This video has been raided quite a lot, but positive comments still dominate it. We need to show the cucks that we are just as numerous as they are:



I hope you realize that when you post blind racism instead of proper critique, you're only enboldening this nigg's fans and getting her more attention, thus more famous

Stupid, to be fair


Why are you so not fun.


based comment. Raids were how the Sup Forums community was formed all those years ago I suppose.

Not your personal army, nigger. Find some other sucker to give your video clicks.

>my video clicks
>I am serbian, video is nigger from norway

i always knew americans were mentally retarded

Raiding is Sup Forums way of life faggot. Besides it is always funny to see Sup Forums comments spill over onto youtube

T. A nigger

how does that make any sense


Nice trips.

I'm impressed by the creativity of Sup Forums youtube comments.


You sound underaged or new trying to fit in. Raids weren't just one or two faggots spouting nonsense on YouTube. Also as said, unless you're trying to redpill Normie's you're just giving them more attention and more fuel for their narcissistic, virtue signaling, victim complex.

>pic related
also kek

Sup Forums is going too far this time. What the fuck is wrong with you all.

Lel, can someone translate?

Bumpy bump


All you guys did for Sophie was give her more attention and now she's turning into a mega star. Now my little niece is singing "fuck all your friends, imma fuck all your friends, uh" because it's now A-listed on Norway's biggest radio stations in support because of your fucking raids!

Thanks for making our degeneracy a major future problem Sup Forums

I hope you realize that proper critique is useless against niggers because they dont understand it. Blind racism works and hurts them.

You should disable comments, so much hate should not get in the way of love

Stop lying. You fucking shill.

shhh its a shill thread

How am I supposed to do that if I don't even know that this niggress is speaking

Something along the lines of "You should remove the comment section, so hate won't block all the love

not yur personal army, fagggg

You need a norwegian summer holiday just to witness this shit

Wow, dislikes being mass removed as usual.

She looks exactly like that other whore with the black hand. What the fuck is her name again something on E I think. Why do they all look the same?

>Complain about racism
>User picture has her eating a dog with chopsticks

Er lyke, hypocrisy much?

The one from the porn or the one in the pic you're responding to?
The one in the pic is Sophie Elise
She's an attentionwhore, and probably knew what sort of response she would get

You fucking kidding me?
I was surprised at VEVO accepting it, with the word "fuck", but even the radio?

How does it help?
Because i, and the other norwegian already explained how this is counter-productive

The one from the porn, she looks exactly like Sophie Elise.


Why is Norway such a police state? I found all her info just by googling her name.

I don't know what is funnier, that a jew posted that, or that a jew is using a mock caricature and name while posting that. What the hell is going on here?!