yet, we have to be realistic here my dude. Maybe next election.

You have to be retarded. We spent several decades with a party called "Hvit Valgallianse" which did nothing positive whatsoever except steal votes from the more mainstream right parties. Elections now are expected to come down to just 1-2%.

I gave you the recipe for how to act, as a rational person. You might be torn about the dilemma that "if nobody votes for them, then they will never be big", but I literally gave you the perfect recipe which solves this perfectly.

What you do is: when someone asks you in a survey who you vote for, say Alliansen or Demokratene or whatever.

If the party gets enough support to get over sperregrensen, THEN you vote for it. Because you know a SUFFICIENT NUMBER supports them that they might get representation.

As long as it's below 1% in polls, vote for FrP. As long as it's below 1%, you know your vote is wasted on anyone else.

The dilemma of "if nobody votes for them, then then nobody will vote for them, but on the other hand it might mean my vote is wasted" is age-old. I gave you the solution above.