Is he /ourEngineer/ pol ?

>work at goolag as a software engineer
>go to a "diversity training"
>Hear so much bullshit it motevates you to do research on the subject.
> Send the research to a division calle "Skeptic".
>get fired.

full story :

full memo :

JB Peperson interview :

Stephan´s Molimeme interview:

I have a theory about it. but its only a theory for now, i may or maynot share it with you guys on the thread. Fact is : this is the new ethics at work. if you do not agree with the left/culturalmarxists/sjw agenda, do not speak about it.

Other urls found in this thread:


>motherboard vice com/en_us/article/kzbm4a/employees-anti-diversity-manifesto-goes-internally-viral-at-google?utm_source=mbfb
>youtu be/agU-mHFcXdw?t=1

We broke archive bro

Turns out Sup Forums is not the only echochamber on the internet.

he's jew

he did the right thing, i dont even know if he is a jew, despise the huge noose. still he did good, does that not count ? wtf ? someone should throw iq tests here. i bet some people are really dumb on this board.

oh ... i just realized the flag, ignore my previous text. a fucking leaf.

pfft, whatever. enjoy zika eh? if you think our birthrates are fucked good luck surviving.

No, he is a bigot

typical leaf response.

>I have a theory about it.
Clever you. It's easy, the more someone needs to tell you they're something, the less they are that thing.
When your boss tells you it's ok, you can speak your mind, that's when you need to watch your mouth.

It's universal, it works with niggers acting tough, girls bragging about being sluts or commies preaching tolerance. They more they need to say it, the less they are.

damn ... im speechless.

>It's universal, it works with niggers acting tough, girls bragging about being sluts or commies preaching tolerance. They more they need to say it, the less they are.
yeah you touched it, and the theory is not mine, its from a brazilian philosopher, its called Existential marketing, in a sense that to deal with the angst society now is producing "types of life" to give meaning to people, in a near future if you dont have a "lifestyle" and all signs and products in that package you will be nobody will not be employable nor liked.

No such thing as a "good jew", you kike shill.


So? The fact that such obvious truths are heresy now tells you how sick and jewified is society.

well unless you prove it, i disagree.

Jordan Peterson talk with James Damore

Okay, this guy looks Jewy af, but it is weird that I want to fuck him? I don't usually find Jews/Arabs attractive, but holy shit I want this guy inside of me now.

shut the fuck up you dumb fucking leaf giving us a bad name, christ

acts of power turns woman and gays on.

i have a theory on leafland also :
some people in canada are so smart that culture have to level the rest of people producing the ultimate dumbfucks to counterbalance.

Holy shit Google must have activated is CTR subscription. The shilling is hardcore up in here.

>hurr durr he's a jew
>I don't care that all of top senior google leadership are DNC collaborators and they hate this guy
>don't support him, we need more diversity and SJW bullshit in tech.

Get back to trading dilation tips in your fucking discord you shilling pieces of shit.

Full thing, I really don't get why he didn't just upload the desynced video and explain what happened in text. Video quality is irrelevant in this case. I guess it's cause he's old or something

No, I would never fuck Molyneux, Jordan Peterson, RooshV or whatever his fucking name is, or even somebody moderately attractive like Spencer. I would fuck this diversity memo guy in a heartbeat. I would never fuck Mayweather or McGregor.

>vice shuts down archiving from "right wing archiving sites" like to stop bleeding shekels
>based norbro goes and finds an archiving site that works anyway

I just can't help it, holy shit I want to find this guy and have sex with him so bad. It's not a power thing, I would never fuck Hitler if my life depended on it, but this guy is a different story. Wow I want to suck his dick so bad.

kek turns out Sup Forums is far more diverse than google.
"Sup Forums is an echochamber " debunked.

I remember that. They called the Wayback Machine a right-wing website, too. It's like movies set in communist countries where anything can be labeled counter-revolutionary, which is the kiss of death, so they start smashing priceless historical artifacts, etc.

send him a mail then bro/grill. go for it.

He definitely knew what he was doing - within a day he was talking to Molymeme, and JBP, and WeSearchr

No one who wasn't redpilled would connect to those people, and no one who was redpilled would release the memo without knowing exactly what sort of shitstorm it was going to cause

So I believe he deliberately made the memo as inoffensive as humanly possible, while still triggering the catladies and Google to hysterically overreact and act illegally

He's a master troll

The nose knows

Was that actually true though? In the first thread I saw about it people were saying that Vice post was nowhere to be found and was probably fake.

Not with a (((nose))) like that.

I can't believe I am attracted to this guy. I find jewish men and arabic men repulsive. Even half Arabs like Persians are repulsive to me. I can't believe I want to have sex with this guy at all.

Some people think it is a power thing. I would never fuck Richard Spencer or Milo Yiannopoulous, or anybody that beats their wife. Hitler, Stalin and Mao are all disgusting and repulsive, but I really want to make this guy orgasm so bad.

I don't know, but they did block archiving and it coincided with that supposed post so either it was real and vice deleted it, or someone who knew about the plan to block archiving mocked up a fake before hand


is that so ?
1 he is young. that means the lack of experience can imply the inconsequential act.
2 Are you really going to fight the whole establishment alone and without money backing you up? if that was the case Sup Forums would not exist and we would be personally knocking on the google HQ to debate those dickheads. So there is a possibility that someone on the right is paying this dude. but go figure it seems hard to believe.
3- he is redpilled because he is a very critical person he studied math applied to biology and groups of cells. witch gave him a huge capacity of checking data and analyzing it.

posting in here will not make him found of you. just send him a mail already. dont let your dreams be memes.

I don't think anyone is paying him, but the man is a scientist and the bluehairs are nothing if not predictable. He knew exactly what would happen when he released the memo and did it anyway.

look at that nose.

wayback machine is just how you acces internet history... so history is right wing? these people need to go

>Sup Forums
>echo chamber
Is it br? Tell me how a site that requires no account creation, all users post under anonymous by default, and no way to filter or bury dissenting information is an echo chamber? Maybe just maybe, when you strip away everything but the argument and the argument holds, it's valid.

well its not what he said to Peterson, he said he sent the memo to a google division called "skeptic" expecting them to check his facts and open a debate. instead they leaked his memo and it went viral. then all the SJW had a history before he went to peterson and Stephan. PEterson now is in a fight with google, Stephan i dont know. it shuold be nice to know who went after who for those interviews. that would solve the potential troll problem.


He's /our guy

that was a joke. that probably did not work, Sup Forums is an echochamber is a meme. and in his memo he says that google is a echochamber.. oh wait ... mabe this dude is indeed from Sup Forums.

why are these brazilian monkeys allowed to post here?

because Sup Forums is more inclusive than google despise all the swastikas around here.

Whats next lemurs, donkeys and pigs?

Also don't @ me you fucking monkey.


>>work at goolag as a software engineer
He wasn't a software engineer

It's "right wing" if it doesn't fit their altered view of reality. They don't like being held accountable to their previous words. This "fact-checking" thing which even Snopes has succumbed to is resembling the USSR's Pravda.

you are hurting muh feels

Lads. I've noticed James Demore has done a webstream chat with

>Jordan Peterson
>Stefan Molyneux

is there anyone else? I am hungry for what James has to say.

every one is talking about him, the right is not interviewing him tho. this is probably going to TV sometime.

I was wrong, I apologise.

Thank you for showing me the light, proud POC.

i thought stefan and jordan were right youtube figureheads?

>Get back to trading dilation tips in your fucking discord

Based mutant.

He could be the one to finally launch an incel revolution.

He's a jew, but probably too autistic so he didn't quite get the memo that he's supposed to favour the jewish agenda.


>Tell me how a site that requires no account creation, all users post under anonymous by default, and no way to filter or bury dissenting information is an echo chamber?

White Supremacists just love an unmoderated platform to spread their garbage

No, he's just an autismo sperg that fell for the "safe space" honeypot. Never put anything in writing you wouldn't want to be read in court/by HR, it's common sense.

I doubt he's s jewish since Damore is an Italian name, but even if he is one of those hand wringers, then I guess he is /ourkike/. What he did was brave.


You do realize that Sup Forums has mods, and there are non-White threads for Asian countries, etc.?

yes and?

>White Supremacists just love an unmoderated platform to spread their garbage
Then how is this board unmoderated?

lol how is it moderated?

Look at the flag m8

>lol how is it moderated?
unironically kys you useless faggot leaf

stupid cunts get called out for being stupid cunts so they respond by acting like stupid cunts

can we just fucking start WW3 already?
I'm done

Good point, thanks.

Sup Forums is not an echo chamber. I mean, you can have your own, but Sup Forums is as open as your mother's ass. (Which is VERY OPEN)


>entire face is a nose

Truly Sup Forums's greatest ally.

go to 6:24 in the Peterson video.
If those got out, there would be chaos.

So was Mises, who did more for liberty and human dignity than you ever will.
Damore did good. He's an honorary goy.

The memo was circulating for a month before SHTF. This situation was not intentional.

1) Persians aren't Arabs, they're OG aryans.
2) Maybe you should post nudes with his name on your tits and that'll make him want you.

Fire up the sperm cannons!

>1) Persians aren't Arabs, they're OG aryans.
I think they've been raped by Arabs and Turks for too long to be "OG Aryans" desu.

In 1917 (((they))) broke Russia. Now, in 2017 - (((they)) broke You!

Sometimes Russians on Sup Forums argue that the communists were awesome because they led peasants against the "Western imperialists" but other Russians despise the communists. What gives?

Must be new here

More like a truth chamber you autistic child

>Russians on Sup Forums argue that the communists were awesome


Era of Data Scam social media is ending
Kill youthoughtcrimetube's dominance & kill facecensorfuck's dominance
should be Trump's #1 tech and free speech priority

have a painless seamless overnight replacement with a meshed together network of competing platforms so they're not lone data scam platforms hoarding all the data the users have put on over the last 8 years. you'd have meshtube, meshbook and meshtweet so that youtube & facebook for example would just be one company of 10 or so healthily competing all interlocked together so that users see videos/posts and can interact with them even if the friends/creators are using another platform. end this data scam assault of the public square & ideas. currently the data scam model of social media only allows one set of companies to profit from the data of humanity that they don't even own and had no role in creating. they are using this data hostage approach to censor humanity and make people read/watch leftwing. Zuckerfuck himself is using his platform to make people vote him into office with fake PR so he can protect his data scam into the future. holding world's data hostage to shill for yourself

all data: subscribers, views, comments, likes, photos, friends people have produced and typed up over the last 10 years (which they own, not the Data Scammers like they would have you believe) is on meshtube and meshbook the day this law is passed. for pewdiepie and his viewers, or your family and their friends using facebook nothing changes except they are no longer censored and facefuck is a $1billion company again like it should be. holding people's data hostage is not providing a hundred billion dollars of value to the world a big group of generation Z's could reproduce facefuck in a year it's not a special contribution to the world, what is valuable is the data (which the people typed up not facefuck). facefuck and ADLtube need a harsh wake up

end Zuckerfuck Data Scam Enterprises and ADL terror thoughtcrimetube

Sup Forums should start implementing parallel institutions like recoding the basics of facefuck, thoughtcrimetube, goolag and others because we can get them inserted into the mesh network. we can do better than their institutions and then blacklist SJWs

humanity owns it's own data, not Zuckerfuck data scam enterprises. pic is a network topology of the competing company products that would all operate on meshbook together seamlessly like you wouldn't even necessarily know what platform the friends you're interacting with are using

just making facefuck competitors or campaigns to switch from it won't solve anything because they still hold most of the world's data hostage and can leverage it to stop people leaving. break it up with law to end the scam and reintroduce healthy competition

they would all be essentially clones of facefuck so people can choose the company who's interface, practices and owners they like the best

there should probably be laws against manipulating the public mind with your platform too (including political censorship) to apply to the big 3 networks, youtube, facebook, twitter


I debated a Russian, or perhaps a (((Russian))), about the communists only yesterday. But seems that the Russian people themselves reject the communists because they're bringing back Christianity and Russian nationalism.

Or even better, make some slick video showing kikebook and social media fry your kid's brain and spread it to everyone you know.

Nobody needs this social media crap polluting their brain anyway, it makes people even more miserable.