*Racemixing smh*

Okay i need /pols advice so i broke up with my gf a while ago she was non white and since then my ideologys have become far right and very nationalistic and want nothing but to preserve my race but recently this girl came back into my life and im having constant self battles cos of her race and other shit what should i do ??

Slavs are going to save what's left of cucked aryan race.

I'm tired of seeing all this Slav hate. You know what fine, mix yourselves out of existence. Us Slavs will happily live in our white Christian empire with the only white ethnicity that doesn't look androgynous.

We should just let the west die and focus on saving our own. Then when they get turned into shitskins we take their land, just like whites have done with any other subhuman.

>slavs that low
nice try kike

Wasn't inteded to be slav hate u donkey pic was just for intrest lol

I don't even think it's a kike. Western Europe legitimately hates us, unlike America.

Even if it's not your view a lot of them hate us.

>asking for advice on a jew sponsored chinese cartoon discussion forum

Slavic pride worldwide.
>We should just let the west die and focus on saving our own. Then when they get turned into shitskins we take their land, just like whites have done with any other subhuman.

Well they wont hate u if u intend to do what u just said u would so stop crying over a pic ffs prove the liberial aryan cucks wrong bro fucks complaing about it here i give zero fucks and do not hate slavs i believe they are pure europeans as longs as they havnt mixed with mongols sub humans

The word aryan in the 30s it means all white people, western european was the same as aryan. stop using the aryan word to refer germans

How white is 'white enough'?

My girlfriend is 50% Spanish and 50% Mexican. I am 75% Spanish and 25% Italian.

Pic related is a semi accurate visual reference point, though her face isn't as pretty. She isn't left leaning at all, homemaker and Sup Forums user. If we have kids, they'll be mostly Southern European in genetics, and if they marry Spanish or Italian, their kids will essentially be white.

There's zero chance that you're white. You have nothing to be concerned about, nigger.

>implying slavshits can do anything

Ditch your far right nationalistic ideology. It only makes you look stupid anyway.

>above anything
0/10, absolutely shit tier

Says the american i smell the nigga in u

I feel i know u in real life is that a possibility?

Let non slavs go. I agree. Hungarians are honorary, though.

Find you a white heifer with child bearing hips and fuck fuck fuck. You'll come to enjoy her curves
