I'm tired Sup Forums. Tired of being strong. The red pill has broken me.
Wat do.
I'm tired Sup Forums. Tired of being strong. The red pill has broken me.
Wat do.
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redpill others until the majority is redpilled.
then we can begin fixing it.
Realise that it's not about you, it's about the survival of your entire race. It's not supposed to be easy, and you're not supposed to enjoy it. But it's worth fighting for.
kill yo self
Do a media blackout for a few days. Read books.
Eat healthy. Work out. Struggle through and rise above your meager feelings of dread/agony, it's the struggle that you find meaning in. Develop your own metaphysical foundation to live, find solid grounded physical and intellectual hobbies like running, philosophy, math, etc.
Are you a rural and suburban retard?
This. We're in this for our people. Even the ones who think we're evil and need to be no-platformed, rounded up, and jailed. If they're white, they carry precious cargo - White DNA. And they're the key to the survival of our species. If we're ever going to the stars, we need white DNA to get there. If we're going to survive overpopulation, we need white homelands to do it.
You just have to buckle down, grit your teeth, and keep doing your part.
I killed myself. It didn't help. What do now?
I've done all those things.
I want to go inawoods a disappear to be honest. I think it's the only way I can find peace.
Ride on
Roll on
>I'm tired Sup Forums.
>Tired of being strong
Weakling. Hang yourself.
This.only the strong survive
I think it's fair to say you tried so hard and got so far. But in the end, maybe it doesn't even matter?
Back off awhile all things politics. Maybe go camping for a few weeks. Limit all your communication to only what absolutely needs to be done for your personal/professional life. This shit is exhausting and all soldiers need a leave now and then to rejuvenate.
It broke me today too.
This guy has it right.
this is they way, the devine task, the salvation.
First of all, the chief NEVER EVER removes his helmet to cry, Because he doesn't break down. He was engineered since birth and trained as a child soldier on far flung planets. 343 dropped the ball, he's practically big boss
>I'm tired Sup Forums. Tired of being strong
nah, that's just you being an emotionally stunted little bitch who is trying to make up for his immaturity by acting like you're hot shit when the fact of the matter is that you're a gutless, arrogant moron. fuck off and kys asap, kid.
also, this has nothing to do with politics. no bump for you. reminder: report ALL whiny shit posting idiots like OP.
Fuck 343 they brought in a bunch of halo haters and SJW to make the halo sequels and we get a steaming pile of garbage with emotional love interests and gay robots with terrible plot devices. I just wanted to be a badass warrior shoots space lizards and bears
Buy a gun
Buy ammo
Buy Cleaning Supplies
Watch Youtube on how to clean said weapon
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Clean weapon and store it close to you.
Buy handgun
Buy ammo
Buy Cleaning Supplies
Watch Youtube on how to clean said weapon
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Clean weapon and store on your persons
Apply for CCW or not... if you truly only care about others , remember gang-bangers don't get permits or buy guns from stores and their bullets will kill you / others just as well as store bought / with or without a permit.
Wait for enough people to wake up, get police on your side and tell them to be shoulder to shoulder or stay home with the calls start coming in.
Hold new elections with new term limits , morality clauses , 24/7 surveillance just like the current government is doing to us at people.
Now that the house is covered. We can go after the Senate and apply the same rules as the house or face the noose. Same message as before but with nooses in hand and their family members next to them.
After the senate, move to the FED. They can either go down in history at traitors and suffer the most horrific of deaths.... or step down in honor and be regarded as such in our history books.
Good enough annon ?
I hear you bro. I always wondered why, growing up, I always felt superior to everyone non-white. I would be open, and speak to everybody, white, brown, black, yellow, etc.
Consistently, I noticed, the Whites, always seemed to be a bit more..reserved...thinking..
I wasn't raised to be a scientific racial empiricist, but it just so happened that life events unfolded that way.
I realized, as an adult, that I had my genetics to thank for this.
Being tall = White
Being handsome = White
Having above average IQ= White
No serious health conditions = White
Tirelessly creative, always thinking of innovative ideas, outside of the Jewnited States Of America's influence = Can only do this because white
You name it-all thanks to being 100% white. Pure white blood, without any Jew, or any other mix, in there.
It all made sense, and became the redpill for my life.
Now, I still smoke, drink, fuck girls, all the while, I know, that America is a white homeland, regardless of what anyone states, believes in, etc.
We are a superior mixture of Britain and Rome, and we are still getting to the climax.
Today is tough. We've been invaded. Stay strong and troll user.
Realize there is a reason why they hate us
Don't get caught up in the news either. It's a jew weapon to break us down and distract us.
keep going. that is all. turn up, and if you can do your part, try to be peaceful but never let anyone get away with blue pill bullshit. I had a conversation today which may be the beginning of the end of my entire social circle... or they will get redpilled and join me, either way, I'm following the north star of truth.
He said unironically while shitposting on Sup Forums
American faggot, too much lead in your water