Ancestry blood tests

Anyone ever done one of these? I guess I'm happy with only 2% shitskin in my veins. I'm quite dark so I expected more. We knew we had Irish relatives but didn't realise it was so prominent- most of my family is Welsh.

post your results if you did one.

lol nigger

I'm guessing you weren't surprised by your results?

I thought there would be more Spanish or French. Our family is dark with green/brown eyes.

being called a nigger flippantly online used to make me worry there was some North African or something in my blood. Getting these results makes me really happy.



All those fucking pollutants in your blood lmao I love being able to shit on you now.

you actually have fucking nigger GREECE in your blood ahahahaha

At least I'm not 1/3rd Irish, euronigger.


literally honestly rather that than greek and jewish.


keep telling yourself that.


Why do people even bother with these threads? They got to shit immediately every single time, without fail.

You thick cunt, it's not an online multiple choice. you send your saliva off and they test it.

>please CIA and NSA have my DNA
why are millennials so stupid, Sup Forums?

I've seen a lot of these threads. Is a marketing firm targeting Sup Forums?

No nigger marketing firm would use the word nigger this many times nigger

wow I'm convinced, yes jews tell me my ancestry $$$$$$

how lower class can you be to not be able to trace your ancestry back over the last 500 years?

ancestry dna is mormons

23and me are jews

just to clarify

"cmon goyim send us your dna"
No shit I wanna see the website for said service

I don't want mormons baptizing my ancestors either

Iberian... I think the morons are trying to find the lost people of Atlantis

kek. fucking americans

What service did you use?

I used Ancestry

I hope all of you using these tests don't end up regretting it in a couple decades, I really don't

I somewhat regret testing with 23andme.
They're the most dodgy company of the lot IMO.

Nobody use 23andme.

My family has awful mental health. Good luck to
em I say.

We can. This does thousands of years.


It's not only a Jewish operation, but it has ties to google and is quite openly datamining for cohort health studies.
They continuously foist healthcare questionnaires on their customers, although these are optional, and there are various declarations of consent you can either agree or disagree to.

You guys know they use your dna to make clones of you and send them to work on the Mars slave colony right? I don't want that shit weighing in my mind.

I'm too happy with my results to care

do you think they castrate the slaves, or do my slave clones have a chance of having a family of white mars babies?

Nigerian prince reporting in!

My mum wants me to do this, she bought one for herself and one for me, since my dad died a couple of years ago. Apparently his dad was convinced he was Jewish to some degree, which I can believe, he did sorta look Jewish, and we can find out for sure with this test.

I had a tough time explaining to her that I'm not exactly comfortable with handing over my genetic code to a corporation

who with though?


kek nice

well at least they're not jews. depends how okay you are with being posthumously baptised by the mormons.

>over the last 500 years

There is no way to unequivocally prove your ancestry more than a few generations back. Eventually you have to start accepting the unverifiable claims of others (such as older family tree, family bibles, etc.) as fact.

If you can trace your family history back 500 years, the reality is that anything beyond 150 years or so is little more than faith.



Fucking mudblood!


Those are pretty vague genetic traits. Irish and Great British? What the fuck does that mean?

IGenea do a test that goes into tribal genetic ancestry. Sorry OP but I dont think your test means much apart from, yes you are Western European.

I was a bit surprised by mine. Most of this makes sense based upon my known ancestry, but I have no known Scandinavian ancestors. I presume it's Viking rapebaby DNA, but who knows?

Small island, tiny gene pool

>What the fuck does that mean?

These tests really do little more than compare your markers to the prevalence of the same markers in (rather small) modern population segments in the named regions.

In other words, all that means is that those markers are most common in a small population sample of people currently living in those ares who can trace their ancestry to the same place for the past 4 generations.

All such tests are really more accurate at the continental level (European vs. African vs. Asian vs American Indian) than they are are trying to identify you with smaller tribal origins within those geographic areas.

Like, what could a corporation theoretically do with some of your spit, and if they for example ever wanted to create some virus/bacteria that will kill you and only you wouldn't they be able to get a hold of your dna in some other way, if they really wanted to?

>IGenea do a test that goes into tribal genetic ancestry.
bloody unlikely m8.
It's all based on genetic affinity and probabilities, the more definition you go into, the less confidence and certainty those results are going to have.

Oh yeah, most definitely. Sorry user

Okay I've looked at their site, and they don't offer any more definition. They're basically slapping anachronistic labels onto pretty much exactly the same results as you'd get from ftDNA for a fraction of the price.
They're a bullshit company, overpriced, you're being conned if you get from them.


My issue isn't with anything Ancestry could do with it other than sell it on, which plenty of corporations freely do with your information, like, how do you think telemarketers or junk mailers or spam mailers get your info? It was sold to them and if you go back through how ever many transactions led to it being in their possession, you'll find that it all started with you willingly giving that info to a particular business. Do you really think Ancestry as a company will exist indefinitely and keep that data secure indefinitely?

I don't have any specific idea of what might be done with that information, I just feel like willingly allowing that possibility to exist in the first place is throwing caution to the wind.

Lmao I came here to post that

Am I safe?

no way mate all that greek/italian you might as well be a nigger