Honestly Shariah law can't come quick enough.
>being this butthurt about roasties
You're the only faggots that ever complain about it
I'm not butthurt at all I'm just at a loss for words.
has to be one of ours
>my anthem: Young love
top kek
You know that people in tinder are looking mostly for sex and don't give a shit about personalitys but go only for the looks
The Halo effect is one of the most powerful things in the universe
>at a loss for words
You obviously have never used tinder.
That's not the point off this imagine is it?
The point is to illustrate people like this would support a new hitler as long as he was a mega super chad.
Doesn't that make you realize something schultz? Think about it..
a 7/10 woman saying the exact same thing would get just as many results if not more
>on the whore app
>surprised he finds whores
if I'd get the chance to fuck a 10/10 female Hitler on tinder I wouldn't give a fuck
Came here to post this.
If the universe is nothing more than perception, then is there anything more powerful than cognitive bias?
For that reason, OPs picture is believable, yet it still gives me pause.
also this. The problem isn't women in this particular case and so OP is fag.
The problem is the internet. It was a mistake.
Try it with the women here. I dare you.
(Goes back to cleaning .45)
I'm not saying men are any different.
I'm telling you to think about it.. maybe the next hitler.. think schultz.. think
was waiting for the "I've got a kid you could fuck after me."
ordinarily i would agree with you, but fucking paedo's? if this was actually a legit collage and not blatantly a hoax where theyve changed the bio afterwards id be more pissed off at you. But its not so im not.
That's what is shocking, mothers willing to go anywhere near a nonce putting their child at risk.
> /pol discovers that if you are good looking you can say the most vile shit
Want some pancakes with your coffee?
Go back to r3ddit instead you fucking neckbeard
no you're a fucking fag. A woman fucking a bloke child is not the same as a man fucking a girl child, or a boy child. because there is no fucking penetration involved. Unless there is and then its fucked up as hell ( a woman dildoing a little boy).
if you unironically think that there isnt a difference between the sexes, and also that children have the capability of informed consent, then you are a fucking transexual and a fucking paedo, and should know where the fucking rope is by now....
>the internet was a mistake
fuck me. get off it then cunt, its only shit because people like you are on it
>female hypergamy is a thing
I don't think there are many people here who doubt it, it's rather making the bluepilled aware of it.
just fyi im referring to teens...fucking anyone under 14 is an immediate bloodeagle
of any gender
>Shariah law
no cultural appropriation pls thank you very much desu
>feeling anything about anything women related