Why are white males checking out of society?
Why are white males checking out of society?
why bother working some shit job when you can simply leech from government/parents and play videogames all day long, browse the internet all day long, watch movies/tv shows and see 10/10s in porn?
Does anybody have some good proper literature to read on the subject? No meme-thinkers
It's hard when you can't compete anymore..
Why the fuck wouldn't they is the more pressing question?
Women's liberation.
>see 10/10s in porn
Because what kind of idiot wants to fight for the ashes of a once glorious prize?
Work for rapefugees and single mothers by financing a state which tells you you are worthless shit since day one because of your race and sex
Hmm... what about no?
>you shouldn't do things you enjoy and make you happy and fulfilled, instead do things other tell you to do that might lead to unhappiness.
Like marry a girl,who 60 percent chance to stop loving you, cheat on you and take all your shit man, yes stop playing videogames
In addition to this I blame feminism, and society pandering to them.
What's the point trying to meet a woman when western bitches act like entitled cunts, can get you jailed / sued for claiming sexual assault with no proof being needed, get triggered if you talk to them or show interest.
Then of you do get lucky and get hitched, you are at her mercy as if she leaves you go into the poor house and gets all your shit... So yeah with this bullshit lots of guys are saying fuck it
Men don't want kids
Games dont nag or complain or cost money to maintain.
C'est la vie
That's something you'd like to know, wouldn't you?
why is the first post so often the end of the argument?
Lol... Nig nogs coal burner won't let him play... talk about CuCkeD..
I M poo
whats the point
Cause it's fucking joke user. You're born into a rat race. You live it, breathe it, and believe it. Everyone around you is trapped in a perpetual limbo where we're led to believe that we matter and that our choices matter. Yet somehow, the only constant we have is death. We're a bundle of carbon, sulfur, and hydrogen. We're created from the same materials we destroy ourselves with. Ignominiously, we fade off into the dustbin of history, forgotten like every other nameless, faceless person that has ever lived. The sad truth is that life is utterly meaningless. There is no God or purpose.
While in law school, I realized that existence is the greatest tragedy in this sad, sick opera we call life. I paid off my loans within 2 years and after that, I went upstate to the NY-VT border to live alone inna woods. I wanted to move out there and slowly wither and die alone and at peace. I came back to the city because my brother died of cancer and my elderly mom and dad needed my help. Days like today I wish that it was me in that casket and not him.
Life isn't a gift. It's a fucking curse.
society js broken
and white males are the most intelligent creatures on earth..
without guidance they are just avoiding modern social norms...
js ? Is*
>Cause it's fucking joke user. You're born into a rat race. You live it, breathe it, and believe it. Everyone around you is trapped in a perpetual limbo where we're led to believe that we matter and that our choices matter. Yet somehow, the only constant we have is death. We're a bundle of carbon, sulfur, and hydrogen. We're created from the same materials we destroy ourselves with. Ignominiously, we fade off into the dustbin of history, forgotten like every other nameless, faceless person that has ever lived. The sad truth is that life is utterly meaningless. There is no God or purpose.
Too much black pill on this board user. but it's the truth.
>checking out of society?
The world is lost, fool. There's nothing left fighting for.
No use keeping it running. If you go to work you work for some (((guy))) that's gonna use your work to make your life and country shittier. It's the same almost everywhere.
You need to fap moar.
whatever you think a 10/10 is, there is porn of it.
there is just nothing to work for, no greater good.
its all fucked and the future doesn't look bright at all.
I'd rather dwell in a basement and take the helium way out before I try to adapt to this toxic society that doesn't give a shit about us and wants to replace us anyway. putting kids into this world sounds like the most cruel thing you could do to someone so why bother with a family?
I wouldn't be able to raise some child with a busted 5/10 roastie that whored around in her youth.
Doing what you want to do and what makes you happy, as opposed to the social construct of school - college - marry - kids - retire - die
Over the last 20 years Society has been corrupted and is broken. Young men are witnessing this and deciding that they want no part of this rollercoaster and are living their own lives on their own terms and this act of rebellion is threatening to some
You cant give up, or they win
I don't want to marry a roastie
Only a fool would play a game with a 4% success chance.
You need to humor it a little at least.
The only thing I'm willing to endure anything for isn't even real.
Because this is the generation of guys that were raised by video games to deal with their parents divorcing. After that they realised that its not worth getting married anymore and having kids because of the potenial of being so fucked over.
>definitly not projecting.png
You nailed it
What is that at the left side of the screen? No man would have girly shit like that in his room. Fake.
I will never stop fighting. I realise at this point I'm fighting for the broken debris of my once glorious nation. I have done my part. I married a white women and she pumped out 2 white kids so far, we plan for another soon. This country is still falling to bits. The goverment take a third of my wages each months and none of the money is spent on stuff that helps me. I dispare, I really do.
>not konata
Plebosaurus Rektus
Have you ever met an Italian male?
They all live with their Mamas
Such good children, they adorn their room with Mama's garbage
This is exactly the problem, it's way too easy to just "check out of society".
We need to take the training wheels off and throw these man-babies out into the world. Having to provide for yourself is the number one way to turn a boy into a man. I thank my father every day for kicking me out, I was a kissless virgin neet with no purpose. Today I am married with a kid on the way.
Because I am the Chad that you guys talk about. But here's the problem with it your view of Chad: it's lonely at the top. When you realize that you can take strides in society, it all gets boring and the women that approach you are nothing more than hopeful degenerates trying to latch on to you. I've checked out of society, but it's because I'm waiting for the right woman to cross my path. Throwing yourself out there to try and get one night stands or thinking that the first woman that finds you attractive is "the one" is pretty shallow and naive. We're expected to fit into this mold of what the modern numale is supposed to be, but we realize that such a mold fundamentally makes us unhappy and feel unfulfilled. So it's not really checking out of society, but simply not conforming to it.
Holy fuck nihilism 101. Most of us grow out of this childish mindset around 18.
What's it matter if he is? My own parents divorced and it's a miracle I'm not shooting up smack because of it. That's how unstable my life became.
If the woman flips out and decides she wants some chad/alpha cock because 'she's bored', your kids can get completely fucked up lives.
let us stop for a moment and go to the point of how jews are to be blamed for that
Because it's boring? If you're not actually producing something or levelling up irl, what's the point? How do you not become self aware mid-game and just compulsively send out resumes or write up a business plan?
I literally do not control my productive behaviour, it's just a natural evolutionary response to boredom.
It's the exact same here. Nanny state needs her 'cut' & you have less kids because of it.
>white women are nigger lovers and are looking for the next bbc to put horsey sauce on her roastie - no fidelity - no self-esteem
>companies want niggers, spics, muzzie's and kerpal's to do the job
>White men are the Japanese men of the West - highly competent, highly creative, highly intelligent, totally unwanted
why live?
tfw to chad too compete
White males are carrying this society. The real question: Why are niggers and spics being useless leeches?
Society isn't designed for an excess of beta male drones
But modern times brings automation, modern politics brings mass immigration, and feminism brings a society where men aren't needed for families
There's too many of us
Games give tangible rewards. Life feels totally hollow to me. Last time I felt like a part of society was when I was a pill eating raver twenty years ago.
faggot you don't get it. If i could live in the wild legal, building my own home catching my own food i would do it. I don't give a fuck about this disgusting human society we have today. Women or having kids make no sense for me.
yes, let's ignore the jq
the future is female apparently. well good luck letting Jamal and Muhammad fuck your women.
Women and taxation. Seriously.
Reporting in, paying Halo: MCC right now. NEET life is best life.
>economy sucks
>housing market sucks
>colleges don't want you
>nobody wants you
>treated as a plague and given lowest priority over literally everyone else
>women worth marrying are literally 1 in 1000
Why check IN society if it hates you? Fuck it, let it burn I say. Everyone can kill themselves for all I care, I'm more than happy working a shit job and playing vidya in a 1 bedroom apartment for the rest of my life.
technical term is hikokomori and it is just now starting to be researched
>childish mindset
literally kys or explain
>you can't
>Said the swedish tranny that has -berg at the ending of his middle;last name.
Good try Shekelberg.
W H Y ?
The woman unircorn doesn´t exist.
Women doesn´t love unconditionally. They love what you are and do, not who you are.
>Because it's boring?
The Internet gives unlimited entertainment, entertainment is more entertaining than some boring job that I don't give a shit about and that leads nowhere.
>or write up a business plan?
sounds like pipe dreams to me.
I get a new reason to check out every day.
Because Fuck it
worse than niggers. At least niggers have enough ambition(however misguided) to rob, steal, and sell drugs.
>producing something or levelling up irl
what's the point?
Add in a few more forced burps there and you'd have a successful animated Tv show.
Its less of a "cut" and more of a gaping wound at this stage. 20 years ago someone of my level of pay and skill would be living quite comfortably. Even if my tax was scaled back to just 2/5 of my annual salary I'd be ok. Getting taxed into the ground!
Those of us truly valuable never went into it,like me.
There is no more "society". People say "society" like it's some totalizing, amorphous, abstract term for everything that can't specify in detail, but society is *literally* a social compact made up of individuals. If you can look out your window, ride a city bus, sit on the corner for an hour and watch people, or even browse "social media" and you still think you belong to a "society", I hate to tell you, you're probably retarded. We're a heap of fragmented, warring factions. Most of us have a few friends, and a (small) family. Many of us have no friends and are completely isolated. Individual pursuit of pleasure. Battle of the sexes. Anti-white dogma. Multiculturalism. That's what's taken the place of "society". If you're thinking of "dropping out" of society, you're too late.
>Oooo boo hoo my life is so terrible! Somebody get me a blankey and some warm milk
lmaoing @ ur life
I can't survive as a neet. I'm halfway there since I work from home. Pay is shit though. How can I easily make money during downtime during my shift?
>middle of the week
>during work hours
>posting on a Tunisian finger-painting forum
>"valuable like me"
I have no desire in being a criminal. I'd rather be a nobody.
Yeah, fun is paying rent for the rest of your life and having a vapid woman who doesn't really love you leech you off and then take your kids and money.
Only this (((Lifestyle))) is seen as organic, really makes you wonder, huh?
Muh dik, fuck porn and fuck perfect women
What society?
Point me in the direction of this society thing to contribute to for some sort of reward or sense of satisfaction and I'll be right there m8.
I see a lot of Consumerism and a lot of existential despair all over the place, you can't possibly mean that, can you?
what are you trying to say Muhammad?
Muh dik is only growing bigger, fuck my wallet or i'd import a dozen of those.
Joos win. Until we kill them all.
Lets's not forget what makes you a (((real man))) according to wagecucks and roasties.
It all boils down to the fact that our repective goverments know that they can't force any of the minorities to actually be productive without a backlash, i.e rioting, bad press etc. So they put all the pressure on the one part of society that they have subued already. Young white males are supposed to prop up the society finacially and practically. The bulk of all the utility work is young to mid aged white males, the bulk of skilled factory and manufacturing jobs are white males. We are the pillar, the strong back that stops the roof from falling in. I'm not surprised some lads don't want to become part of that machine and part of me just wants to see it collapse too. If we all checked out it'd all come down in weeks or even days.
>tfw born too late
I am fine playing WW2 games imagining we won the war and forming a better world for it, there is nothing to live for in this world.
This. You should have finished Britain off when you had the chance, friend.
if it wasnt for the jew cocksucking churchill we maybe wouldve fought together. maybe in another timeline.
Read Nietzsche's Zarathustra
>ITT people who want everything easy
It has never been easier to have a comfortable, fulfilling life in human history. Most people here claim is because things are "too hard," but I'm willing to bet most haven't even tried.
>maybe wouldve fought together
No, we would have fought together guaranteed. Some day, we will.
>it's easy to get laid
>it's easy to have a family
>it's easy to find a job
>it's easy goy, just try it!
>dem cankles
Why do the obese insist on showing us their legs and feet? Fucking gross.
Because society continuously shows us that we aren't wanted. It's only now that they are realizing just how important the "fucking white male" really is and they're just trying to guilt us back in without giving up on hating and blaming us for all of the evils in the world.
I hear the separate Halo games will be backwards compatible soon. Their matchmaking should work better than MCC, I can't wait.
I work hard each day on my job and then what I want to be my career, but it's mostly because seeing my bank account grow is like slowly levelling up, and the career is the easiest way to speed through time.
I just want to go rocket racing on Avalanche desu.
Early 30's here, I work at home and have my own company. Everyday I wake up and spend the whole day doing what I love,
however I've just about given up on a woman, as the women around me are all 4 / 10's and have nothing in common with me.
I did have two GFs, the first was almost my dream girl and checked all the boxes, We were serious for a few years and were talking about our future, but things fell apart when she cheated on me. She grew to hate my work and lifestyle, but not the money or the shit I would buy for her... had no fucking problem with that. The bitch even had the balls to want to still go out and spend my money on her when I threw her out.
The second was different, she was love with her loser ex BF, who cheated on her, had no real job, sold weed but was still broke as he smoked away his profits. After a year of trying to date her I grew tired of her bullshit and threw her ass out, to which she went back to the loser.
So a year later my days are usually spent working in my shop, then at the gym. I save my cash, and only spend it on investments like expensive guns, and other hobbies that interest me... Can't complain
If a woman comes along that I find interesting then I will play it from there but until then fuck it
Because we feel like we have no future that's why.