Asian Couple Buys Entire Street In SF Originally Built To Keep Out ‘Orientals'
Pay no mind to the shadowy figure at the end of the street rubbing (((his))) hands in glee.
Dumb fucking gooks.
The plan wasn't to keep them out, the plan was TO KEEP THEM IN. AND THE RICE EATERS FELL FOR IT.
The owner of one of the largest real estate brokerage firms IN THE WORLD didn't even know his own street was for sale....
CBRE blown the fuck out.
NGKF masterrace confirmed
Super cool
i laughed harder then i should have
The Asian-white alliance is real!
don't blame them desu
BASED asians xD
fuck nazis and racists
should charge Pelosi a few hundred grand for crossing the street
is that an Orthodox church next to the neigborhood?
>we don't want asians to move in! they will take over the whole area and force us out!
looks like the racists were right again
Why is orientals in quotes?
They love "the homeland" more than they love this country, they are just here to colonize it. You even see them discussing this on Sup Forums.
The headline is a bit misleading, because it implies that they bought all the homes on the street, when in actuality, they only bought the physical road itself, for like $19k.
what can you do with a road
Most of the white left to Arizona, already.
The reason they bought was because it probably wasn't white anymore.
This has happened all over California... the White Exodus.
The only non-Jewish, non-Mexican white people left in California live in the deserts or mountains.
According to what I've read, not too much, other than charge residents currently living on the street for parking....which could actually be quite lucrative, although I imagine that most residents on the street have their own garages, given the high value of all the homes.
And they are going to make it a toll road, because the homeowners have no choice soon as they leave the driveway.
All over less than $1,000 in backtaxes the homeowners weren't alerted to.
>You can't own land, only rent it from govt.
Rice dicked.
About 1/3 of San Francisco is still White, but they are very wealthy and leftist. Silicon Valley technocrats, etc.
Now that California has been "enriched" it's a corrupt one-party state. Coincidence?
9.65 cm / 3.80 inch
Jesus not only is India a literal shitholebut full of baby dicks? Why does god hate them
Because they are disgusting animals that deserve to perish.
>niggericans going muh dik
Like clockwork.
There are still some highly conservative pockets within southern California. It's not truly a one party state. Could benefit from being broken up into separate states. Let the bay area and LA county be their own shit holes.
Sit down son. You are a race of beta males.
I've talked to those people around Palmdale, they are so cucked because they pay exorbitant taxes but they have the worst roads I've ever seen. And they try to homeschool their kids so that they don't get beaten up by Mexicans and indoctrinated with Marxism, but the government keeps trying to force them to send their kids to public schools. It's very sad.
What part of Southern California do you live in or have visited?
I was specifically referring to areas in and around Orange County. However just as I hit post I started thinking about how much the demographics have changed over the years.
Tbh, I don't care about this. Most of these streets were WASP only, but now with the Germans and Irish about it's only fair that we allow the Asians in. After all, Asians are superior to both Germans and the Irish.
so salty it's painful to watch
Lel, it's gonna be voting blue from 2018 onwards
The chink truly is a jew to match the jewest jew. Should have paid their taxes the dumb fucks though, the ruthless rice nigger just took advantage of their weakness. Just like china is taking over african resources while eurocucks are busy giving them billions of euros without any compensation (other than getting millions of "refugees)
>san fran
Nothing of value was lost.
Basically this. Even the nice areas smell like piss due to the number of homeless around. Still, they have a lot of damn good restaurants in that shithole of a city.
>Asian gives white men large amounts of money in futile demonstration against a battle that stopped being fought generations ago
Wow, so impressive!
Asians are honorary whites. Good for them, imho.
pelosi lives on the street.
bitch cant even keep her neighborhood in order
Are you guys dumb? Couple is AMAF. Based as fuck!
this archive site is a jewish money making scam.
don't click on this shit.
Wow. So they are saying that Asians are ruining the street just like it was set up to prevent in the 1900s.
> “Baldwin & Howell advertisement pointed out that Japanese and Chinese had invaded the Western Addition, and residence districts were being ruined. They offered for sale lots in Presidio Terrace with restrictions against Orientals. The ad read, ‘There is only one spot in San Francisco where only Caucasians are permitted to buy or lease real estate or where they may reside. That place is Presidio Terrace.'”
Seems like someone forgot to renew their redpills more than anything. "Racists" validated.
It's actually
>Asian man realises he can make a shitload of money by buying a private street because rich people are too retarded to pay their taxes properly
the town i live in drove out the chinese a few decades back so there aren't a lot of asians living here. they live one town over where the drivers become noticeably shittier
so how do you buy an entire street?
were the owners of each house notified that someone was insterested in buying their property?
The more important question is, how is it legal for a city to do this?
Wasn't white men (white men love Asian girls).
The street was made exclusive by white women to keep white men from getting Asian women.
Way to go for this couple!
Your face when you realize that thats the same street Nancy Pelosi lives on
Literally proved the "racists" right.
how the fuck does such an ugly thing land a hot 10/10 Aryan woman like that?
I swear women are fucked in the head
Why are those chinks approprating Bavarian culture and drinking beer?
Feinstein lives on that street. Do you think she'd tolerate living next to muds?
Virtue signaling liberal chic.
tfw San Fran is the only feasable city for little kim jun to attack. The last two "nuke San Fran" comments I saw got pretty good digits
That does not look like beer.
Commiefornia BTFO!
Found the chink
I dont get it how does a street stop anyone libtard post
This, NEVER trust CHINKS, they are ant-like creatures who are loyal to the hive. I'd personally urinate on them, like I urinated on ant-hills as a child.
>Could benefit from being broken up into separate states. Let the bay area and LA county be their own shit holes.
I don't want to concede land to chinks and niggers. We will win it back and kick them out. Stop thinking like a defeatist, think about how to defeat them! Don't give up ground, by making this argument, you automatically give up part of OUR country as lost. Chinks need to learn that their time is limited, and they will be limited if they don't get the fuck out.