Why does objectivism get so much hate?
Why does objectivism get so much hate?
Because Ayn Rand wasnt a hottie. If Lauren Southern wrote the same magnum opus, whilst dressed as Samus, it would be remembered in history for all time.
Emma Goldman wasn't exactly a looker herself, but that nutbag is still taken seriously
Because its anti leftist/collectivist and too much of Gordon Geckos "greed is good"-speech to be palatable for the mainstream right.
The second part is that virtually nobody has the energy and time to actually read Atlas Shrugged.
The women I know who have read it are otoh openly objectivist and admire Ayn Rand.
Literally autism
Because national SOCIALISTS dislike when daddy government doesn't tell them what to think
People are narcissistic enough to believe that they can "help" save the world...
Just stay out of my way.
Objectivism presents a lot of valid points into modern discussion on moral philosophy. It definitely has a place today. However, Ayn Rand and her close knitted group were border line cultish.
>had economics professor that was actually in one of these meetings
>he was in a room with ayn rand, her husband, their fuck buddies, and a few other members
>basically they'd go around the room and ask random questions about what Ayn Rand meant on a specific page or line in one of her books
>she would clarify
>professor asks a question (paraphrased)
>"Wouldn't it be within Objectivist philosophy to voluntarily set up a small commune to establish some public service outside of police, courts, and commie book burnings?"
>they all look at him with disgust, fear, and anguish
>"These aren't the type of questions we ask there"
>he's not invited again
kek,source ?
That's an anecdotal experience he gave to us in class. I'm not even sure if my paraphrased question was right. All I remember was the context being that any action is okay as long as its voluntary (and not necessarily evil because it's commie bullshit).
Because despite most people being selfish assholes, they don't want to accept other people are also selfish assholes who will never love them unconditionally.
People hate things they don't understand.
I came up with the basic tenet of objectivism (selfishness is good) when I was in grade school. If a child can come up with your philosophy, it's probably shit. It's also clear that any philosophy that aims to maximize personal happiness always degenerates into hedonism.
On the contrary life is incredibly simple, we insist on making it complicated. Also Einstein had the six year old rule where if you can't explain an idea to a six year old, you probably don't understand it. Just because something is complex, doesn't mean it is necessarily better.
>Also Einstein had the six year old rule where if you can't explain an idea to a six year old, you probably don't understand it.
That's a measure of how well one understands an idea, not that idea's merit. He didn't say if the idea comes from a six year old, it's a good idea. Sounds like you're just incredibly simple.
The people who critique it always seem to be worthless losers who expect government handouts all the time. For someone who is completely dependent on others, being told that you're responsible for your own success is sacrilege. Anything that's anti-left and doesn't allow virtue-signalling will attract the hate of the plebeians. Just know that they're plebs for a reason. Because they're too stupid to be anything else.
I know that, but what I'm saying is an idea doesn't have to be incredibly complex to be practical, especially a philosophy of all things. Do you seriously think a complicated philosophy is a good idea if you have hopes for it to go beyond the esoteric and reach the masses? No, philosophy needs to be simple if it's genuinely going to have a positive impact on peoples lives. Either that or you have to find a way to make it accessible and disseminate it widely.
Reality is many philosophers were shit at that. An there's nothing new under the sun.
Gordon Gecko wasn't actually like that. My dad worked for him in the 90s and he said he was a very generous man.
Ayn Rand's book is like 40 pages, anyone can read it.
Awww your daddy free market mad.
Because people can't comprehend a philosophical justification for capitalism and merit-based work.
>see Google
people didn't think it through. All they hear is egoism, but somehow do not grasp that due to social interwoveness, the egoistic choice is a social one. Especially in capitalist systems.
Thus you have a reasonable interest in the wellbeing of your fellow man without any grounds to undermine you own, which is nice, because that way nobody can be brainwashed into sacrificing his life for a better harvest. (A real problem if your wife or daughter is supposed to be murdered).
Because free will doesn't exist, and objective morality is bullshit.
Funny since it's the only non-shit philosophy
You're thinking Anthem. Her book Atlas shrugged is upwards of 1500 pages.
No im not, I read her books in high-school they're 40 pages.
No, Atlas Shrugged is at least 1000.
Because its a pseudophilosophy for pseudointellectual morons
Virtue of Selfishness, Capitalism: the unknown ideal, you got that we the living, all under 100 pages.
It's the diet coke of existentialism. No hate, just meh.
Acquiring material wealth is just a surrogate activity meant to satisfy the power process within the industrial system.
41. For many if not most people, surrogate activities are less satisfying than the pursuit of real goals (that is, goals that people would want to attain even if their need for the power process were already fulfilled). One indication of this is the fact that, in many or most cases, people who are deeply involved in surrogate activities are never satisfied, never at rest. Thus the money-maker constantly strives for more and more wealth. The scientist no sooner solves one problem than he moves on to the next. The long-distance runner drives himself to run always farther and faster. Many people who pursue surrogate activities will say that they get far more fulfillment from these activities than they do from the “mundane” business of satisfying their biological needs, but that is because in our society the effort needed to satisfy the biological needs has been reduced to triviality. More importantly, in our society people do not satisfy their biological needs AUTONOMOUSLY but by functioning as parts of an immense social machine. In contrast, people generally have a great deal of autonomy in pursuing their surrogate activities.
best goy
objective, maybe
preferable? it absolutely does.
Fine, a lot of her books are small. His point was that Atlas shrugged is a large book that intertwines all her ideas into a single novel. Too large for most people to read, which is a shame.
He thinks gordon gekko is a real person, he's a dumbass.
The vast majority of people who hate rand have no clue what she actually wrote, and think that atlas shrugged is about rich people always being good. That said, the radio broadcast is absolute shit and 80 pages of nothing. The first 2/3 is great, the ending was sucky.
Her main point of it is great though, and is being proven quite effectively in the modern day: there's always a point where someone will give up and walk away. Everyone wants to ignore that the magic of america is gone. No one actually loves this country anymore. Patriots have become nihilists afraid of losing the little wealth and comfortable living they still have. Most people wouldn't actually carr about defending the country if war broke out. This is nothing but an economic nation.
It's the equivalent of whites moving out when blacks move in. When the negatives start to outweigh the profit, people give up and shrug it off.
Yes, the broadcast is overdone and repeats points a lot. A version with that condensed with the full version in the appendix for anyone who wants to read more would help. Had a friend get stuck on the part for three weeks because of its length.
because utility is not a value system
Want to expand on that?
Ayn Rand cucked her husband and got her "lover" to cuck his wife. And the Ayn Rand Institute advocates open borders for America but closed borders for Israel, while regularly speaking at Jewish community centers. You can't make this stuff up.
I can see why it would appeal to prebusecent homos like you
Anyone who's ever read a philosophy book in his life should get at least a chuckle from this:
>Objectivism's central tenets are that reality exists independently of consciousness, that human beings have direct contact with reality through sense perception, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive logic, that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness (rational self-interest), that the only social system consistent with this morality is one that displays full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez-faire capitalism, and that the role of art in human life is to transform humans' metaphysical ideas by selective reproduction of reality into a physical form—a work of art—that one can comprehend and to which one can respond emotionally.
Except all those stories came out from the Branden's after they had a falling out. Do you have a source from beforehand? I couldn't find one and it seems more like a post mortem smear job to raise sell their books.
I got the
part from Ayn Rand herself. No doubt she triggered a lot of people so she gets attacked for taking social security bux, although I assume she put way more money into government coffers with book sales than she ever took out. But her novels have so much infidelity that I'm not surprised that something similar happened in her personal life.