What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening


Other urls found in this thread:


Archived it unvis.it/washingtonpost.com/politics/fbi-conducted-predawn-raid-of-former-trump-campaign-chairman-manaforts-home/2017/08/09/5879fa9c-7c45-11e7-9d08-b79f191668ed_story.html

You worshipped an ancient god of chaos, this is what you get.

why are there so many jews in our media? Im not going go to full on heil hitler but Jesus! Its not their country!

The fishing expedition gets fishier.

>according to people familiar with the special counsel investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Fake news

Must be that fake investigation the mong keeps talking about. Like his fake intel services that told him about the Russia hacks, they made that all up. But wait, the Nork intel from the same people he apparently believes.

Can we get a source other than WaPo? Oh right this is a WaPo exclusive with no sources (again).

God bless you Nordbro

fake news

t. anonymous Source

LOL Tick tock and such you fucking loser.

Two week old news.

Trimp's days are numbered.


Was it posted two weeks ago?

fuck fbi and cia nigger

Fake news

get ready for a false flag

drumpf is going to kill innocent civilians just to stay on power


so long as he kills liberals we're good

>Tom Hamburger

Hopefully it's San Francisco

this whole investigation is just a coup attemp form the globalist pedo elite

Same shit that happened in Wisconsin for years.

Read, nigga.

You are the literal loser you im with her faggot

Where the sources?

most likely

Wash Compost = FAKE NEWS so BTFO

Damn. Surely they have some dirt on Manafort now and are gonna try to flip him. Fucking excellent. It's all crumbling trumpies.

When are you snowflake beta cucks gonna transfer to the Pence train? You basement dwelling virgins still hate him, right?

Nigger literally search Paul Manafort
Everyone is reporting on this.

>mfw Manafort flips on Trump and Trump flips on everyone else so he only gets impeached and removed from office instead of spending the rest of his life in prison

Steven Mnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuchin...

>The raid came as Manafort has been voluntarily producing documents to congressional committees investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. The search warrant indicates investigators may have argued to a federal judge they had reason to believe Manafort could not be trusted to turn over all records in response to a grand jury subpoena.

>It could also have been intended to send a message to President Trump’s former campaign chairman that he should not expect gentle treatment or legal courtesies from Mueller’s team.

>The documents included materials Manafort had already provided to Congress, said people familiar with the search.

>“If the FBI wanted the documents, they could just ask [Manafort] and he would have turned them over,” said one adviser close to the White House.

>Josh Stueve, spokesman for Mueller, declined to comment, as did Reginald Brown, an attorney for Manafort.

>The search came as Mueller has increased legal pressure on Manafort, consolidating under his authority a series of unrelated investigations into various aspects of Manafort’s professional and personal life.

>Manafort’s allies fear that Mueller hopes to build a case against Manafort unrelated to the 2016 campaign, in hopes that the former campaign operative would provide information against others in Trump’s inner circle in exchange for lessening his own legal exposure.

>The significance of the records seized from Manafort’s apartment is unclear.

>Everyone is reporting on this.
Right, but that doesn't necessarily mean that there is more than one original source or even that any of those sources are primary.

>"FBI agents executed a search warrant at one of Mr. Manafort's residences. Mr. Manafort has consistently cooperated with law enforcement and other serious inquiries and did so on this occasion as well," Jason Maloni, Manafort's spokesperson, told CNN.
There, a direct quote by Manafort's lawyer should constitute a reliable primary source.


Archive or screenshot please

Some of you are alright, please do not hang out near Times Square tomorrow.

fuck off you fucking leftist faggot. salon needs you over there

Article was published in the WaPo today.

Clinton is getting payback. Eventually Trump is going to fire everyone and Clinton will go to jail. It's just a matter of time, these corrupt fucks are playing with fire, Trump doesn't capitulate.

Yup. Was asking the user that said this was two week old news.

Trump pardons them , they spill the beans on pedo sex trafficking $hillary and friends at the Clinton Foundation .

Dems never get elected until after the war .

nice argument you literal mongoloid cunt

>Manafort’s allies fear that Mueller hopes to build a case against Manafort unrelated to the 2016 campaign, in hopes that the former campaign operative would provide information against others in Trump’s inner circle in exchange for lessening his own legal exposure.

How is that legal?

The raid took place two weeks ago, but the news is just breaking.


All the Russians in WV, PA , MICH, IOWA, OHIO,
WISC hurry up go into hiding, this is your last warning

>raided day after giving testimony because they didn't believe him
>still walking free 2 weeks after raid meaning they didn't find anything

what a dog and pony show

It's Manafort. Feds have been out to get him for decades.

Watch "Get Me Roger Stone."

Both those guys are elite political operatives hated by the left.

No establishment GOP hates them, too. They got Trump elected.

The Deep State is coming after Stone and Manafort hard.

The goyim know and they're coming to shut it down

Autistic damage control

Manafort was always the crooked one. Trump made a mistake associating with him. Not to mention Jeffrey Epstein.

>muh russia
They can't let it go, can they?

Illegal raid conducted as part of an ongoing partisan witch hunt.
Nothing to see here.


It all part of the extended witch hunt from Mueller right?

Mueller's directive was so vague he can basically park a truck in it

>what a dog and pony show

^this entirely.

It's scary that the "muh russia" actually moved into real world FBI raids, however.

Manafort isn't going to flip, Trump has absolute pardon power and Manafort wants to Make America The 80's Again.

hopefully man i hate cia and fbi niggers so much

Fuck drumpfh and fuck white people

>The documents included materials Manafort had already provided to Congress, said people familiar with the search
>“If the FBI wanted the documents, they could just ask [Manafort] and he would have turned them over,” said one adviser close to the White House
>The search came as Mueller has increased legal pressure on Manafort, consolidating under his authority a series of unrelated investigations

Why do you think the WaPo is being so candid about Mueller's unrelated investigation
Seems like they were trying to catch a wide net, came up empty and now have to justify their actions

if the raid happened 2 weeks ago that means they found nothing.
at the very least no smoking gun

The establishment and media are doing a great job highlighting exactly how to beat them in all future elections. Exposure. They can not withstand exposure.

Good insight. I wonder why the press even found out about it.

Those idiots think Manafort gave Lady gaga the cash to dress like a Nazi at the rally the night before the election.

it's not. especially if the compromising documentation is obtained on a search warrant for something unrelated. It would still jam your shit up for a while, but any good lawyer would argue you out of it no problem.

The DESPERATE FBI / DeepState / special counsel.

Pedos like Molesta are protected by the same guys who 'raid' Manafort even though he has likely given all he had.

WaPo essentially admitted to this being a witch hunt in the article
The committee seemed unsatisfied with the contents of Manafort's documents and raided his home to try and turn something up

Yet Manafort is still a free man
Sure looks like they found nothing, but not for lack of trying

Left wing bureaucracy hates him.

This is not about any bullshit "Russia Collusion."

They're gonna try to "Jack Abramoff" Manafort or Flynn.

He's a lobbyist.

Fuck muzzies and fuck niggers

>Seems like they were trying to catch a wide net, came up empty and now have to justify their actions
Yup. That's what I see when I read the following:
"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has cranked up the intensity and legal pressure on Manafort on a series of unrelated investigations into various aspects of his personal and professional life."
Remember he received a subpoena which was then withdrawn, then they raided his house. This is damage control for the fact that they keep coming up with nothing at all.

Aww are you going to start crying little trumpcuck? Don't worry daddy will be back soon to console you once his 17 day vacation is over :)


He's still here.

Good insight. They got nothing, but are trying to spin the raids for negative optics.

wow you just made up that quote from thin air. Can't blame you though, it's the sort of thing your fellow trumpcucks fall for rather easily.

Perhaps this is a prelude to what is in store foe the democrats. Dont want to look partisan.

>projecting this hard

Right. Nothing will come of it except dems making themselves look exactly like the vindictive sore losers they are. The 2018 elections will sweep them entirely out of power, and that will Ben the end of their criminal organization.

The big fish in this investigation are on the Left. Can't wait to see it.

>Trump secretly tells the FBI to raid Manafort
>FBI finds nothing
>Trump criticizes his opponents for being underhanded
>Trump uses the Manafort raid as precedence to conduct raids against people like Pedesta, HRC, and other democratic leaders
>Trump finds real dirt
>Opponents can't complain because they cheered when it was done to Manafort
Like a fiddle.

Dont harass fellow Hilldawgs

It's pretty obvious at this point. They're trying to nail him for something unrelated to the 2016 campaign so they can use it as leverage to get him to turn on Trump or those in his inner-circle -- even if that means fabricating his testimony. He's a tough dude, so hopefully they will not have success -- he's got to know that if shit really did hit the fan, President Trump could just pardon him.

All countries are their countries, goy. Also please don't hurt them because they are insignificant, oppressed and dindu nuffin. If you have a problem with them being 95% of all journalists and pundits and political commentators, you're the one with the problem.

Not only that, but raiding him so soon after he voluntarily provided documents to the committee suggests they weren't happy with the lack of incriminating evidence in the provided docs
Then they conduct a raid to find anything incriminating

Yet here Manafort stands, weeks later

>Trumpfags getting increasingly nervous.


> How is that legal?

Dude it's literally how he took down Enron. It happens all the time.

>said one adviser close to the White House.
>said people familiar with the search.
>according to people familiar with the special counsel investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

>cucked this bad

This happened like 2-3 weeks ago. Media are clearly spreading this to make people more nervous about Trump.

Then again they (((raided))) the Clinton offices and huma abadune's as well and it was -fucking- nothing as usual. I'll act shocked when I see someone in cuffs, until then I remain unimpressed.

>t. lib who can't be bothered to read the article mentioned in the thread

That said, I mostly agree with you
WaPo is propaganda made to fool desperate liberals into thinking something is happening

> He's a tough dude


These people flip cartels for a living. They took down Enron and the Gambino family using these tactics. Manafort's own wife and kids hate him and will probably testify against him.

He is fucked

So what you're saying is......

Hey sharebl(you), try and find 3d people to interact with. Let the adults figure this shit out.

People said the same shit in the 70's about deep throat. He was a real person. These leaks are real. Trump's inner circle hates him.

>feds investigate a hired gun from Trump campaign
>find nothing
>Blumpf BTFO

Keep winning, liberals..

Yes, but the team is exposed. The accom ppl accomplishments you cite were under favorable circumstances for the prosecution. This would not be as easy.

2 genders
2 scoops
2 terms

The data points published is still two weeks old. It's not critical information because there has been no consequences as yet.