Do they really believe we're all going to die at the mercy of NK? I'm not even slightly concerned. Do you realize how hard we will rape NK given an excuse to do so?
Leftists are afraid
Oh my goood it's like, so embarrassing
I just don't understand how it's Trump's fault... Can anyone explain? Pretty sure NK has been threatening to nuke America since the George W Bush era
JFK was the closest we got to not existing,and that was against a real super power. Cause he pussied out on the bay of pigs
I wonder if the US will showcase new tech
I remember when CNN showed footage of Tomahawk missiles traveling down the streets of Baghdad, turning at intersections and shit like that and China got freaked out and started ramping up their own military and hacking our shit on a daily basis
The left is mentally unhinged. That's your answer. They can't see straight.
Also, the norks have been threatening that shit since before they even developed a nuke. At the latest they've been threatening it since Clinton's era.
>really afraid?
They are deathly afraid that Trump will solve problems and succeed.
They may genuinely think Trump is "scary" but their truly biggest fear is that Trump will succeed and we will have more politicians like Trump
the norks are doing the same thing they've done for 50 years. saber rattling.
holy shit these people have the mind of a child if they can't remember this same shit going down under Obama, Clinton and Bush.
>albertina rizzo
You still have spics in the US?
Can someone explain to the dumb cunt that it was her preferred candidate's husband that gave NK the nuclear material to use for "peaceful reasons" they are now threatening us with?
NK has no firepower. USA has fire and fury like the world has never seen. Why worry? If Hillary was president, I would worry.
>showcase new tech
That's my expectation.
Not just new tech, but new method of launching a first attack made possible by the new tech.
I don't see us launching any kind of attack unless we can neutralize their weapons before Best Korea has a chance to respond.
Fire and fury indeed
First of all, it's called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)
Second, the DPRK has many weapons of mass destruction in its arsenal, including chemical and perhaps even biological weapons that can be loaded onto missiles and hurled at us. The U.S. mainland is not safe, they said.
Be very careful with this rogue nation. They will strike back if their sovereignty is threatened.
fuck off commie your meme nation is helpless
Trannies, faggots and enabling mental illness is embarrassing. Women pretending they have it tough is embarrassing. Letting sandniggers and chinks ruin your country is embarrassing. Need I go on?
NK sabre rattling isnt about actually starting a war, they benefit from making a bunch of noise and "we" benefit from the fear and military expenditure generates
They will transport NK into a future where the sun on dying.
>Do they really believe we're all going to die at the mercy of NK?
Of course they do.
They watch too much television and play too much video games. They think if there was a nuclear attack that the entire world would be enveloped in a fallout/Mad Max style scenario.
Even when they do realize that one nuclear strike won't mean the end of the world, they suddenly realize that living in the city (because Trump supporters were rural and suburban retards, remember?) they are living in one of the most likely areas to be nuked by NK.
If NK nukes us, it would give us Casus Belli to go in and remove Kim from power, likely reuniting Korea under South Korean rule. I'd imagine Trump would think about nuking back, but I'd hope he'd listen to his advisers and generals when they inevitably say that's a bad idea given NK's proximity to SK, our ally, and China, our competitor.
All we would lose is a couple thousand bombs, and some shit hole like Chicago.
So why haven't you enlisted faggot? Go protect me.
"pussied out on the bay of pigs"
> hundreds of Cubans LARPing as trained soldiers
If they detonate a nuclear device over the US, you will die. Not from the detonation. Your neighbors will kill you for food.
So you're saying we orchestrated the opportunity to have a justifiable attack against the gooks? Yet they took the bait.
>scared of no electricity Korea
Had trump not done this, they would say that Trump was letting NK nuke California by not doing anything.
You can't win with these sports-tards, Trump isn't their hometeam.
In this case, they work in television and are constantly emersed in fantasy.
they dont have the tech to airburst a nuke over the center of the US, don't be a fucking sperg.
Try it, manlet.
Whatever they do, I sure hope that they don't hit San Francisco. *cough* *cough*
And so it begins
So would leftists not want a retaliation if american soil was attacked? It's a rhetorical question because they dont believe in borders.
>North Korea is dangerous! Trump will kill us all if he doesn't handle them with diplomatic tact
>Fuck Russia! Cut em off! Any American that wouldn't kill every last Ruskie is a traitorous, anti-American Trump shill!
Liberals are fucking retarded. Fighting a nuclear superpower is no sweat, inevitable, and self-apparently good. But fighting a 3rd world backwater who's a regional menace but could never seriously damage the US is the most terrifying nightmare scenario imaginable?
I'm more concerned about Russia nuking us. NK feels like a diversion.
>Cause he pussied out on the bay of pigs
JFK was thinking for himself instead of letting the CIA lead him around like a trained pony. GWB should have done so well.
>They are deathly afraid that Trump will solve problems and succeed.
Legit fear.
Ok I'll play devil's advocate for the leftists.
North Korea has been threatening the US for decades, but all other presidents have shrugged it off. You could make the argument that Trump is over reacting to what are for the most part empty threats from the Koreans.
>Cause he pussied out on the bay of pigs
the Russians pussied out, turned their vessels and went home, user. Had they stood their ground, like JFK did, we wouldn't be here today.
thanks Russians, for not being total psychopaths.
>cease to exist
we are fine after 2 nukes on Japan
we are fine after total 2000 nuke tests from 1945 up today
if nukes will be used in Korea 2.0 then it will be about 10 warhead used for both sides, not more
which will cause hardly any effect even on neighbouring south korea
fuck brainless libtards
It was embarrassing to have a homosexual nigger as president. Which is why Trump is now President.
Having Trump as President is fucking hilarious. Endless butthurt from the left over the first guy in a long time to actually try to do what he campaigned on. Have never been more proud of this country. And all of his picks, I constantly end up reading something about all of them being a closet racist, nazi, or climate-change denier.
>Also, the norks have been threatening that shit since before they even developed a nuke. At the latest they've been threatening it since Clinton's era.
.. then why is Trump taking them seriously?
Whats hilarious is that if it were Obama saying hes going to rek NK, they'd be all for it. Bunch of hypocritical babies.
Trump is using the same verbiage used my the North Koreans. They've never had someone threaten them directly in the same manner they threaten us. 3D chess.
>if nukes will be used in Korea 2.0 then it will be about 10 warhead used for both sides
you implying that the US will be hit by approximately ten nukes?
Ellis Island was a mistake
you've earned him, ameribro. Gongratz.
I wish Obama would have done something when NK mortared SK and attacked their ship.
How will we all cease existing? They have like one working bomb at most. Plus it can't even hit me. Personally I hope they glass san fran, but we all know they'll just waste their shot on south korea
I think the old Presidents shrugged it off because they could, iirc it was during obummer that NK could start hitting Guam now it's the mid-west.
NK have the missiles it's just a matter of time before they figure out how to shrink their warhead.
Look at Corbyn's response to that question
>Sir, if England was nuked, would you respond in kind?
>"I think England my city must strive for a nuclear free and peaceful world"
>Yes, fine but we need an answer on defense
>"I would strive for a nuclear free world"
The threats of the past were not taken seriously because they didn't have nukes small enough to put on a missile, nor a missile capable of delivering a nuke. Nothing has worked to deter them from developing this technology.
Uh last I checked SK is on our side not to mention they might use nukes on fleets or invasion forces
>it's just sable rattling and autistic screeching lol norks
>trump better glass best korea they're dangerous
which one is it?
NK is threatening Guam, and implying capability to hit US mainland -no mention of SK or fleets etc.
War is never an acceptable option. Drumpf, having the temperament of a teenage boy as he does, is handling this in the worst possible way and stopping to the level of Jong-un's saber rattling, escalating the situation
Lefties believe Trump pulling out of the Paris Accord will literally destroy the planet.
>ceasing to exist
These people really do look at the world through the lens of "what will people think of me".
there was credible news yesterday that they have miniaturized nukes
Trump is matching the tone and verbiage of his audience (Kim). Do you suggest he pussy foot about like the previous presidents? Remember when NK mortared SK and attacked their ship? Obama's fault.
I don't recall expressing those viewpoints.
it's a summation of the general, albeit conflicting, narratives.
Remember the USS Pueblo.
>implying NK wouldn't launch all of the nukes knowing they're going to die anyway
Nothing will happen. Trump is in his 70s and has heard this NK 3,000 times too much. So, he's exercising his power as commander in chief, to give his citizens mental relief (for those that are stable-minded and rational) that, yes, US is no longer a shoulder-shrugging country anymore. That threats, regardless if they're empty or not, have consequences when fucking with the world's #1 superpower.
On the other side, you have a very smart man running a 3rd world militarized country, but has a chemical imbalance. But you can't name a world leader, whose father was a previous world leader, who didn't fuck their own country up royally. Every single one. From Trudeau, to Kim, to Bush and any former. That being said, with his chemical imbalance, he could possible try something in a decade when his health deteriorates. I'm u sure if he has a son or not, though I assume he does. If so, he won't do anything, because it puts his infant son at risk of imminent death, who will be the heir to the throne once Kim dies of health complications in 20-30 years.
The left knows only appeasement.
>Coddle Muslims or they'll kill us
>Coddle North Korea or they'll kill us
>Coddle niggers or they'll kill us
It all comes from a place of fear. They know the savages they prop up don't belong in society, but they see no option other than trying to suck up to them in the hopes that they'll be spared.
sooooooooooooo embarrassiiiing
Don't worry, the americans wont't dare to touch NK. It wont escalate. Trump only got it in the mouth.
Just read he has a daughter. She won't be running the country, I'm sure. Unless he wants a military coup, she can't/won't be the heir. He still won't do anything till his health starts deteriorating.
We have detonated literally thousands of nuclear bombs in this country alone. On the ground, in the water, and in the fucking air. People are so fucking stupid, they literally lack the ability to think. You can reduce an entire country to bands of roving cannibals in 60 days with a single EMP. Nukes aren't even scary.
I wish more people understood the nature of nuclear weapons, if they did they would be far less fear-mongering about NK. We have MIRVs. They have a single warhead they can barely throw our way with a rocket that has a substantial failure-rate.
We also have countermeasures on US warships to shoot down incoming targets, even supersonic ones. We tested these countermeasures repeatedly over the last decade and there are dozens of videos of them on kiketube.
>Leftists are afraid
I think they should kill themselves right away just to avoid the suffering.
today the world,
tomorrow the stars
>The left knows only appeasement.
that's not what they said about the commies when I was a kid.
>both sides
>B O T H
back to school boi
He was clearly trying to refrain from laughing.
Those are the worst. They get into the hvac system and wreak havoc.
>but I'm like... wayyy too busy posting on instagram and twitter to like... move somewhere else or something
>also im in the middle of HRT and i need my gibs
>These people really do look at the world through the lens of "what will people think of me".
That is their greatest fear. Vanity is their greatest weakness.
so 5 nukes each, or what? what are you trying to say?
I want it to happen so hard. NK has been begging for military intervention for years! They want a fight? Lets throw down.
This is one way of saying "we will nuke the gook"
Right. Hey concern is not very convincing.
a.) No proof that the Norks have nukes or actual ICBMs, only Nork propaganda and best guesses.
b.) They'd get wiped out.
c.) Russia and China have our backs in this. No World War III, only dead Norks.
I highly doubt NK could get five nukes off the ground at once, even if they were just trying to test them. The moment anything left the ground on a trajectory towards us, it'd be burned out of the sky and replaced by a flight of US bombers on their way to stomp gook ass.
>starting a war with Russia is perfectly fine
>starting a war with gook Stalin is the end of the world
NK is a joke. It's like a football player pissing on a down syndrome baby at a park and everyone is standing around watching to see how angry the baby gets knowing it can't hurt anyone.
>Russia and China have our backs in this. No World War III, only dead Norks.
What if this is the moment which unites US, Russia, and China and the global currency Jew is instated.
The Norks threaten them with nuclear annihilation and they blame their own president.
America is gay.
id be happy if donaldo solved the nk issue
i wouldnt be that happy if it spawned another cold war because countries feel intimidated by the us
America elected that president. Nice try, Mohammad.
if NK targets your mainland, yes -no doubt, but what about the threat against Guam? Could that be intercepted?
>starting a war with Russia is perfectly fine
whoever said that?
>because countries feel intimidated by the us
>implying they aren't already
They should be. We're the fucking USA. Two world wars, Germany. Two.
No I think you nailed it pretty well honestly
The undefeated champion of the world
>i wouldnt be that happy if it spawned another cold war
there's been a cold war going on since 9/11/2001.
.. I remember the first one, being born '75, that shit was cash.
Do you realize what is nuclear winter?
That depends entirely on what assets we have there and what their detection/response time is, I'm far less confident about defending Guam from a strike than I am about our mainland. I'd need more info than I have now on what we have there, they might be safe they might be shit-outta-luck, I'm not sure.
it's the essence of tristesse, the emos and the goths are gonna love it.
you might be right, but it hasnt been as heated as the first one so far (at least as much as i can gather in terms of the public eye)
that being said, if nk is freed there will definetly be a refugee problem in south korea, china and other neighbouring countries
the only case where there wouldnt be a refugee problem is if the us ends up killing most of the population, in which case there will likely be a second cold war
south korea (and other neigbouring countries like china) presumably benefit greatly from the current situation in north korea and it's likely not in their interest (except for ethical reasons) for that to change