Wow, so brave

This racists can't keep getting away with it, it's time to act!

Other urls found in this thread:

disgusting, how on earth can people be allowed to have different opinions

>it's okay to keep all of the hatetweets against whites up but these have to go

Libcucks don't understand the concept of everything or nothing.

>Defacing private/company property
Oh. It's in Hamburg. ANTIFA central. This is a HamNothingburger

They only get mad because they know it's true.


Is that ISIS warrior white?

> This racists can't keep getting away with it, it's time to act!


Wow, must be nice to be on such high moral ground that you can become the moral authority over thought and speech!

These people as you stated certainly are brave! HOW DARE SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING NASTY _ON THE INTERNET_

They must not realize that...

>Shapira, who is Jewish, said he also reported 150 comments to Facebook, and 80 percent of those were removed within a few days.
Everyone needs a hobby, I guess...

And here's the archive


Maybe it's the infamous Sayumm Al-Hayad, renowned for escaping the authorities countless times


> Create Troll Account
> Rile up some Jews and SJWs
> So Riled up they spray paint your messages on sidewalks so you can troll people in RL
> Get featured on the news

Oh my god, this cuck is so pathetic. This cuck is so fucking pathetic.

He´s something between Ned Flanders watching television to complain about cuss words and an stasi-agent.

> _ surrounding a portion of interest
>Kekistani flag
Ledditor confirmed. I bet you're not even a real racist.

Jews are fucking cancer. this guy is being groomed by a Jewish group to do and say what he's told. basically a shill


>SJWs so butt bothered by "hate-speech" on line they spray paint "hate-speech" grafitti irl
Thanks for spreading the message I guess.


I'd like to see "niggers" spray painted on railcars



>niggers are a plague on our society

well it's not wrong

"...But my even more retarded ancestors brought them over here."


Bin that sidewalk!

Holy fuck. Pol has been taken over by leftypol. There's almost no decent threads.

I wonder how much tight slizz he gets for his hard work reporting hate comments.

Honestly quite jealous.

Ou vey this is another holocaust!