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Nuke Ontario


What do injun writers write about? Coyote stealing bear and Ravens booze?

I think I see a rare flag ripe for my collection

>school board
So what? Like 3 schools?

>for indigenous writers
Why is it a problem that they're ditching English writers for Canadian ones?

>indigenous writers
So...the Chinese?


They done this during my English classes many years back. We had a module called 'poems from other (weren't allowed to call it different just other) cultures' mostly Africans who moved to UK writing shitty poems.

> Indian
> Canadian

Pick One.

meanwhile highschool science and math in canada is still shit, but hey, maybe tweaking our english classes is what we need to not get overrun with cheap foreign labor!

sheik spear is overrated anyways

I would feel worse about this if Shakespeare was not so shit.


How is Shakespeare shit exactly? I studied pretty much all of the major works and thoroughly enjoyed them all. Are you a baffoon mate?

I'll complain if I knew wich writers they are, cause you don't make kids read crap just to fulfill your underdog fetish.

it means native literature I belive so cave paintings and pow wows about the buffalo god

So cultural genocide is happening in Canada?

People who push these things will die for this. They are stupid to think they can get away with it.

>tossing aside the works of one of the greatest authors and playwrights of all time for a bunch of stories by timber niggers

fucking end it already

what you gonna do about it?
post some annoying shit online?

WOW... really activates my pumpkin patch

Sending your kids to school with gooks, shalom, salam, and namaste sandniggers is child abuse. Plain and simple. Anyone in ontario with kids in school is podesta tier abuser and those kids will be just as mentally devastated as the average raped child

Shakespeare sucked because he literally made up words. He was the snoop dog of his time

>His culture it's so fragile that the only thing keeping it togheter are Shakespeare writings.

Canada is a silly place.

Margaret Atwood isn't bad.

Shakespeare makes kids never want to read anything ever again. That he is possible to enjoy is meaningless when compared to all the people he has forever soured all literature for.

>indigenous writers

I thought it was already shit when I was in elementary school and high school back in the 90s. I finished grade 12 month by grade 10 with 99% and mostly just goofed off in class. I was completely unprepared for university level math which is mostly theorem proving.


I'm still mad cause little shits will never read Shakespeare on their own will.

Even when you slap their faces with it.

>its only Shakespeare
>its only genders and sex
>its only people from another country
if you keep being that apathetic and stupid then you won't have anything left when you realize you should do something.

not to mention, if what you said was true then they would not bother changing it

Shakespeare is definitely complete garbage. Shakespeare's contemporaries considered his works as base filth, lacking in morality, basically like the "reality tv" of his day. Somewhere down the line some intellectuals considered them masterpieces and meme stuck.

Fuck Shakespeare.

Shakespeare is only valuable because people say so. He's actually not great, in fact in his own time his stories would have been the equivalent of modern day smut. It seems the passage of time is the only difference between legitimacy and illegitimacy.


so they want black only schools? xD

>he literally made up words.

This is on par with the "shakespear was actually a woman/black/etc." theories.
Shakespeare's plays were a commercial venture, if the plays actually introduced new words, the audience wouldn't have understood what the fuck was going on and wouldn't have liked the plays.
The most logical explanation for the presence of words not seen in other literature, is that they were preexisting lower class slang that nobody had written down before, because everyone else who used them was illiterate.
In reality, Shakespeare was probably just trying to seem more raw and legitimate and inadvertently introducing and sexifying hip street slang to rich kids.

Bubble was probably the On Fleek of his era.

They got it.

There is also an Injun reserve that evicts mixed race couples.

Please archive or screenshot

>cbc ca/news/canada/montreal/amanda-deer-non-native-boyfriend-driven-from-kahnawake-home-by-protesters-1.3077894

How long until leftists start burning books in public?

but we are not talking about value but tradition and culture, and as that he have made an impact that we should not suddenly decide to be ignorant of

in the future when you tell someone that the reply might be "who?" and you can't even tell people how bad it is properly.

What books have the natives wrote?

>white man come
>white man have beads and booze
>trade beavers and land for beads and booze
>get drunk on white man booze
>raid white mans land we just gave them
>no land, booze, and half of raiding party is dead
>fuck white people

Hahahahaha, soon we'll be the best English speakers
T. Quebec

why would they need to burn literary works when they can just remove them from school curriculums and never talk about them in media? People can't be exposed to what they don't know exists

Tradition and culture change. The west started in Greece, and then Rome, then Northern Europe, then the new world. The west is a synergy and infusion of different ideas over centuries. There are so many literally who's in the great passages of western history. Why should it be any different if Shakespeare is no longer as relevant as he once was? Out with the old, in with the new.

For FUCK sakes.

Can't wait for the Canadian civil war. Wynne and Trudeau are getting the rope.

And you will notice that unlike the ignorant approach taken here we still consider that history relevant and we still reference it, read it, study it, teach it and so forth, it is still very much a part of us.

If you argued for the tossing of all greek history then your argument would be consistent but also very dangerously ignorant IMO

Nothing wrong with reading a wide range of reading. But the decision to drop Shakespeare is a mistake if you are an English-speaking nation because of his importance in forming the language itself.

>Out with the old, in with the new.
Yeah, come on guys! It's 2017!

Fuck off Corbyn.

The question then, if we still consider it relevant, if it had to compite with other forms of entertainment.

why not both?

He was writing cuckoldry porn

>Zounds, sir, you’re robbed! For shame, put on your gown. Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul. Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe. Arise, arise, awake the snorting citizens with the bell or else the devil will make a grandsire of you. Arise, I say!

>shit brainlets say

What did they mean by this? the natives? God, I hope not.

And the answer is easily yes. It have been a source of influence throughout the years and have had a noticeable and clear impact.
The reason they want to move away from something like this can only be because they want to damage our mental capacity by removing something that is still relevant.

you should be able to know when something is a reference to certain works, when its common for everyone in the entire west to learn then you will suddenly be kinda on the sideline when you alone lack cultural references and the values they taught etc

this is universal for all things related to our culture and society and not just books though it is very obvious with books.

when you have no knowledge of Shakespeare you are kinda like the newfag who refuse to lurk before he posts shitty broken memes that are simply wrong, you are this way precisely because you lack what the others have.

Shakespeare was fucking terrible though, he didnt reflect the culture or even the language of the time. The fact I was forced to learn shakespweare in school is fucking stupid and i guarantee that if the curriculuum covered a more modern or relevant author then more kids would be interested in Literature, Shakespeare should be resigned to further education in literary history courses for those few who are actually interested.

Hearty Chuckle Dot Jay Pegg

Mate it's 1600's smut. If you want to teach Shakespeare, teach about him in history class. But it's better to teach more relevant literature that doesn't put people off of reading for life.

I'm not arguing to toss out anything, only treat it as less relevant to the school curriculum. I mean why can't Shakespeare be taught at college instead? Is Greek history taught at school? No. Does that make it any less important? No. If this were taking place in the 25th century you'd be whining about schools deciding to drop 50 shades of gray. Because that's all Shakespeare is, the 17th century equivalent of that.

I bet that where the rich people pay for their kids to go to school they will have Shakespeare while the sorry people's kids don't get this cultural enrichment and in turn this will enforce the clear divide between the two groups.

Things like this make me believe that we might evolve into two different types of human in the future, one of cultured worthy elites and one of dirty savages that do manual labor and work for government handouts and "get everything they need" and just exist while the elites live life.

Yeah, take Shakespeare plots and characters, give them modern names, make them speak in contemporary slang, set the story in the 'hood, and over social media. That always improves on Shakespeare.

>when you have no knowledge of Shakespeare you are kinda like the newfag who refuse to lurk before he posts shitty broken memes
Nobody remembers what they read in high school. More likely, people will remember the stuff they've seen on GoT years from now.

Brainlet nonsense. Shakespeare is relevant every time you use the English language for anything other than grunting.

If the Iliad and the Odyssey were taught in schools it would improve the quality of young men tbqh. If you are a male and you've not read the foundational stories of western masculinity, you might be beyond hope.

I don't care if we turn into Africa I want marfitime separations.

Has an Injun ever done anything worth while or have they remained savages even though they have the tech of the white man

You are forgetting that this is a selective change only for a select few, if it was a generic choice and so forth then it would be better and I would agree more with your line of reasoning though I still think Shakespeare is more relevant than 50 shades, not because of how is written but due to the impact of the ripple effects, 50 shades can't compare and I thought it was forgotten already

It's relevant because people say so. You want to talk about brainlets? The real brainlet is somebody who accepts something as culturally and intellectually relevant because others say so. Face it, it is smut. It always was, it always will be.

There is nothing wrong with stories like the Illiad or the Odyssey, in fact more classics like that would be great, but the mistake was making Shakespeare a classic in the first place.

is not that just a full blown SJW fest of a show these days though?

Next they're going to be claiming Shakespeare was really a black trans woman.

You misunderstand me leaf, just forget shakespeare altogether until further education. Have kids in school read something that will appeal to them. Harry Potter as an example for younger kids, not saying its a great book or well written, I havent read it myself, but its etremely popular and some kids would read it just for fun....anything to actually ghet kids reading out of choice would be better than force feeding them some out of date bullshit they have no interest in thats going to put them off reading for life.

Many books go forgotten for decades, perhaps even centuries before being revived and seen as culturally relevant. Time is what grants works of art legitimacy it seems. It's too early to tell if 50 shades will be seen as something quintessentially relevant to 21st century culture but the idea of people discussing it centuries from now like its some profound work is actually hilarious. That's the power of the passage of time.

probably fake quote

>but the mistake was making Shakespeare a classic in the first place.

I can agree on this, but now that its already done and a reality we must live with the fact that it have become relevant over time due to the continued impact it have had

>ITT: Sup Forums pretends they've read more shakespeare than whatever got assigned in high school

Shakespeare mangled the English language to fit his own style, People didnt speak the way he wrote then and they dont speak the way he wrote now.

>If the Iliad and the Odyssey were taught in schools
But they'll never be, because Jamal can't read or focus for very long. Just buy your kid the books.
>it would improve the quality of young men tbqh
Guess that's not what they're going for.

I've only caught a few episodes. From my point of view, it's 50/50.

you are probably right but I have not yet bothered to find who actually said it so the image is good enough for now, you should consider the message and not the authority it comes from anyway

>It's relevant because people say so.
Yes, this is how cultures work.

> People didnt speak the way he wrote then and they dont speak the way he wrote now
"More fool you".

But wasn't the black man cucked (or thought he was cucked) in Othello?

Britain has led the world through innovation, the only nation who even came close was France.

Canadians should stop bastardizing the English language, as well, speak French, instead.

But this goes back to the point I made about thinking something is relevant just because others say so. It has long past its use. Why read it for the sake of it? Other works are far more valuable to the youth of today. Things that could really cultivate their minds and morality.

yeah but what about twelfth night

A few natty catchphrases does not define a language. Nobody speaks conversationally the way shakespeare wrote.

Shakespeare was an artist. Only a white male could have been so prolific.

People cannot grasp the galaxy of this man's mind.

Renaissance men, were White men. It cannot, and will not, happen, any other way.

Shakespeare does cultivate minds and morality, its also very hard to use the English language with any elegance without quoting him.

What you are actually moaning about is poor teaching of Shakespeare which is a separate issue.

I guess we should stop using the words, he invented, as well.

Eyeball, and Assassin, are great words, though.

Nobody speaks in rhyme or with meter much outside political speeches.
No poetry either then. Harry Potter it is. FFS.

Perhaps. But I don't see it as the end of the world if other works are explored in its stead. Culture has never remained stagnant.

Well he did make fun of cucks so of course they're mad.

No, those are two very different things.
to be relevant just because someone said so is listening to someones word and then go do that, because they said so.
The other is to understand that because so many in society consider this relevant then it actually is, because its impact is still real.

example 1: I ask you to buy green pants because I think it would send a signal to people to think green, this is just me saying something is relevant and if you agree then you agree just because I said so

example 2: you notice that a organization focusing on the environment have created a successful campaign that have spread nation wide where they sell green pants that now are just as well known as the iphone and people have come to generally accept that green pants represent this and the company whom donates its profits, if you go and buys these green pants for this reason then you are no longer thinking they are relevant "just because someone said so" but instead you simple realize that they already have become relevant

and we are still faced with the problem of this only being a change for a select few so the damage is double, even the people their own age will know about this still relevant thing while they don't.

I actually agree, Poetry and shakespeare appeal to very few people, but if you get kids reading for pleasure then a lot more are going to want to expand into historic literature and poetry overall, and they can make that choice further down the road and share classes with likeminded people.

Do this for me. Watch the "Hollow Crown" version of Richard III and then watch an episode of the highly relevant and popular Game Of Thrones.

You'll see one is not only a shitty cultural echo of the other but its basically a joke that is impossible to take seriously everything about it is so badly done.

I can't insist here Shakespeare was a great artist who combined psychological truth and depth with miraculous language if people just say "its shit and boring innit" but you can experience what I'm talking about if you want to see if there is anything in it.

We know quality when we experience it and its a fact like any other at that point.

I didn't know it was possible to demonstrate such shit taste in so few words.

Oh good for Canada now we can get real writer like Tyrone sharqisha and his book Where da White Wimmin at?

Your grasp of English is very poor, he could have just said 'Shakespeare is shit'. Thats much fewer words.

Nuke us please.

At this point the people who are even remotely "right" leaning don't give a fuck.
No one gives a fuck, and it's fucking pathetic.

I'm 24 and pretty much my entire generation doesn't see anything wrong with the way things are going. Why?

Because they're all fucking hedons who only care immediate self satisfaction.

This country is filled with privileged fucks who will happily bend over backwards for the government because everyone is so fucking disillusioned that the government is their friend and would do nothing to hurt them.

God damn this nation is full of retards.

There's a difference between artificial relevance and actual relevance.

"To begin with, I had good reason to be gratified. The sex-economic analysis of fascist ideology not only stood the test of time, but, more than that, the past ten years confirmed it in all essential points. It survived the decline
of the economistic concepts with which the German Marxist parties had tried to master fascism. It means something that, ten years after its publication, there is a new demand for the book. This is more than any Marxist
publication of ten years ago, whose authors had condemned sex-economy, can say for itself"

Taste is subjective and literary value is a social construct goyim. Cultural heritage has nothing to do with race and minority voices are just as important.

I see what you're saying but no. Shakespeare is actually important, there are deep cultural things going on with it. If you've had no exposure, you've got a problem operating within the culture. You don't have to like it and if you don't take your chance, fine. But making it optional is like making grammar or adding up optional, you're not really helping people by letting them deprive themselves of something.

Its literally the only thing I think in art in British speaking countries that has this important. There is other stuff I prefer and even think is better in some ways but it doesn't occupy the same place culturally and linguistically.

And look, these things matter and the way you know they matter is that there is no way on earth that a good private school would ever ditch this stuff.