What's the most red pilled sport for a young lad?
I'd say boxing, every young man should be able to properly throw a punch.
What's the most red pilled sport for a young lad?
Boxing is for faggots.
I just dropped my kid off I'm the middle of some woods, 100 miles from any town. I go back in 3 weeks to pick him up.
Your kid is gonna starve. Mine was dropped off here.
The intense moments of picking up the piece, to destroy the opposition really strengthens a young lad.
Enjoy your Parkinson
Oil Wrestling of course.
yeah im sure your kid will make tons of friends in school when he says he plays competitive chess.
Flag checks out.
Wanna know how I know you're black?
Turkish oil wrestling !
Hunting. It doesn't matter whether you are trapping, shooting or even lancing animals as long as they die by the young man's hand then he can start to understand what it means to be alive.
It's also a good way to keep fit.
For, like
Don't do boxing for a kid that would be giving him brain damage before he even could consent to it.
Same with contact football.
Any combat sport is good.
>no niggers
>highly skilled
>hard hitting contact
>fast paced and intense
cricket with pakis.
>Learn survival
>In touch with oldest human roots
>Respect nature
>Go hunting
>Have a healthy hobby that doesn't cause brain damage
>See incredible things being lost by society
>Bond with family and loved ones due to controlled shared hardship
edmonton has a nig on the team though...or maybe its pittsburg
tfw ducks lose semi final for billionth time
krav maga
This. Or just generally learning to be an outdoorsman. Boy Scouts/Church equiv. is foundational. We can't afford another gen of screenpussies who know nothing of the physical, natural world outside of vidya. They are a crime against nature and all that is good. Hell, if you're one of these abominations, go on meetup and learn to hike yourselves.
Chess isn't a sport.
Boxing is great for a young lad, but consider Muay Thai. Otherwise, he'll have too much shit to blame his loss on which isn't himself.
There's only like 3 niggers in the league
DSP, PK Subban and Evander Kane
That's not a sport.
This, and also Jew-jitsu.
Also Baseball, Lacrosse, Hockey, cross country cycling, and if you have the means sailing and crew. If ADHD is a problem than track and field, with an emphasis on cross-country running is advised. Football is too risky in a cognitive economy and soccer is pozzed as the sport of leftists. Bottom line, if the kid has NO physical outlet the parents are dramatically increasing the odds of skinnyfat NEETism, as adversity among peers is the only true way to build self-esteem. You want your kids to understand the physical world, body kinetics and self-knowledge and what is and isn't possible so they don't become relegated to only one slice of human experience, the internal, which leads to NEETism. Pic related, this girl wants a guy who grew up on my advice.
Attracting her is what you want to do, to ensure the best genetic mix for your posterity. Do you part, Sup Forums, play the long game. Know what you want and what's really important and unchangeable.
This, all these spotlight sports are promoted to dumb down the plebs. TBI is very easy to get.
Ballet if he's white. Gives grace and flexibility. Will help him once he's transitioned
>get a goofy looking flat nose over time
>lower IQ by half over time
terrible idea
>soccer is pozzed as the sport of leftists
Effective grappling styles: freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, BJJ, Judo, Sambo.
Effective striking styles: kickboxing, boxing, Muay Thai, Savate, Karate, TKD, San Shou.
Learn a mix of any of the few to round out your abilities. I've done boxing, have 2nd Dan black belts in TKD and Karate, blue belt in Judo, and a purple belt in BJJ. Also wrestled in high school.
You are a total fucking retard, aren't you? Do you notice I used the term soccer, which only exists in the US? In the US soccer is pozzed as the sport of leftists. I have no experience with the "football" and futbol" the rest of the world plays, and what role it plays in their socio-politcal matrices.
I'd say it's more beneficial for a kid here to do rugby and start weightlifting at 12 than boxing. Boxers are mostly angry half retarted immigrants here.
Swimming and water polo. Will keep you fit and niggers can't swim and your kid will pull an ocean of pussy
Hockey, or lacrosse.
Shit I forgot swimming also, pretty redpillled desu.
Good point. Same in the US, boxing gym only exist in post-apocalyptic shitholes, where hordes of mystery meat vie to hit the big time from 1982. Who fences in France? In Western Massachusetts there is, strangely, a fencing scene.
It's manly, it's redpilled, it's trad and any good wrestler will waste you in a fight.
Upper mid class whites and fine antilles frenchies based on people in the olympics.
Here it is field hockey.
It's very popular with business owners and other rich/successful people.
So loads of networking opportunities.
Boxing leads to crime, unfortunately.
youre joking right? does he have a gun and camping gear and water n shit like wtf
It's more than just boxing. Your kid needs to at a minimum learn some wrestling, or even basic jiu-jitsu (choking motherfuckers out)
The majority of street fights or attacks are gonna stay on the feet only a few seconds before someone gets tackled and takes it to the ground.
Boxing classes =! becoming a prize fighter
>"leftists" like x
>therefore I will not participate in x
Wow, what a cuck. Keep running away boi, that's the sure path to victory.
>It's manly, it's redpilled, it's trad
100% true
I'd probably say Hurling. Its not a sport played commonly outside of Ireland but it breeds tough cunts.
lol social-political matrices, shit signalling desu try harder
Unless you're fighting professionally, or facing someone who can crack, you'll be fine. Holy fuck keyboard warriors are pussies
Boxing is gor black people.
Krav maga is a meme.
BJJ will give your kid confidence and will teach him to endure through hard times. His ego will take a hit as well.
Kickboxing is a nice way to build a strong and athletic kid, but I would be carefull with head trauma.
Rugby is the right answer
Muay Thai. Have you seen those Thai Niggers fight? They're no joke. I don't think even Bruce Lee fucked with Thai Niggers, cus they'd probably kill him
BJJ is fucking GAY.
Nah, its been taken over by queers.
What's the point if you can't "crack"?
If you get CTE from doing it properly it should be avoided.
Wrestling, JJ or Judo is better if you want to do fight sports. Learn striking in addition to one of the first two and you will be able to handle all kinds of trouble people might want to send at you.
>Arm tat
I will not ignore it.
It's the sport of degeneracy
Polo is the only white sport
Or just get a gun.
Football+track and field+hunting is all a young man needs.
PS soccer is for homosex fags
Whats the general opinion on Krav Maga?
Any martial art
t. nigger
jew jitsu
Meme martial arts
without proper training he would have a horrible death
Boxing is a great sport. Did it for a few years. Just be prepared to share a lot of space with spics.lot of the Mexicans at my gym came in so they could "learn how to fight" in order to beat each other up on the streets. Great culture with the sport, if not a little nigged. What with Ali and Mayweather and all the other darkies
I was fortunate enough to go a gym in the suburbs, mostly white kids that had been on football teams and stuff. The chads mostly did it to have an sport, they eventually moved on to Lacrosse and shit like that. Then the little vatos showed up in force
Judo is better for kids. Striking is an angry mans game.
> Striking is an angry mans game.
Can't refute that. Boxing helping me a great deal with my anger issues o had when I was a teenager.
However, a good boxer is not simply one that can throw a punch...that is learned early. A good boxer is a strong defensive game. Being able to not be hit is arguably more important.
Lots of good suggestions in this thread I'd like to throw olympic weightlifting into the hat. Just being active will give them a massive advantage over most kids though.
The amount of $ and parental involvement required by hockey ensures only blacks from well off & to do families join, from what I've seen
>think, how many black fathers are driving their kid to the rink for fresh ice at 7am on a saturday?
futbol here, if you are a top player, gives you a good, degenerate if you wish, life. It is also highly social to be good at it.
I would still go with something else. Unless the kid is braindead that only soccer can save his future.
Just read swimming, yeah that would work, along with surfing I guess so he gets some pull. Skating is forbidden though, dont need broken bones.
>implying someone of my line can even be touched in physical combat.
Top kek
Mexicans are just like niggers. Won't fight someone less they have 40 lbs on them.
Calisthenics and Running
>I'd say boxing
These retards taking the bait. He sent his kids to some camp.
Yes, martial arts is a lot more applicable and smarter than boxing. Especially for children
You should check out what this manlet ukrainian does with spics
This, god damn this.
Wrestling. It is the foundation upon which any fight is built. Excellent conditioning, exposure to stress and waaaaay less exposure to brain trauma. A few years in this will serve him well.
The ultimate redpill
Boy Scouts + MMA
Boxing is fucking awesome. Add a little Brazilian JJ and you're ready for war.
those spoiled fuck need thrown in the woods and kill their own food