I would rather live in paradise for all eternity with no knowledge of evil than have the capacity to choose evil in this world.
I would rather live in paradise for all eternity with no knowledge of evil than have the capacity to choose evil in...
A paradise without free-will is not a paradise. The ability to know good presupposes the knowledge of evil.
You would never know the difference. You would just know pleasure and happiness for all eternity. It doesn't take seeing a valley to recognize a mountain.
Good is not dependent upon evil.
I agree. Free will is so much fun, but we have retards running around murdering people raping people torturing kids and puppies... it's almost like or one big fucking mistake.
How would you know what good/paradise was if you had no experience of evil/bad?
You dualistic cucks will always be trapped in your own mind. Kek.
Absence of free will is acceptable when God is the one taking it away from you. God won't hurt you.
Did Adam and Eve know what the Garden of Eden was? Did they know that God was good?
Free will is a myth
> Evil
I'd rather not waste my time focusing on unattainable fantasies
Side note, how does heaven work? Wouldn't you retain your knowledge of evil but not be able to choose it. So why can't we have that from the get go?
God is both good and evil. You can't have light without dark, you can't have space without solid. But in between light and dark there is a whole spectrum. Just like in between pain and pleasure there is a wide range of feeling.
Assume a neutral state, does it then take feeling pain to know what pleasure feels like?
The point being that a loving God would know that people would prefer this but chooses not to give it to us.
Of course. When they say "love your enemy" it doesn't mean oh love them for they hopefully one day see how wrong they are and see your side, no. Love your enemy because you need an enemy. An enemy let's you know who you are. If there was no opposition you wouldn't know what you stand for.
Is there free will in heaven?
What a load of shit. God is purely good, and that won't change no matter how much kikes like you try to change Him. There can be good without evil, and vice versa, just not in this world.
Moral relativism stems from Judaism. Fuck off you kabbalistic kike.
When people say you can't have good without evil are they saying it is impossible for God to make it so?
We're just animals in a purposeless world.
Check mate
You're more of a kike than I would ever be. You worship a dead kike on a stick. I simply follow a eastern school of thought. Something you're not ready for.
You're already in heaven. As for free will, it all depends on what you think "you" is. In my opinion yes and no. You beat your heart just as much as you grow your finger nails and shine the sun and rotate the galaxies. There is no difference between what you call voluntary action and involuntary action.
This is also true. It all depends how you look at it. Doesn't need to be a put down theory.
He did we just aren't in it atm.
I'm already in heaven? Could have fooled me.
this is one of satan's lies
convincing us that his realm is heaven. this is satan's realm. not heaven.
Religiousfags contradicting each other trying to make sense
Our forebearers chose the path we are on today. They choose a world in which their spirits would be cast into a sea of turmoil in unrest. They cast aside a life of comfort and ease so that they too might join the war in the Cosmos.
While preternatural man had a union with God and freewill, he had not the strength of soul required to end the serpent when he could have.
Now we have evil, and with evil conflict. Victory over conflict is what strengthens our will and creates a stronger spirit.
This is the path of man. Our very essence was changed the day Adam ate the Fruit of Forbidden Knowledge. Now we have choice, a choice to be slaves to the Abyss or to be masters of our own destiny in union with the Father.
God celebrates free will. Everybody asks, if God is so powerful then why does he not just destroy evil? Simple answer. If there wasn't free will there would be no evil
Google theodicy, Prince of the Morning.
>this is satan's realm. not heaven.
We still have free will in heaven we are simply no longer slaves to temptation or sin as we are on earth.
Meaning you can still be an idiot and rebel against God but you'd certainly be punished.
But ultimately almost all of this is beyond feeble human comprehension.