Is this the final stage of all feminists?

Is this the final stage of all feminists?

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Ahhh!! What is that thing?

>tfw when you realize that being a strong independent womyn feminist doesn't actually bring you happiness

Clearly...that degeneracy doesn't bring happiness.
Destroy your body with disgusting tattoos, and never see yourself as a woman with hair. Even a wig.
Not the recipe for a balanced female mind.

Says at the end she was abused as a child.

Oops, link:


That should be character building

Presumably she's too old to still be fertile; but there's nothing stopping her from adopting a child.

Don't understand why this bitch is still famous. One shitty song in the early 90s and ripping up a picture of the pope. Wow, what a career.

>4 different children by 3 different men
>I'm trying not to think about dying

Lol so you mean to tell me feminists become female niggers?

Who the fuck wasn't.

You heard that from everyone these days. And the abuser is always someone who cant be persecuted or identified.

my mum spanked me when i was a child. put me in my place desu

I hope this black journalist sits every evening before a mirror and asks himself "is this my life & career, how did I end like this?".

Being strong and independent only gets you so far in life. Women are social creatures and if you're toxic as many feminists are you just end up bitter and alone. Then people wonder why suicide rate in women has been going up, it's no bloody secret they're getting more miserable with each passing year.

It's not your fault, user.

It's not your fault.

It's not your fault.

look at me..look at me.

It's not your fault

Is this abuse? I feel abused. So, it must be. You're an abuser. STOP ABUSING ME!!!!

where the fuck is nordbot?

She was abused her entire life. Unless anyone wants to gas ALL the women it needs to be accepted that since they are more subservient etc they will generally cave to the pressures that are placed on them. Right now there is huge virtue signalling pressure on women to be independent feminist womyn. Couple that with this bird being abused as a child and I don't see how with no other influences anybody can be surprised how it all ended. It writes itself.

Sure it's a guilty pleasure to hate women like this for the chaos they cause. In many cases they can be so destructive that for some of them the hatred is completely deserved. But for most of these women I only find it a guilty pleasure, if this woman had been teleported to me and my wife as a child we would have raised her well. She wouldn't be the insane thing you see in the OP. I imagine that child and the desperate help she needed, and didn't receive, and suddenly I can only felt sorry for her. My hatred of (((them))) does however multiply by 10 whenever this thought process occurs.

Its interesting. I have truly come to see feminism as a virus of the mind. Infecting the host and making her spread the disease to others before finally completely consuming her.

I have seen beautiful strong women completely deteriorate into hatefull self mutilating degenerates. You can see the disease progressing in their outward appearance. They will cut their hair shorter and shorter. Get tatoos, piercings, brightly colored hair, ugly glasses.

Its like their increasingly hideous appearance is an outward manifestation of their internal increasingly resentful and bitter self.

Life is traumatic. What we think of as abuse today was normal back in the day. Our ancestors lived through starvation, war, slavery, battle, plagues.

By age 15 boys were were fighting hand to hand combat. At 10, children were working the farm in order to survive.

(((Psychiatry))) has only made humanity weaker. We are now fragile beings who find every excuse in the world to wallow in our pain and sorrow. Life is tragic. Deal.

she should be sitting back playing with her grandchildren, not being a tattooed hag in a sleazy hotel.
Its the price you pay I suppose?

She was locked up in the Magdalene Laundries as a teen, that'd be enough to fuck with your head for sure. She had an "episode" a couple years ago too, iirc. Christ she sure could sing, though...

Yes, it's mot unlike cancer

I haven't actually seen in her performing any feminist related activities.
I wouldn't call her aggro against the catholic church feminist.
I think she probably does have loads of mental health problems.
Some people are schizophrenic for no fault of their own.
My brother was born while being strangled on his umbilical chord and was resuscitated by a nurse.
I put his mental health problems down to that.
Her ex John Waters who she had a kid with is one of the most red-pilled journalists in Ireland and he used to be a hippy, basically.

Do you say the same thing of alcohol or games? Both can lead to very degenrate spins in life where they replace normal interests and meaning. I personally know feminists I respect a lot and feminists I think are worse than your average Sup Forums user (and these feminists have influence too).

I just find it funny that you try to make it all seem so simple because you feel like it but that's not how people work.

Pretty much, it's a mental disorder after all.

> my hatred for them increases 10fold

My exact sentiment. I find it so tragic to see these lonely women convinced that having children is horrible and meanwhile see their nurturing instinct come out having them raise their cats, their plants, cacti etc.

She needs to go to church, desu senpai

She had lots of good songs IMO, not just that Prince ripoff.
She's still an absolute maniac and always has been, it's quite shameful that she's still not in a mental institution.

Aw she looks really sad. I hope she is okay!

The ones with cats end up better off.

It looks like if that Heaven's Gate guy became a tranny.

I'm not saying life should all be safe and comfy. I'm saying given the hardships that most people face at some point, the preparation we receive as kids and the community/family support that exists now have both degraded over the years so we have a population who can't handle anything at all. I'm saying in years gone by she might have been ok even if her trials and tribulations were objectively harder.

Radical individualism has turned the west into a cynical, bitter, self interested world. Then we aggressively force a meme about how great everything is in our postmodern utopia and act surprised that the most emotionally vulnerable parts of society can't handle the nonsense of it all, because ultimately that is what is happening to these people.

why are these fucking untermenschen allways making their stupid selfish videos infront of their fucking cum drenched beds?

google thinks she has a mental disorder

How is the print of a New York skyline in a motel room relevant? I don't get American journalists. Are they always this random?

Oyah. And "THICC".

Post of the week. I'm gonna screencap this mate.

Yes, they don't realize that people only want to be in relationships with those who make them happy in some way, or can supply money, and feminists are extremely bad at either.

even bots need to sleep

I agree. I was going to say that the destruction of the family has made us dependent upon self-help books and (((psychiatrists))), whereas before we would speak to our elders, who had probably experienced the same thing.

A close aunt or grandmother would have straightened her out years ago.

Women go mad without constant attention.
That's why a woman is happiest later in life when she has lots of children and grand children to annoy and talk about.

Pretty much.
Boys fall for stupid shit in their youth too, but they have the advantage that they have more time to figure it out because their dating value doesn't drop that quickly with age.

The older feminists are fucking monster to ruin half a generation's life for their personal benefit.

This Google Goy story seems like the end stages for liberalism. It's just so lame, everything about it. That anodyne memo was as if he had just been overwhelmed with baby's first repills for a week by watching JBP and Stefan Molyneux. Immediately then he was unceremoniously fired, then unceremoniously interviewed by Stefan Molyneux. I can't tell if everything is about to change soon or if I'm just too far down the rabbit hole. But we are ripe for a big paradigm shift with a big war or a happening of some sort. Electing Trump was sticking in the knife, and either of those would be to twist it.

>Unless anyone wants to gas ALL the women
Yup that's me, I stopped reading there as I assume the rest of your post does not apply to me.

She was also a damn fine looking woman in her early years. Im not convinced she is mentally ill.

what they deserve real hatred for is when they continue spreading this cancerous ideology after it already starting dawning on them what it entails


The world will become positive and humane again, once humanity stands up and kills (slaughters) all feminists.

THEY are the source of almost all evil.
They MUST be erradicated mercilessly.

Looks like Winona Ryder without the bulemia.

We've got to do something about this culture in the west. Not even talking about muh social justice left, I mean the root cause of it all. There is no redeeming quality about a culture that breeds niggers and spics and imports pajeets and Muslims because the natives are beaten into shell shock by the emptiness of Jewish consumer culture. Male/female relations are completely fucked and sex is at the root of everything. If we solve sex everything else sorts itself out.

Short answer:
Long answer:

She's bipolar, so she's legit fucked up. Too bad. Ever see any of her pictures just before she started shaving her head? She was kinda cute back in the day.

>damn fine looking woman
Britain, everyone.

Literally who?


> has 2 eyes
> "dayum fine, ugh!"


based amerifriend

She is one.

True. Short hair in women is a clear sign of mental illness.

you should only have sex with girls that are nice

>Its like their increasingly hideous appearance is an outward manifestation of their internal increasingly resentful and bitter self.
That's always been the case. How you are on the inside reflects on the outside. Just look at all of the politicians; you can tell who the scumbags are straight away by their appearance.

I think adoptive services screen for mental disorders, and I think preference is given to couples, rather than cat ladies.

I miss the days when she did shit like this. She was clearly unstable, but that took absolute balls.

Now, nothing compares to her madness...

She's right you know. Religion has made zero progress in the last 2,000 years. She's not mentally ill. She's one of our more brilliant members of society.

The (((90s))).

Sex and the City, suicidal angsty manlets like Cobain being sold to us as the model of cool for white males, hip-hop culture becoming mainstream.

It was an era of pure and utter social decay and decadence. The Boomers were all making big money and didn't care watching their culture circle down the toilet for their children.

>She's right you know.
I completely agree user.
I was not refuting her points.
But you can see it starting to weigh down on her by that point. She is unhinged, you can't deny this.
I'm still behind her to this day because of the redpills she dropped back then, but she needs fucking help now.

>Christianity makes Europe responsible for the greatest cultural, scientific and moral advances in human history.
>The moment it abandones it, the continent becomes a hedonistic, corrupt, sodomite hellhole getting trampled underfoot by other religious societies.
>Hurr religion holds us back durr.
You shoud head back to r/autism.

>Still thinks Catholics are true Christians


>Disregarding centuries of philosophical and theological debate because of scamming by priests, whilst it spiritually survived Popes and cardinals having multiple wives, 10 year old Pope, putting dead people on trial, and ones that refused to make the sign of the cross.
>Luther removed seven different books from the bible.
>"S-sola scriptura"

>Debating theory, interpreting scripture and asserting that you are the only true authority on the planet
>Meanwhile science is curing diseases
>Unless the church stops it
yeah ok.
Let the thread die user.

>Make a report analysing the health dangers of anal "sex".
>Get fired by your superiors, and become unhirable to any other scientific research group.
>Make a paper encouraging boys to be castrated and injected full of hormores and puberty blockers if he plays with Barbie.
>Instantly promoted
Yeah science sure is "curing" those diseases.

And yeah, those atheists were sure rallying 10s of thousands of people in Eastern Europe against their oppresors by simply travelling to those countries.
And that "I hate Christians and religion" from O'conner sure hasn't resulted in her being alone, bitter, or suicidal.
