If you are a Christian post here and tell me about it. Can we organize as a group to fight the degeneracy and pedophilia?
Are there any Christians left on pol?
Other urls found in this thread:
Unfortunately, the modern church truly is a weapon used against European people. I feel quite lonely in my local church because I don't feel comfortable asking questions about the jews in a community that sucks Israel's cock.
Yah in puerto rice esepically I imagine you guys are all catholic right?
Depends, is Sup Forums still satire?
Eastern Orthodox here initially, almost entirely switched to Baptism after listening pastor Steven Anderson
But yea, my savior is the lord Jesus Christ.
Your own church had been promoting degeneracy for centuries, fuck off.
Do you all want to organize to fight back or does no one care any more?
who are you talking to guy and what church are you talking about?
Traditional Roman Catholic. I pledge allegiance to God, Bible, Tradition and traditional dogmas.
Despise current pope, his teachings and blasphemies as well as the entire pedo-masonic establishment of the Vatican
Fuck off.
>and pedophilia?
Go be a feminist somewhere else. Little girls are made for sex.
>taking a televangelist seriously
They're the worst kind of preacher. And preachers are already wirthless people.
We can start by cleaning Sup Forums
The earth is 6000 years old and Satan put dinosaur bones in the ground to test our faith. Also space doesn't exist and evilution is a lie
>what church are you talking about?
The one flooding our countrues with foreigners. So, all of them.
>Despise current pope, his teachings and blasphemies
Why? What has he done wrong? You peoplr have been complaining about since he got the job but with no real reasons.
Praise Jesus
This board is getting infected with edgy pagans and blasphemous atheist,more so than before
Thankfully they offer nothing in the way of faith changing arguments,but plenty of ad hominems and childish insults
>I pledge allegiance to God, Bible, Tradition and traditional dogmas
>Despise current pope, his teachings and blasphemies
If you do a minimum of research you will quickly realize MANY popes were evil and that's where your precious traditions and dogmas come from.
Reminder atheists make these D&C threads and post copypasta to incite disunion among those who love Christ.
Do you love Christ? Then find common ground with a catholic/orthodox/prodestant/baptist, you have so much to agree on!
Eastern Orthodox Here.
Not a Christian, but started reading The Bible recently thanks to Sup Forums.
Reminder to everyone Christianity is the one thing (beside perhaps the Tsar of Russia) the Rothschilds have fought hardest to destroy.
In Genesis - the story of Abraham being told by "God" to sacrifice his son, Isaac; I'm pretty convinced this entity was not God, but Moloch.
no you can fuck off furry faggot get off my thread kike
>what church are you talking about?
Have you read bodhi mantras book?
atheism is a masonic hebe organization
The Catholic church started being infiltrated by Rothschild agents/Freemasons a few hundred years ago. This is where the association between Catholicism and paedophilia arose. Not sure for how long exactly, but I do know every pope in recent history has been a freemason.
This user has it
>hur dur Christianity is controlled by the kikes!!
>then Why have the Jews worked around the clock to eliminate Christianity every opportunity they are given?
Moloch wouldn't have stopped Abraham from killing his son
>Reminder atheists make these D&C
I want to bring people together friend not sure if you are talking to me or accusing me.
I don't care what your denomination is. The pedophilia I mention isn't a jab at the Catholic church, it is rampant among these Luciferian occultists
Why don't you start with your own church? The one that's in the news AGAIN for raping little boys
>Inb4 Catholics are not Christians
If the largest sect of Christianity is not christian, then you have a lot more problems than just pedophiles
this do you know why?
who are you talking to? Why are people positing generalized accusations at air?
I don't for a minute believe that whatever is responsible for our creation would try to tempt someone into killing their own child. Moloch needs future generations to continue it's agenda, which from what I can tell has been done through Abraham's successive generations i.e. jews.
This was God's first lesson in idolatry. Abraham began to place isaac in greater importance than God, thus God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice him Isaac. Abraham knew God's promise to bless him with a son who's fruit would populate the earth, maybe he thought God would resurrect him? Ultimately God stopped him, and taught him the sin of idolatry. Some denominations "edit" the idolatry commandment out, but it's in Exodus 20.
Until we gain control of the major cultural institutions, nothing can be done. Influence upon society is always top down. Therefore, Liberalism (i.e. "freedom of religion") has to be the first thing to go. Meaning, America and its founding ideology is the primary cause of our problems, which has given free rein to Jews and other Materialists to subvert and debase our society.
If you're an American, you must watch this talk:
Im neo-christian like most here
Criticism of religion has plucked the flowers from the chain
not so that man should wear the chain without consolation, but that he may break the chain and cull the living flower
>Let's organize guise
>has no viable path forward
No, kill yourself, pleb.
I've found myself coming back to Christ after over a decade of heathen atheism, does that count?
>If you are a Christian post here and tell me about it.
Roman Catholic.
>Can we organize as a group to fight the degeneracy and pedophilia?
I don't see why not. The Jews have all their groups - the ADL, the SPLC, and others. I have been wondering why White American Christians/Catholics have not started groups to counter these (ADL, SPLC, etc.).
I do have a path. I have an entire war plan my brother and I will win. I just need support first. We need economic support to start counter ops and psyops, I am a computer scientist and can build a platform that will pay for itself and be solely used to reprogram people. We turn or economic base into a political base and take back our country. Why are you insulting with accusation that aren't true instead of talking to me? This thread is for us to organize not argue. All the proceeds from my book go into this agenda
of course brother
>I have been wondering why White American Christians/Catholics have not started groups to counter these
they have all been infiltrated brother, there are no heroes in the system they own the system we must raise our own
Why they've tried to destroy it? Because it's been such a great pillar for Western civilisation and gives people meaning and purpose to their lives instead of the wretched hedonism that is promoted in our age today. Also the Bible warns repeatedly against usury.
So your child shouldn't be the most important thing in your life? I don't see how looking out for your own DNA and your future descendants can really be compared to idolatry. I thought idolatry was the sort of bullshit we see pushed on us today with pop music and Hollywood actors.
Moreover, do you think it's simply a coincidence that The United States is home to 39.2% ( 5,425,000 pop.) of the worldwide
total number of Jews, the only other comparably large group of Jews being in Israel, at 43.4% of the total.
Given the Jewish influence upon the culture, Americans regardless of ethnicity are almost all Jews!
Absolutely. Only God will fill that God-shaped hole in your heart.
Lapsed Catholic here. Still strongly faithful but not enamoured by the Church itself. I'm just confessing directly to God until I figure out how to handle this.
Catholic here. How do we take back the Vatican from the pedo faggots?
>fight the degeneracy and pedophilia
but that's what Christcuckery is all about
Allow priests to marry.
>they have all been infiltrated brother,
Sadly, I think you are correct.
yeah figures you'd be alright with race mixing. KYS.
stop going to Catholic churches and donating to their coffers. Petition others to stop going
No Christians actually believe any of this.
I know for a fact brother. I know all their symbols and signs, secret handshakes etc. I can spot the sell outs and I know there is no one in the system that is propped up by the system the kikes don't own
Reporting for duty
>your child shouldnt be most important
No, and with good reason. Idolatry is putting anything before God, anything. All joy in this worldly existance is derived from glorification of God. Without it you'll have no basis to do that which you want to do, like help your children.
>marvel superheros
Marvel is a jewish company in jewlywood. You are using the jewish tool like a good little jew worshiping christcuck. Where as Christians get full length movies constantly never bashing Christ outside of a few jokes jews crack at christians.
Yeah, I haven't been in a long time now. I don't feel great about recommending others to do so, though. I mean, basically, if you die without having confessed you're going to heck so, I mean, I'll take my chances with my own soul but not someone else's.
Reminder that wives are to be completely obedient to their husbands
>Abraham ask god for a child
>god gives said child
>god later wants to test Abrahams loyalty by asking to return that which was given to him
>Abraham faithfully gets ready to sacrifice his son on the altar
>god said don't kill him,you have past my test
>everyone lives Happy every after
Moloch would ask for multiple child sacrifices of young infants thrown into blazing fire,and he would not stop said sacrifice for nothing in the world
See the difference?
I'm a Christian. This board is degenerate cancer, and the majority of "christians" on here want to larp as crusaders going on about shit that doesn't matter.
>Rothschilds have fought hardest to destroy.
You are joking right? They fucking love christians for being useful idiots just look at all the people who support the ROthschilds they are jews and/or Christians themselves.
race mixing is okay - steven anderson in front of his mostly spic church memebers
I can feel The butthurt in this post
I'm butthurt that a bunch of middle aged mothers are browsing Sup Forums now posting about how christianity isn't jewish. Fuck off.
Go to your local LDS YSA ward and find a white conservative wife
I agree. I'd rather marry a Hispanic Christian over a white heathen
1 John 1:9 says to confess to God anyways, even if you feel like a priest gets dibbs.
I think you should, how can you catholics stand Vatican ii and islamic prayers under the dome?
Literally /ourguy/
Ok so let me to you guys like this what business can I start to fight these kikes and what they are doing you all will support and get others to support? I have an entire war plan already designed that I can guarantee will be successful if I get support. I need to start here that we get the normies on board. We have to start from the ground up because we can trust no outside organizations
>I know there is no one in the system that is propped up by the system the kikes don't own
Thanks for confirming. I have often thought this were true, that no one would be on TV without approval. That no one would be a spokesperson without approval. And, then, of course, it always - ALWAYS - turns out the person is Jewish. I have often in frustration asked if there is anyone on TV or in the media or who is quoted in stories who is not Jewish. Yet we are to believe they are the 2% of the population. Yeah, right.
Nice Id,thread spammer
If you are going to make absurd claims,have some citations or else you look like a fool
Even more ass hurt, what's the problem? Didn't like getting up on a Sunday morning to go to Church?
Your anger is nothing but a show to us,so please
Continue to sperg out over faith
and here we have it everyone. Christianity is an anti-white race mixing jew religion.
>All Christians Are Cucks
>All Christians are Cucks #2
>All Christians are Cucks #3
>All Christians are Cucks #4
>All Christians are Cucks #5
>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant
>Cuck Identity
>Cuck Identity #2
Synagogue of Satan debunked
>Why do people care about berating an increasingly irrelevant religion anyway?
Because they're not irrelevant. They actively fund and even run many of the boats coming from Africa to Europe.
Steven Anderson on race-mixing
"Interracial Marriage" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV sermon)
>switched to Baptism after listening pastor Steven Anderson
Steven Anderson on race-mixing
"Interracial Marriage" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV sermon)
As husband has duties to his wife that also must be fulfilled, with a common front to take on the world.
enjoy getting sodomized in your aryan ubermensch gay bathhouse faggot
Steven Anderson on race-mixing
"Interracial Marriage" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV sermon)
interesting you say that.
Catholic. It sucks fampai.
We can fight against it but that means taking our ideologies and subverting the current system. I wouldn't even know where to start doing that though since the church has done a good job of filling the pews with lemmings
hmmmmmmmm god is okay with gays sorry
> Jesus: be a good guy user. don't worship idols.
> Paul: hippity boppity new age boppity boop.
> follows Jesus and tries his best to be a good guy.
>ruin one of the best memes and forums ever with your obnoxious flood of spam
>"WH-Wh-WHere is everyone?"
off yourself
I'd rather be surrounded by black Christians than surrounded by white sodomites. It says a lot about you that you wouldn't
no there isn't brother and I can prove it conclusively. The movie the matrix was quite literally based on reality. There is a YT channel called russianvids you need to check out. One caveat he fell for the kike psyop of flat earth, one can hardly blame him though because he knows all the lies in this world and only trusts in his bible. But he is expert on the occult and their symbols and how to expose them. You will never believe how deep the lies go. Other than flat earth I am an expert ont he occult and their symbology and tactics also and I agree with 85% of his conclusions. He knows his stuff watch his vids especially the ones about teh infiltration of the churches
This is a jew.
>degeneracy and pedophilia
Sounds like religion.
>Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer was a German statesman who served as the first post-war Chancellor of Germany (West Germany) from 1949 to 1963.
>He was the first leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), a Christian Democratic party that under his leadership became, and has since usually been the most influential party in the country.
>He displayed a strong dedication to a broad vision of market-based liberal democracy and anti-communism.
>West Germany joined NATO in 1955
>is the President of Germany, serving since March 2012. A former Lutheran pastor, he came to prominence as an anti-communist civil rights activist in East Germany
>the daughter of Horst Kasner, a Lutheran pastor and a native of Berlin, and his wife Herlind, born in 1928 in Danzig (now GdaĆsk, Poland)
>is a German politician who is currently Chancellor of Germany. She is also the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
>From 1979, as an advocate of 'open societies', Soros financially supported dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement
>first trade union in a Warsaw Pact country that was not controlled by a communist party.
>anti-Soviet social movement ranging from people associated with the Catholic Church
>CIA covert support
>In Sollicitudo rei socialis, a major document of Catholic Social Teaching, Pope John Paul II identifies the concept of solidarity with the poor and marginalized as a constitutive element of the Gospel and human participation in the common good.
More like, there never been more churches, while Christian Democrats didn't even exist in Socialism. Pro-refugee faggots are all Christian.
want to explain why most atheists are extremely liberal? why evangelical Christians are the most "homophobic" religious group in America?
oh wait, you can't. because you're probably a homo yourself
This is a jew.
Thanks for your posts, you've given me some good thoughts to mull over. Perhaps I'm too wrapped up in seeing parallels between what I've learnt about modern day control of the world and what I'm reading in The Bible.
Hello fellow Christians
*m-m-muh based black men*
Go back to rebbit you faggot
Want to explain why 99% of all christians want to import non-whites into white countries and go out of there way to keep Africa's birth rate from ever slowing down? Care to explain this Race mixing is OKAY with you pieces of shit and important them into white countries is a Christian pastime.
You are wrong and I can prove it, I wrote a book about all of this and can tell you why the kikes hate Christians and even more so Buddhists. You cannot blame the gullible folks the kikes have fooled. People ahve stopped reading and trusting in their bibles and have been fooled into idol worship of their own pastors instead who are shabbos goy leading them down teh wrong path
>Get v& before you can have a 20.000 men rebel group
>Lone gunman
>Achieve nothing
Only solution is a civil war born out of collapse.