>Drumpf is finished
>It's over for him
Where were you when the US president threatened nuclear war?
The deranged mad man will be locked up soon!!
>Drumpf is finished
>It's over for him
Where were you when the US president threatened nuclear war?
The deranged mad man will be locked up soon!!
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In all seriousness we need to get this lunatic out of the white house before we are all dead.
Yeah hitler didn't kill the jews on day one
It's not too late to stop this, someone just needs to kill him!
Oh look ANOTHER Drumpf is finished thread.
what are u gonna do about it, white nazi scum?
Try it faggot and get lit up by the Secret Service.
It was doomed from the start. Everyone who shilled him into being there Republican nominee is absolutely retarded. Anyone who proudly voted for him is even more retarded. Why the hell did any of you believe anything he said?
You know he is is going to stay in office untill the end of his term(s).
too late
we warned you about the nuclear codes
but you didn't listen
Kim will take care of that ogrish baboon