>Trump takes Kim to the brink: America and North Korea are locked in extraordinary standoff as US president boasts his nuclear arsenal is 'more powerful than ever’ and puts on show of strength from US air base which Jong-un is preparing to bomb
To all "it's NOT happening" fags. There is no other way to for it to end, Trump and Kim will not stand down and risk looking weak on the international stage - after investing so much. Yes this type of shit has happened for years, but NK threats are NO longer empty. They now have proven ICBM's capable of hitting USA and apparently also miniaturized nukes to place in them. Remember Trump vowed they would not even be allowed to have ICBM's capable of putting USA in range.
it's not happening, this will fade out of the news cycle just like the qatar "crisis" did and will be an afterthought for a few months until norks have another nuke test.
Grayson Hernandez
Yes, Obama did nothing and allowed North Korea to reach this stage. Thus his leadership could have lead us into World War III.
William Walker
NK is a loose canon unlike Qatar. Also, they have China to help them - need i remind you China has already said they will undertake a military operation against India within the next 2 weeks? (from the 7th Aug)
Luis Sanchez
Getting tired of drudge's bullshit.
Leo Reyes
Trump will clean up your messes, faggot.
Robert Gonzalez
that fat gook won't do shit. I bet he pissed himself after trumps comment