Are we all going to die?



Dying isn't so bad.

No. He doesn't have enough nukes to kill us all.

All Americans might, but would that really be a loss?

hopefully only california

>Kim Jong Un inspects the traitor repurposing machine

As fucking if, cuck.

freshly painted machine with runs in it

everything in this pic thats painted blue was rusty as fuck before glorious leaders visit

No, but our status as a nation will die. America will end up as third world if we go to war with NK.


North Korea has done this for years where they'd make some threats in order to to get other countries to both back off from trying to oust their glorious leader plus give them aid.

Often what'd happen is the US would basically beg China to deal with the problem, which would also mean needing to be nicer when dealing with China. So we'd let them slide on issues of trade, which China liked quite a bit and they'd have to deal with giving aid to North Korea anyway so it was way of making the best of a shitty situation.

But now the US is sanctioning Chinese banks that deal with North Korea plus has China agreeing to sanctions against them. That's why North Korea seems to be acting crazier than usual, they're not getting their gibs the way they're used to and they feel like they need to just make more threats in order to get things back to the status quo which Trump will not give them.

Trump has stated in the past how ridiculous our dealings have been with China on this so he's unlikely to budge, preferring to get North Korea to instead talk rather than use China as an intermediary again.

Head to any city between LA and NYC and you'll see we are already a third world

no, king john un respects the NAP

>implying Nork actually has nukes


Worst case scenario he'll tickle us and some shitty city gets bombed.

Everyone dies, user.


>Are we all going to die?
Calm down. North Korea makes great news, but it is not a credible threat. Their shitty little ICBM technology, even if it actually worked, was something we could shoot down easily thirty years ago.

is he making dog mcnuggets in this pic?

Yes user, we're all gonna die. So take your suicide pills before the niggers rape you and steal your comforter.

No. Noone would give a shit if shart-in-marts die.

someone post the reversed edit

No, just the americans.

everyone dies, user.

Believe in Jesus


I hope we don't fuck up Pyongyang too bad. I want to visit one day.

Yes. I would be jealous it wasn't us.

Yes, but not today.

It's Seoul you should be worrying about.

LOL Retard detected

Everybody dies one day or another, user.