Continued thread

Continued thread

Reddit trannies are pissed at Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

first for Kawaii Desu Senpai

Watch they all migrate to Sup Forums and stay here.

upboat pls

Monitoring the thread

daily reminder that ayano belongs to kyoko




akari is okay with this



wtf bigot
that's a GIRL's PENIS


>is sissy enjoying a kink
>"im not a sissy enjoying a kink"
dat nigguh lyin to hisself, bah gawd

already have


You faggots are welcome.

is it degenerate if i fucked this things boipussy?

Randy Stair/Andrew Blaze/ tranny waifu for laifu cuck is still my favorite.

I love how the mods on there have just given up. They were deleting posts instantly earlier


Yes and it means you're gay too.

Womaninity just seems gross.

HAHA yea bro that shits nasty was asking for a friend

you talk like a moron

>raiding a tranny board
You have faggots must be really bored




I would too,user

Just hope there are no Brit mods who see this. Famous degenerate reality tv star who got cancer.

>looking at the top rated posts of all time
>"my boyfriend and me"

literally who LOL

>tfw when your tranny gf has a more masculine jawline than you.

Wow they banned me for posting Blaire White

Post gore to deter redditfags.

>le presence meme
wakarimasen lol~

Just make a new account. I have like 5 farmed up for occasions like this.

You fuckers.

I think they're both trans

>10 minutes into shitposting and hotpockets and Xe gives you this look

What do you do?

>Famous degenerate reality tv star who got cancer.
no, that's tyler1 in drag


Which is the boyfriend????

I refuse to believe this is real

Is MarvelousWaffle shitposting? I can't tell.

Damn, I'd tie a thick noose around THAT neck.

Peep Show has run it's course.

stop right there

I cut a hole through a glass window with his chin and escape.

Doesn't matter, I got banned. Obvious troll was obvious. Here's a Scottish comedian (Karen Dunbar) who is just an ugly dykey female, was my next post.

The mods seem to be awake now, posts are being deleted, goodbye Pence

what happened to that "warm welcome"?

they locked the subleddit LMAO

shit went private while I was looking at some ugly transvestite.



page is set to private now. lol

I have already been banned but if someone really wants to trigger some trannies post the shemale from Ace Ventura (pic attached). The one that Jim Carrey kissed then later puked when discovering it was a man. That movie triggers trannies almost as bad as using a toilet in NC.... They just can't stand being turned into a joke

No it's legit ROFL.

It's over lads

Community is now private, rip

To plot against us.

>big guy

good thread op

My fucking sides

Can I get a quick run down on this?


Those threads were legends thanks OP

Fucking babies have to keep their safespace echo chamber free from outsiders I guess.

What are they gonna do, post their knife gashes on Sup Forums?

Damn, should've subscribed.

I mean with my hands, no killing involved.
Just epic S U C C.

>posts a smug warm welcome for trolls
>makes the subreddit private in less than 24 hours

Hilarious how they thought we'd just give up

anymore subreddits to raid??

Even if you're subscribed it will still be private, this is actually the best case scenario because even genuine posters will have to message the mods to get access.


this tranny who moderates transpassing made the internet news

>That's exactly how Ianna Drew Urquhart, a 40-something living in Los Angeles, commandeered r/WhitePolitics and r/Whites and is now a moderator for each. Once a haven for white supremacists to spout their vitriol, the discourses now, rather humorously, focus on Swiss coffee and laundry, respectively.

>Crediting Reddit for helping her "stay sane," Urquhart recounts how she had to battle alt-right political commentator Milo Yiannopoulos for command of one of the subreddits: "I told the admins that I would use my powers for good and bring back the original meaning and make it about bundles of sticks."

o god I'm laffin

Someone post the 'lets welcome pol' mod thread


they can come here and make you cry for mods
this is a safe space too

There's always this one although I'm banned.

Basically just a bunch of cunts patting themselves on the back and complaining about MISOJINEEE

Holy fuck guys, I just found out that I'm a homosexual!

No it's not. Liberals can speak here freely and do all the time.

New subreddits? I want to get this Reddit account banned today since I can't just delete it. (2 years old and got karma)

leftists can't have free speech its too difficult for them. Notice how far right site like Sup Forums has zero censorship. Its because we can handle opposition
What do you expect, its why Reddit is Reddit

mods banned me for being pizza sexual. WHAT THE FUCK MAN.

The one with blak hair is also a jew...shocking right?

literally a bunch of Jews kvetching about wrong think

seems like too 'busy' to me, so probably alot more moderation than smaller subreddits so harder to shit on

Yeah, maybe Hiroshimoot will make Sup Forums private. Or maybe a mod will delete posts that go against the subreddit's narrative. Have an upboat good sir!

on it

Sam Hyde is a pedophile that preys on underage girls. Who cares if Reddits trying to bully him?

Looks like they just locked it temporarily to do a ban wave. I just got banned for no reason. Moving to a a back up account now.

Actually more and more butches are under pressure to transition. It's like Iran.

your fellow pussy alt righter posted this
lemme hear them tears drop fucking bitch

a-tier shitposting my dude
the sickly sweet leftist "tolerance" was a good touch


Most posters post there too and it's just as fucking crazy

Funny shit since donald subreddit bans people for saying bad things about trump too. Really shows why they're reddit

WTF, I love Jews now!

man, those are really whiny bitches in there. you cant even read their shit without being invited

It's literally a screenshot of people ITT trolling.

thats the problem, as new users and people move into the reddit space, they become indoctrinated. they are winning the numbers games and the long game.