Can Sup Forums follow this simple rule?
Can Sup Forums follow this simple rule?
Set by a resident of a shitheel socialist country?
Um, thinks not.
As a patriot, I would be 100% okay with Russian meddling if it would ensure Trudeau isn't reelected.
Russia is based OP. They kill journalists and beat people with whips for protesting their government. Maybe you should fuck off.
Slide Thread
Who put you people in charge? Since when do a bunch of occupy faggots get to tell anyone what to do?
Look, its sharebluesample.jpg again, they just remembered to change the image name this time!
>Russia meddling with our election
Can you state actual evidence of how Russia did this?
Oh wait, this is a slide threat and I'm replying to a bot
Reminder to sage or ignore shill/slide threads
They're getting desperate. I like.
Still waiting for proofs of meddling
Newer rule:
If you're O.K. with 6 million illegal Mexicans voting in a US election, while subsisting on
US tax dollars, you are not an American.
Its not as simple as that leaf, even if it is true.
It was a choice between Moscow or Riyadh and Davos. Moscow will always be the lesser of two evils in that situation.
>better part of a year
>talking all kinds of shit
Not one iota of evidence. Literally nothing. Then continuing to talk as if it actually happened.
-Retard alert
If you are cool with pushing war mongering propaganda and lies to discredit/undermine the duly elected president all because your criminally corrupt candidate lost election, then you can't call yourself a patriot.
Kill yourself shill.
Post proof of this (((Russian meddling)))
Or stfu.
>occupy democrat
>leaf poster
Really fires up my bojangles
Serious question: If the 'meddling' is exposing the deceit of one of the candidates, is that bad? Isn't it really that the Dems are pointing the finger at Russia to deflect from the fact that they are duplicitous in their own downfall?
But I'm a true patriot if I support the candidate who they showed was blatantly corrupt?
Anyone attempting to impose arbitrary rules without legitimate authority, is violating the NAP and can be killed without repercussion