Seems like only yesterday they were just a less cluttered Dogpile.
ITT post Orwellian Google social engineering
Other urls found in this thread:
seriously misunderestimates gookhill
Naithelorendum Sanctuary
i dont get it.
Now try searching for naithlorendum sanctuary on google
During the election, if you giggled "Crippled America" it returned Mein Kampf in the results
googles gonna goog
what's happened to google, they aren't what I remember them to be, they've become something far more sinister recently
Still no results. I feel as if Google is suppressing information on this, though I don't know why they would if it were just myths and rumors surrounding 'The Squallies.'
Same search
First page
Nvm, I dropped the e in Naithelorendum and got results
too lazy ... what is a Naithelorendum Sanctuary?
>Naithelorendum Sanctuary
I just got this thread as result.
Google returned no results while that duck brought back pages. The idea here is that Google is fucking with their search algorithms or just straight up removing results from their search engine in order to shape human knowledge.
They're manipulating information in order to manipulate you.
top fukken kek
Nice, good thing that. I was starting to think google may be up to no good.
Recently? Google has been more powerful than entire country governments for years now. I've made posts raging about it for a long time, but people are only taking action now that theres drama and they fired someone. Honestly the lot of you are normalfags that are just as bad as the snowflakes and SJWs. But if theres one cause you want to rally against that will always be useful, its dismantling and destroying the major internet powers, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social media platforms. They're running the world via data collection and propaganda, and we're all exposed to it.
now you know how confirmation bias google threads work
>omg look at jewgle showing this interracial couple when i search for american couple! the fucking jews at it AGAIN
no, all you faggots just clicked on the interracial photo which bumped up the photo to the top of the results which in turn led to more threads you fucking retards
can't someone else create a search engine, that filters in a similar way to google did in it's heyday?
the issue would be that google has such a strong hold because they came on when the internet was so new
I switched to 4chin search engine.
this is bullshit, doesn't appear on mine
how the fuck are we gonna dismantle it? by posting 2d girls on an anime board, I'm typing this on a google computer that i got before i came to pol. you can't shit on me either for being a normal fag you're a fucking canadian your leader is a complete cuckold and you face fines for criticizing feminism
What the fuck is it anyway?
Do you really believe in that?
Have anything to back your claims?
Or are you just puking diarrhea?
>During the election
how could we create an actual 4 chan search engine, you could be on to something user
Occult mumbo jumbo related to the thule society.
Sort of.
So baisically a rich guy named (((Rosen))) bought a bunch of land in the Florida Everglades, however nothing was ever built there. When searching, people go missing. The 'Naithlorendum Sanctuary' is a building guarded by an old man who'll shoot anyone nearby, and supposedly houses 'Squallies', human-pig hybrids. Doesn't seem to be any evidence though, besides Rosen's deal.
>guy says men and women are biologically different
>fire him because of 'sexism'
>"why do conservatives hate freedom"
Thay have an eye on what information stays up and what not, and it determines the official state of things.
Google it for fuck sake
That's brilliant.
>how to dismantle it
See all those copy pastes about the addon adnauseam? Get all of your normie friends using it. Its like TOR, the more people using it the better it works. Google will no doubt find a way to combat it in the future, so also support any improvements or offshoots that fill the same purpose of ruining their data collection and advertising revenue.
I wonder how many armed guards google has at their headquarters?
>Naithlorendum Sanctuary
What are you soups talking about?
you spelled it wrong
where the absolute fuck have you been for the last three days
Educate us
Someone please give me alternative search engine as good as google, but without jewish propaganda.
When you accumulate a shit load of wealth and power, your interests change. You would think that if you were rich you would relax and take no interest in the doings of mortals, right? Well, no. Because they are bored and they have the power to take action on things that bother them... So they do. When every single one of your needs are met, you can branch out into your wants. It seems Google wants to destroy western civilization.
*googles 'European people history'*
Hear it in one of thot's threads, but thisMakes sense too, but it could be someone that wanted to use the name but spelled it wrong.
Lots of other search engines exist, but Google is simply the most popular and they know it.
And? Google returns plenty about it.
Wikipedia has pages for native peoples of asia/africa/america, if you look up native peoples of europe it will redirect you to ethnic groups currently living in europe.
How is it related to Thule though?
i use duckduckgo most of the time. I want more alternatives though. As well as alternative browsers to chrome and firefox, which i use.
Did you want a search engine or not?
Yes, but something at least slightly touching the level of google.
Duckduckgo is high tier
>what's happened to google
(((I wonder who is responsible)))
>during the election
>company motto is LITERALLY 'Dont be Evil'
What could possibly go wrong
If youre looking for an alternative browser try brave. They are tied to crypto as well. Its the new way. Also invest in bat while youre at it.
We could just spread a rumors that google will hire back that dude, wait for the sjws chimpout. Make them find new search engine. Once they find it we invade it. They go back to google.
Sure, after we caught them
>that tab
i hate you
By the way, you could do an encrypted Google search in DuckDuckGo by typing !g (insert what you want to search). It will prevent (((them))) from tracking your search and your personal information.
woha, it's like metal gear solid 2!
What if they erase ! while in interwebs and make you surf with g only?
>People unironically recommending duckduckgoy
Reminder not to use duckduckgo, it is owned by a jews who's previous company was a data miner that sold your information to marketing firms, we've known this for years over on Sup Forums
Use Startpage, ixquick or searx
Wait, so your argument is that Google is using outdated algorithms based upon result popularity?
Not only is that overly simplistic, you have zero idea of how modern search engines work or what makes for successful SEO.
let me get in on this.
well, fuck i genuinly did not expect to get this result, previous years searching in another language got you actual good results, now searching "american inventors" gets the same pozzed results as searching in English.
startpage and ixquick have look like the same thing to me.
Naithlorendum Sanctuary is the proper spelling, OP gave the wrong spelling of the word. What I don't understand though is how duckduck and Bing both showed proper results even when searching for the misspelled term, while google shows nothing unless you search with the 100% proper spelling.
>Implying duckduckgo is any better.
They are, they're anonymous google proxies
This may have to do with the word "American" and the meta data that these pics contain descriptions like "African American scientist" - so when you Google "American Scientist" a bunch of dirty fucking niggers show up.
this is what you get when you simply google "scientist"
This was all the rage last week.
>t. Google shill
They are twins.
This is Google
Wait why does this infograph bring up ixquick, did something happen to ixquick I didn't hear about?
Even if this is true, if this same bias manifested in such a way that whites were favored over minorities, it would have been corrected in a week. As it stands, this has been a meme for like at least a year at this point, and nothing is done about it.
Couldn't find anything which proves their that they are sibilings
I found an article once which asserted that "France" was properly defined as "a place where French is the official language".
>a search engine that basically acts as a proxy to jewgle
>has the same fucking results as a direct jewgle search
I wonder why that could be.
I know who two of those are and 50% of those are white. Did I win diversity?
I'm just going to leave this here
this isn't secret. they pretty much brag about doing this. printed books contain immutable knowledge kiddos, don't brush them off as outdated. i've been working on building up a huge library of books of interest for years now. one day when the internet is completely orwellian i won't even notice because i'll be sitting in my study chair reading real books laughing at the world outside.
a heads up that all the major search engines are jacked. not just google.. orders for operation coffee cream probably came from the top.
also its something above and beyond metadata and search ranking tricks.. play around with duckduckgo and theres a certain point it completely trashes what you were typing and does a full replace before you push search.. crazy times.
Using an anonymous google proxy still gives you google's results, which are manipulated by google. What's the point?
Can someone please give me a different search engine to use instead of Jewgle?
They changed it. And also got rid of their 80/20 rule. Pay attention.
To prevent tracking and googles custom search results "tailored" to you
Not being tracked by da joos is a good reason.
Born 8 years apart.