I was absolutely against and terrified of Hillary Clinton starting WW3 but for some reason I'm totally fine with Trump doing it. Anyone else feel this way?
I was absolutely against and terrified of Hillary Clinton starting WW3 but for some reason I'm totally fine with Trump...
Trump wont sleep thru 340 phone calls when people are dieing.
Yes. I always felt that if anyone were to lead us into WW3 I wanted it to be Trump.
He is totally starting it. He keeps sending missiles across the Pacific towards NK, even though they have tried to negotiate and throw EU sanctions on the US. Oh wait, it's China's failure to keep NK in line that started this, and NK just keeps pushing. It's like they want to die
that sounds beta af
I have no problem with Trump going to war with the norks because he actually has a legitimate reason to unlike past wars in the Middle East.
how many times are you going to post this you leftypol faggot
well that's because it won't be a war
it will be a fucking massacre
>being baited by some fat gook
You and Trump are all retards. Guess the stereotype of the right being of lower IQ is true.
would you also let Trump fuck your girl?
Same, it's partially because I think he'd just be interested in winning by kicking ass as hard and as fast as possible instead of dragging it out for war bucks
>Implying you wouldn't let your girlfriend be grabbed by the pussy, by Trump's godlike hands
Probably desu
The word is hypocrite.
such an obvious shill thread.
How's your sorosbux treating you faggot?
Yes, how is that even a question?
Who gives a shit if 500,000 young white men die? He's literally killing his own voters haha. It's fucking pottery.
Hillary would have given NK a cozy nuclear deal like Bill did for them and Obama did for Iran.
How the fuck is this a shill thread?
Hillary would have had us fight WW3 for the homo-faggots in Russia and Wahhabists under secular or Shia 'dictators', Trump will turn the Korean penisular into a wasteland.
Trumpfags are fucking retarded
Excited about war with North Korea.
Hillary would've started war with Russia, which would've been much less fun
If Clinton was president we would be at war with Syria and Iran already not our fault Kim Jung un is starting shit and Trump is waving our big dick around
get it done alredy, it's past time for chaos to stop climbing the ladder
Hillary wanted to pick fights with a major power (Russia). Trump is using the threat of escalation to try and reign in a rogue state.
Hillary wanted ww3 with russia. Trump wants with best korea. Thats the difference.
It's called cognitive dissonance, retarded American.
>he actually has a legitimate reason
Being that brainwashed
I don't really care though, only south korea will be fucked
I voted for Gary Johnson. I have no part of any of this mess.